blob: 2d520e0804d6f9383962be3b4a1a11e27086ff63 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <decaf/lang/AbstractStringBuilder.h>
#include <decaf/lang/System.h>
#include <decaf/lang/Math.h>
#include <decaf/lang/ArrayPointer.h>
#include <decaf/util/Arrays.h>
#include <decaf/lang/exceptions/NegativeArraySizeException.h>
#include <decaf/lang/exceptions/NullPointerException.h>
#include <decaf/lang/exceptions/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.h>
#include <decaf/lang/exceptions/StringIndexOutOfBoundsException.h>
#include <decaf/internal/util/StringUtils.h>
using namespace decaf;
using namespace decaf::lang;
using namespace decaf::lang::exceptions;
using namespace decaf::util;
using namespace decaf::internal::util;
const int AbstractStringBuilder::INITIAL_CAPACITY = 16;
namespace decaf {
namespace lang {
class AbstractStringBuilderImpl {
ArrayPointer<char> value;
int length;
bool shared;
int hashCode;
* Contents created with the given length, the array is length + 1 to add the
* null terminating character.
AbstractStringBuilderImpl(int capacity) :
value(capacity + 1), length(0), shared(false), hashCode(0) {}
* Contents is a view of some other String which can either be all or a
* window allowing for substring methods to not need to copy the contents.
AbstractStringBuilderImpl(int length, ArrayPointer<char> value) :
value(value), length(length), shared(false), hashCode(0) {}
void enlargeBuffer(int min) {
// API calls for length() * 2 + 2 but we need to add one for Null termination.
int newCount = ((value.length() >> 1) + value.length()) + 3;
int newCapacity = (min > newCount ? min : newCount) + 1;
ArrayPointer<char> newData(newCapacity);
System::arraycopy(value.get(), 0, newData.get(), 0, length);
value = newData;
shared = false;
int capacity() const {
return this->value.length() - 1;
// ensure enough room for current length + additional
void ensureCapacity(int newLength) {
if (newLength > (value.length() - 1)) {
void move(int size, int index) {
int newCount;
if (value.length() - length - 1 >= size) {
if (!shared) {
// index == impl->length case is no-op
System::arraycopy(value.get(), index, value.get(), index + size, length - index);
newCount = value.length();
} else {
newCount = Math::max(length + size, value.length() * 2 + 3);
ArrayPointer<char> newData(newCount);
System::arraycopy(value.get(), 0, newData.get(), 0, index);
// index == impl->length case is no-op
System::arraycopy(value.get(), index, newData.get(), index + size, length - index);
value = newData;
shared = false;
void fixReversedMultibyte(char* string DECAF_UNUSED, int length DECAF_UNUSED) {
// TODO fix UTF-8 code points that were revered.
// char* left;
// char* right;
// char* right2;
// char temp;
// // then scan all bytes and reverse each multibyte character
// for (scanl = scanr = str; temp = *scanr++;) {
// if ( (temp & 0x80) == 0) // ASCII char
// scanl= scanr;
// else if ( (temp & 0xc0) == 0xc0 ) { // start of multibyte
// scanr2= scanr;
// switch (scanr - scanl) {
// case 4: temp= *scanl, *scanl++= *--scanr, *scanr= temp; // fallthrough
// case 3: // fallthrough
// case 2: temp= *scanl, *scanl++= *--scanr, *scanr= temp;
// }
// scanr = scanl = scanr2;
// }
// }
AbstractStringBuilder::AbstractStringBuilder() :
impl(new AbstractStringBuilderImpl(INITIAL_CAPACITY)) {
AbstractStringBuilder::AbstractStringBuilder(int capacity) : impl() {
if (capacity < 0) {
throw NegativeArraySizeException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Capacity cannot be negative");
impl = new AbstractStringBuilderImpl(capacity);
AbstractStringBuilder::AbstractStringBuilder(const String& source) :
impl(new AbstractStringBuilderImpl(source.length() + INITIAL_CAPACITY)) {
for (int i = 0; i < source.length(); ++i) {
impl->value[i] = source.charAt(i);
impl->length = source.length();
AbstractStringBuilder::AbstractStringBuilder(const std::string& source) :
impl(new AbstractStringBuilderImpl((int)source.length() + INITIAL_CAPACITY)) {
for (int i = 0; i < (int) source.length(); ++i) {
impl->value[i] =;
impl->length = (int) source.length();
AbstractStringBuilder::AbstractStringBuilder(const CharSequence* source) : impl() {
if (source == NULL) {
throw NullPointerException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "CharSequence was NULL");
std::string src = source->toString();
int capacity = (int) src.length();
impl = new AbstractStringBuilderImpl(capacity + INITIAL_CAPACITY);
for (int i = 0; i < (int) src.length(); ++i) {
impl->value[i] =;
impl->length = (int) src.length();
AbstractStringBuilder::~AbstractStringBuilder() {
try {
delete this->impl;
void AbstractStringBuilder::doAppendNull() {
int newCount = impl->length + 4;
if (newCount > impl->capacity()) {
impl->value[impl->length++] = 'n';
impl->value[impl->length++] = 'u';
impl->value[impl->length++] = 'l';
impl->value[impl->length++] = 'l';
void AbstractStringBuilder::doAppend(const char value) {
int newCount = impl->length + 1;
if (newCount > impl->capacity()) {
impl->value[impl->length++] = value;
void AbstractStringBuilder::doAppend(const char* value) {
if (value == NULL) {
throw NullPointerException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "C String cannot be null, call 'doAppendNull' instead");
int length = StringUtils::stringLength(value);
if (length <= 0) {
int newLength = impl->length + length;
System::arraycopy(value, 0, impl->value.get(), impl->length, length);
impl->length = newLength;
void AbstractStringBuilder::doAppend(const char* value, int offset, int length) {
if (value == NULL) {
throw NullPointerException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "C String cannot be null, call 'doAppendNull' instead");
int arrayLength = StringUtils::stringLength(value);
if ((offset | length) < 0 || offset > arrayLength || arrayLength - offset < length) {
throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Invalid offset or length value given.");
if (length <= 0) {
int newLength = impl->length + length;
System::arraycopy(value, offset, impl->value.get(), impl->length, length);
impl->length = newLength;
void AbstractStringBuilder::doAppend(const CharSequence* value) {
if (value == NULL) {
throw NullPointerException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "C String cannot be null, call 'doAppendNull' instead");
int length = value->length();
if (length <= 0) {
int newLength = impl->length + length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
impl->value[impl->length++] = value->charAt(i);
void AbstractStringBuilder::doAppend(const CharSequence* value, int start, int end) {
if (value == NULL) {
const char* nullString = "null";
doAppend(nullString, start, end - start);
int arrayLength = value->length();
if ((start | end) < 0 || start > end || end > arrayLength) {
throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Invalid start or end value given.");
int length = end - start;
if (length == 0) {
int newLength = impl->length + length;
for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
impl->value[impl->length++] = value->charAt(i);
void AbstractStringBuilder::doAppend(const std::string& value) {
int length = (int) value.length();
int newLength = impl->length + length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
impl->value[impl->length++] =;
void AbstractStringBuilder::doAppend(const String& value) {
int length = value.length();
int newLength = impl->length + length;
value.getChars(0, length, impl->value.get(), impl->length);
impl->length = newLength;
void AbstractStringBuilder::doAppend(const AbstractStringBuilder& value) {
if (value.length() > 0) {
doAppend(value.impl->value.get(), 0, value.impl->length);
void AbstractStringBuilder::doDeleteRange(int start, int end) {
// This method is specified not to throw if the end index is >= length(), as
// long as it's >= start. This means we have to clamp it to impl->length here.
if (end > impl->length) {
end = impl->length;
if (start < 0 || start > impl->length || start > end) {
throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Invalid start index: %d", start);
// This method is defined to throw only if start > impl->length and start == impl->length is a NO-OP
// Since 'end' is already a clamped value, that case is handled here.
if (end == start) {
// At this point we know for sure that end > start.
int length = impl->length - end;
if (length >= 0) {
if (!impl->shared) {
System::arraycopy(impl->value.get(), end, impl->value.get(), start, length);
} else {
ArrayPointer<char> newValue(impl->value.length());
System::arraycopy(impl->value.get(), 0, newValue.get(), 0, start);
System::arraycopy(impl->value.get(), end, newValue.get(), start, length);
impl->value = newValue;
impl->shared = false;
impl->length -= end - start;
void AbstractStringBuilder::doDeleteCharAt(int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= impl->length) {
throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Invalid index: %d", index);
doDeleteRange(index, index + 1);
void AbstractStringBuilder::doInsert(int index, char value) {
if (index < 0 || index > impl->length) {
throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Given index is invalid: %d", index);
impl->move(1, index);
impl->value[index] = value;
void AbstractStringBuilder::doInsert(int index, const char* value) {
if (index < 0 || index > impl->length) {
throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Given index is invalid: %d", index);
if (value == NULL) {
throw NullPointerException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "C String pointer was NULL");
int arrayLength = StringUtils::stringLength(value);
if (arrayLength != 0) {
impl->move(arrayLength, index);
System::arraycopy(value, 0, impl->value.get(), index, arrayLength);
impl->length += arrayLength;
void AbstractStringBuilder::doInsert(int index, const String& value) {
if (index < 0 || index > impl->length) {
throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Given index is invalid: %d", index);
int stringLength = value.length();
if (stringLength != 0) {
impl->move(stringLength, index);
value.getChars(0, stringLength, impl->value.get(), index);
impl->length += stringLength;
void AbstractStringBuilder::doInsert(int index, const std::string& value) {
if (index < 0 || index > impl->length) {
throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Given index is invalid: %d", index);
int stringLength = (int) value.length();
if (stringLength != 0) {
impl->move(stringLength, index);
for (int i = 0; i < stringLength; ++i) {
impl->value[index++] =;
impl->length += stringLength;
void AbstractStringBuilder::doInsert(int index, const char* value, int offset, int length) {
if (index >= 0 && index <= impl->length) {
if (value == NULL) {
throw NullPointerException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "C string pointer was NULL");
int arrayLength = StringUtils::stringLength(value);
// start + length could overflow, start/length maybe MaxInt
if (offset >= 0 && length >= 0 && length <= arrayLength - offset) {
if (length != 0) {
impl->move(length, index);
System::arraycopy(value, offset, impl->value.get(), index, length);
impl->length += length;
throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(__FILE__, __LINE__,
"Invalid string offsets, offset=%d length=%d but C string length=%d",
offset, length, arrayLength);
throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Index value given was invalid: %d", index);
void AbstractStringBuilder::doInsert(int index, const CharSequence* value) {
if (index >= 0 && index <= impl->length) {
if (value == NULL) {
throw NullPointerException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "CharSequence pointer was NULL");
doInsert(index, value->toString());
throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Index value given was invalid: %d", index);
void AbstractStringBuilder::doInsert(int index, const CharSequence* value, int start, int end) {
if (value == NULL) {
String nullString("null");
doInsert(index, nullString.c_str(), start, end - start);
if (index >= 0 && index <= impl->length) {
int arrayLength = value->length();
if ((start | end) < 0 || start > end || end > arrayLength) {
throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Invalid start or end value given.");
int length = end - start;
if (length == 0) {
impl->move(length, index);
for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
impl->value[index++] = value->charAt(i);
impl->length += length;
throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Index value given was invalid: %d", index);
void AbstractStringBuilder::doReplace(int start, int end, const String& value) {
if (start >= 0) {
if (end > impl->length) {
end = impl->length;
if (end > start) {
int stringLength = value.length();
int diff = end - start - stringLength;
if (diff > 0) { // replacing with fewer characters
if (!impl->shared) {
// index == impl->length case is no-op
System::arraycopy(impl->value.get(), end, impl->value.get(),
start + stringLength, impl->length - end);
} else {
ArrayPointer<char> newData(impl->value.length());
System::arraycopy(impl->value.get(), 0, newData.get(), 0, start);
// index == impl->length case is no-op
System::arraycopy(impl->value.get(), end, newData.get(),
start + stringLength, impl->length - end);
impl->value = newData;
impl->shared = false;
} else if (diff < 0) {
// replacing with more characters...need some room
impl->move(-diff, end);
} else if (impl->shared) {
impl->value = impl->value.clone();
impl->shared = false;
value.getChars(0, stringLength, impl->value.get(), start);
impl->length -= diff;
if (start == end) {
doInsert(start, value);
throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Index value given was invalid: %d", start);
void AbstractStringBuilder::doReverse() {
if (impl->length < 2) {
if (!impl->shared) {
char* original = impl->value.get();
char* left;
char* right;
char temp;
// Reverse from shared buffer to newly allocated buffer.
for (left = original, right = original + impl->length; left < right;) {
temp = *left;
*(left++) = *(--right),
*right = temp;
impl->fixReversedMultibyte(original, impl->length);
} else {
// Reverse from shared buffer to newly allocated buffer.
ArrayPointer<char> newData(impl->value.length());
for (int i = 0; i < impl->length; i++) {
newData[impl->length - i] = impl->value[i];
impl->fixReversedMultibyte(newData.get(), impl->length);
impl->value = newData;
impl->shared = false;
int AbstractStringBuilder::capacity() const {
return impl->capacity();
char AbstractStringBuilder::charAt(int index) const {
if (index < 0 || index >= impl->length) {
throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, index);
return impl->value[index];
void AbstractStringBuilder::ensureCapacity(int minCapacity) {
if (minCapacity > impl->value.length() - 1) {
void AbstractStringBuilder::getChars(int start, int end, char* dest, int destSize, int destStart) const {
if (start > impl->length || end > impl->length || start > end) {
throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(__FILE__, __LINE__,
"Invalid range: %d : %d", start, end);
if (destSize < 0) {
throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Destination size cannot be negative");
if (destStart < 0) {
throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Destination start index cannot be negative");
if ((destStart + (end - start)) > destSize) {
throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(__FILE__, __LINE__,
"Destination array[%d] is not large enough for given copy size: %d", destSize, end - start);
if (dest == NULL) {
throw NullPointerException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Destination array is null");
System::arraycopy(impl->value.get(), start, dest, destStart, end - start);
int AbstractStringBuilder::indexOf(const String& value) const {
return indexOf(value, 0);
int AbstractStringBuilder::indexOf(const String& value, int start) const {
if (start < 0) {
start = 0;
int subCount = value.length();
if (subCount > 0) {
if (subCount + start > impl->length) {
return -1;
char firstChar = value.charAt(0);
while (true) {
int i = start;
bool found = false;
for (; i < impl->length; i++) {
if (impl->value[i] == firstChar) {
found = true;
if (!found || subCount + i > impl->length) {
return -1; // handles subCount > impl->length || start >= impl->length
int o1 = i;
int o2 = 0;
while (++o2 < subCount && impl->value[++o1] == value.charAt(o2)) {
// Intentionally empty
if (o2 == subCount) {
return i;
start = i + 1;
return (start < impl->length || start == 0) ? start : impl->length;
int AbstractStringBuilder::lastIndexOf(const String& value) const {
return lastIndexOf(value, impl->length);
int AbstractStringBuilder::lastIndexOf(const String& value, int start) const {
int subCount = value.length();
if (subCount <= impl->length && start >= 0) {
if (subCount > 0) {
if (start > impl->length - subCount) {
start = impl->length - subCount; // impl->length and subCount are both >= 1
char firstChar = value.charAt(0);
while (true) {
int i = start;
bool found = false;
for (; i >= 0; --i) {
if (impl->value[i] == firstChar) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
return -1;
int o1 = i;
int o2 = 0;
while (++o2 < subCount && impl->value[++o1] == value.charAt(o2)) {
// Intentionally empty
if (o2 == subCount) {
return i;
start = i - 1;
return start < impl->length ? start : impl->length;
return -1;
int AbstractStringBuilder::length() const {
return impl->length;
void AbstractStringBuilder::setCharAt(int index, char value) {
if (index < 0) {
throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Index < 0: %d", index);
if (index > impl->length) {
throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Index > length(): %d", index);
if (impl->shared) {
impl->value = impl->value.clone();
impl->shared = false;
impl->value[index] = value;
void AbstractStringBuilder::setLength(int length) {
if (length < 0) {
throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "length < 0: %d", length);
if (length > impl->value.length() - 1) {
} else {
if (impl->shared) {
ArrayPointer<char> newValue(impl->value.length());
System::arraycopy(impl->value.get(), 0, newValue.get(), 0, impl->length);
impl->value = newValue;
impl->shared = false;
} else {
if (impl->length < length) {
Arrays::fill(impl->value.get(), impl->value.length(), impl->length, length, (char) 0);
impl->length = length;
String AbstractStringBuilder::substring(int start) const {
if (start >= 0 && start <= impl->length) {
if (start == impl->length) {
return "";
// Remove String sharing for more performance
return String(impl->value.get(), start, impl->length - start);
throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, start);
String AbstractStringBuilder::substring(int start, int end) const {
if (start >= 0 && start <= end && end <= impl->length) {
if (start == end) {
return "";
// Remove String sharing for more performance
return String(impl->value.get(), start, end - start);
throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(__FILE__, __LINE__,
"Start [%d] or end [%d] index value are invalid.", start, end);
CharSequence* AbstractStringBuilder::subSequence(int start, int end) const {
return new String(substring(start, end));
String AbstractStringBuilder::toString() const {
if (impl->length == 0) {
return "";
int wasted = impl->value.length() - 1 - impl->length;
if (wasted >= 256 || (wasted >= INITIAL_CAPACITY && wasted >= (impl->length >> 1))) {
return String(impl->value.get(), 0, impl->length);
impl->shared = true;
// TODO optimize so that internal data can be shared with the returned String
// and discarded only after a new mutating method call is made.
// ensure the shared flag is set once we do this.
return String(impl->value.get(), 0, impl->length);
void AbstractStringBuilder::trimToSize() {
if (impl->length < (impl->value.length() - 1)) {
ArrayPointer<char> newValue(impl->length + 1);
System::arraycopy(impl->value.get(), 0, newValue.get(), 0, impl->length);
impl->value = newValue;
impl->shared = false;