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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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using System;
using Amqp.Framing;
using Amqp.Types;
using Apache.NMS.AMQP.Provider.Amqp;
using Apache.NMS.AMQP.Provider.Amqp.Message;
namespace Apache.NMS.AMQP.Util
public static class AmqpDestinationHelper
public static string GetDestinationAddress(IDestination destination, IAmqpConnection connection)
if (destination != null)
string qPrefix = null;
string tPrefix = null;
if (!destination.IsTemporary)
qPrefix = connection.QueuePrefix;
tPrefix = connection.TopicPrefix;
string destinationName = null;
string prefix = null;
if (destination.IsQueue)
destinationName = (destination as IQueue)?.QueueName;
prefix = qPrefix ?? string.Empty;
destinationName = (destination as ITopic)?.TopicName;
prefix = tPrefix ?? string.Empty;
if (destinationName != null)
if (!destinationName.StartsWith(prefix))
destinationName = prefix + destinationName;
return destinationName;
return null;
public static IDestination GetDestination(AmqpNmsMessageFacade message, IAmqpConnection connection, IDestination consumerDestination)
string to = message.ToAddress;
object typeAnnotation = message.GetMessageAnnotation(SymbolUtil.JMSX_OPT_DEST);
if (typeAnnotation != null)
byte type = Convert.ToByte(typeAnnotation);
string name = StripPrefixIfNecessary(to, connection, type);
return CreateDestination(name, type);
string name = StripPrefixIfNecessary(to, connection);
return CreateDestination(name, consumerDestination, false);
public static IDestination GetReplyTo(AmqpNmsMessageFacade message, IAmqpConnection connection, IDestination consumerDestination)
string replyTo = message.ReplyToAddress;
object typeAnnotation = message.GetMessageAnnotation(SymbolUtil.JMSX_OPT_REPLY_TO);
if (typeAnnotation != null)
byte type = Convert.ToByte(typeAnnotation);
string name = StripPrefixIfNecessary(replyTo, connection, type);
return CreateDestination(name, type);
string name = StripPrefixIfNecessary(replyTo, connection);
return CreateDestination(name, consumerDestination, true);
private static string StripPrefixIfNecessary(string address, IAmqpConnection connection, byte type)
if (address == null)
return null;
if (type == MessageSupport.JMS_DEST_TYPE_QUEUE)
string queuePrefix = connection.QueuePrefix;
if (queuePrefix != null && address.StartsWith(queuePrefix))
return address.Substring(queuePrefix.Length);
else if (type == MessageSupport.JMS_DEST_TYPE_TOPIC)
string topicPrefix = connection.TopicPrefix;
if (topicPrefix != null && address.StartsWith(topicPrefix))
return address.Substring(topicPrefix.Length);
return address;
private static string StripPrefixIfNecessary(string address, IAmqpConnection connection)
if (address == null)
return null;
string queuePrefix = connection.QueuePrefix;
if (queuePrefix != null && address.StartsWith(queuePrefix))
return address.Substring(queuePrefix.Length);
string topicPrefix = connection.TopicPrefix;
if (topicPrefix != null && address.StartsWith(topicPrefix))
return address.Substring(topicPrefix.Length);
return address;
private static IDestination CreateDestination(string address, byte typeByte)
if (address == null)
return null;
switch (typeByte)
case MessageSupport.JMS_DEST_TYPE_QUEUE:
return new NmsQueue(address);
case MessageSupport.JMS_DEST_TYPE_TOPIC:
return new NmsTopic(address);
case MessageSupport.JMS_DEST_TYPE_TEMP_QUEUE:
NmsTemporaryQueue temporaryQueue = new NmsTemporaryQueue(address);
temporaryQueue.Address = address;
return temporaryQueue;
case MessageSupport.JMS_DEST_TYPE_TEMP_TOPIC:
NmsTemporaryTopic temporaryTopic = new NmsTemporaryTopic(address);
temporaryTopic.Address = address;
return temporaryTopic;
// fall back to a Queue Destination since we need a real NMS destination
return new NmsQueue(address);
private static IDestination CreateDestination(string address, IDestination consumerDestination, bool useConsumerDestForTypeOnly)
if (address == null)
return useConsumerDestForTypeOnly ? null : consumerDestination;
if (consumerDestination.IsQueue)
if (consumerDestination.IsTemporary)
return new NmsTemporaryQueue(address);
return new NmsQueue(address);
else if (consumerDestination.IsTopic)
if (consumerDestination.IsTemporary)
return new NmsTemporaryTopic(address);
return new NmsTopic(address);
// fall back to a Queue Destination since we need a real NMS destination
return new NmsQueue(address);
public static void SetToAnnotationFromDestination(IDestination destination, MessageAnnotations annotations)
=> SetAnnotationFromDestination(SymbolUtil.JMSX_OPT_DEST, destination, annotations);
public static void SetReplyToAnnotationFromDestination(IDestination destination, MessageAnnotations annotations)
=> SetAnnotationFromDestination(SymbolUtil.JMSX_OPT_REPLY_TO, destination, annotations);
private static void SetAnnotationFromDestination(Symbol key, IDestination destination, MessageAnnotations annotations)
byte? typeValue = ToTypeAnnotation(destination);
if (typeValue == null)
annotations.Map[key] = typeValue;
private static byte? ToTypeAnnotation(IDestination destination)
if (destination == null)
return null;
if (destination.IsQueue)
if (destination.IsTemporary)
return MessageSupport.JMS_DEST_TYPE_TEMP_QUEUE;
return MessageSupport.JMS_DEST_TYPE_QUEUE;
else if (destination.IsTopic)
if (destination.IsTemporary)
return MessageSupport.JMS_DEST_TYPE_TEMP_TOPIC;
return MessageSupport.JMS_DEST_TYPE_TOPIC;
return null;