blob: c720d86e752b946e7c45cf9bc73ae373da2d6cbc [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "FloatingPointParser.h"
#include <decaf/lang/Math.h>
#include <decaf/lang/Integer.h>
#include <decaf/lang/Long.h>
#include <decaf/lang/Float.h>
#include <decaf/lang/Double.h>
#include <decaf/lang/Character.h>
#include <decaf/internal/util/HexStringParser.h>
#include <decaf/internal/util/BigInt.h>
#include <decaf/internal/util/BitOps.h>
#include <decaf/lang/exceptions/NumberFormatException.h>
#include <apr_lib.h>
#include <errno.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace decaf;
using namespace decaf::lang;
using namespace decaf::internal;
using namespace decaf::internal::util;
const int FloatingPointParser::tens[11] = {
0x501502f9 /* 10 ^ 10 in float */
double FloatingPointParser::parseDblImpl( const std::string& value, int exp )
throw ( exceptions::NumberFormatException ) {
// assumes s is a null terminated string with at least one
// character in it
unsigned long long def[17] = {0};
unsigned long long defBackup[17] = {0};
unsigned long long* f = def;
unsigned long long* fNoOverflow = defBackup;
unsigned long long* tempBackup = NULL;
unsigned int overflow = 0;
unsigned long long result = 0;
int index = 1;
int unprocessedDigits = 0;
std::string::const_iterator valItr = value.begin();
do {
if( Character::isDigit( *valItr ) ) {
// Make a back up of f before appending, so that we can
// back out of it if there is no more room, i.e. index >
memcpy( fNoOverflow, f, sizeof(unsigned long long) * index );
overflow = BigInt::simpleAppendDecimalDigitHighPrecision(
f, index, *valItr - '0' );
if( overflow ) {
f[index++] = overflow;
/* There is an overflow, but there is no more room
* to store the result. We really only need the top 52
* bits anyway, so we must back out of the overflow,
* and ignore the rest of the string.
if( index >= MAX_ACCURACY_WIDTH ) {
memcpy( f, fNoOverflow, sizeof(unsigned long long) * index);
if( tempBackup ) {
fNoOverflow = tempBackup;
} else {
// Bad chars in the string
BitOps::LOW_I32_FROM_LONG64( result ) = -1;
BitOps::HIGH_I32_FROM_LONG64( result ) = -1;
return Double::longBitsToDouble( result );
} while( ++valItr != value.end() );
// We've broken out of the parse loop either because we've reached
// the end of the string or we've overflowed the maximum accuracy
// limit of a double. If we still have unprocessed digits in the
// given string, then there are three possible results:
// 1. (unprocessed digits + e) == 0, in which case we simply
// convert the existing bits that are already parsed
// 2. (unprocessed digits + e) < 0, in which case we simply
// convert the existing bits that are already parsed along
// with the given e
// 3. (unprocessed digits + e) > 0 indicates that the value is
// simply too big to be stored as a double, so return Infinity
if( ( unprocessedDigits = value.length() ) > 0 ) {
exp += unprocessedDigits;
if( exp == 0 ) {
return BigInt::toDoubleHighPrecision( f, index );
} else if( exp < 0 ) {
return BitOps::CREATE_DOUBLE_BITS( f, index, exp );
} else {
} else {
if( exp == 0 ) {
return BigInt::toDoubleHighPrecision( f, index );
} else {
return BitOps::CREATE_DOUBLE_BITS( f, index, exp );
return Double::longBitsToDouble( result );
float FloatingPointParser::parseFltImpl( const std::string& value, int exp )
throw ( exceptions::NumberFormatException ) {
float result = FloatingPointParser::createFloat( value, exp );
std::cout << std::endl
<< "DEBUG - FloatingPointParser::parseFltImpl - "
<< "createFloat returned = " << result << std::endl;
if( Float::floatToIntBits( result ) >= 0 ) {
return result;
} else if( Float::floatToIntBits( result ) == -1 ) {
throw exceptions::NumberFormatException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"FloatingPointParser::parseFltImpl - Not a valid float string",
value.c_str() );
return result;
FloatingPointParser::StringExponentPair FloatingPointParser::initialParse(
const std::string& value, int length ) throw ( exceptions::NumberFormatException ){
std::string newValue = value;
bool negative = false;
char c;
int start = 0;
int end = 0;
int decimal = 0;
int e = 0;
if( length == 0 ) {
throw exceptions::NumberFormatException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"FloatingPointParser::initialParse - Invalid zero length string");
c = newValue[length - 1];
if( c == 'D' || c == 'd' || c == 'F' || c == 'f') {
if( length == 0 ) {
throw exceptions::NumberFormatException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"FloatingPointParser::initialParse - Invalid zero length string");
end = Math::max( (int)newValue.find_first_of( 'E' ),
(int)newValue.find_first_of( 'e' ) );
if( (std::size_t)end != string::npos ) {
if( end + 1 == length ) {
if( length == 0 ) {
throw exceptions::NumberFormatException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"FloatingPointParser::initialParse - Invalid no data after e",
newValue.c_str() );
int exponent_offset = end + 1;
if( newValue[exponent_offset] == '+' ) {
if( newValue[exponent_offset + 1] == '-' ) {
if( length == 0 ) {
throw exceptions::NumberFormatException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"FloatingPointParser::initialParse - "
"Invalid length string");
exponent_offset++; // skip the plus sign
try {
e = Integer::parseInt( newValue.substr( exponent_offset, length ) );
} catch( exceptions::NumberFormatException ex ) {
// ex contains the exponent substring only so throw a
// new exception with the correct string
throw exceptions::NumberFormatException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"FloatingPointParser::initialParse - "
"exponent string is not valid" );
} else {
end = length;
if( length == 0 ) {
throw exceptions::NumberFormatException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"FloatingPointParser::initialParse - "
"invalid length string", newValue.c_str() );
c = newValue[start];
if( c == '-') {
negative = true;
} else if( c == '+' ) {
if( length == 0 ) {
throw exceptions::NumberFormatException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"FloatingPointParser::initialParse - "
"invalid length string", newValue.c_str() );
decimal = newValue.find_first_of( '.' );
if( decimal > -1 ) {
e -= end - decimal - 1;
newValue = newValue.substr( start, decimal ) + newValue.substr( decimal + 1, end );
} else {
newValue = newValue.substr( start, end );
if( ( length = newValue.length() ) == 0 ) {
throw exceptions::NumberFormatException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"FloatingPointParser::initialParse - "
"invalid length string", newValue.c_str() );
end = length;
while( end > 1 && newValue[end - 1] == '0' ) {
start = 0;
while( start < end - 1 && newValue[start] == '0' ) {
if( end != length || start != 0 ) {
e += length - end;
newValue = newValue.substr( start, end );
return StringExponentPair( newValue, e, negative );
double FloatingPointParser::parseDblName(
const std::string& namedDouble, int length )
throw( exceptions::NumberFormatException ) {
// Valid strings are only +Nan, NaN, -Nan, +Infinity, Infinity,
// -Infinity.
if( (length != 3) && ( length != 4) && ( length != 8) && ( length != 9 ) ) {
throw exceptions::NumberFormatException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"FloatingPointParser::parseDblName - "
"invalid name string", namedDouble.c_str() );
bool negative = == '-' ? true : false;
if( namedDouble.find( "Infinity" ) != string::npos ) {
return negative ? Double::NEGATIVE_INFINITY : Float::POSITIVE_INFINITY;
if( namedDouble.find( "NaN" ) != string::npos ) {
return Double::NaN;
throw exceptions::NumberFormatException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"FloatingPointParser::parseDblName - "
"invalid name string", namedDouble.c_str() );
float FloatingPointParser::parseFltName(
const std::string& namedFloat, int length )
throw( exceptions::NumberFormatException ) {
// Valid strings are only +Nan, NaN, -Nan, +Infinity, Infinity,
// -Infinity.
if( ( length != 3 ) && ( length != 4 ) && ( length != 8 ) && ( length != 9 ) ) {
throw exceptions::NumberFormatException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"FloatingPointParser::parseFltName - "
"invalid name string", namedFloat.c_str() );
bool negative = == '-' ? true : false;
if( namedFloat.find( "Infinitiy" ) != string::npos ) {
return negative ? Float::NEGATIVE_INFINITY : Float::POSITIVE_INFINITY;
if( namedFloat.find( "NaN" ) != string::npos ) {
return Float::NaN;
throw exceptions::NumberFormatException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"FloatingPointParser::parseFltName - "
"invalid name string", namedFloat.c_str() );
double FloatingPointParser::parseDouble( const std::string& value )
throw( exceptions::NumberFormatException ) {
std::string newValue = value;
FloatingPointParser::trim( newValue );
int length = newValue.length();
if( length == 0 ) {
throw exceptions::NumberFormatException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"FloatingPointParser::parseDouble - "
"invalid length string", value.c_str() );
// See if this could be a named double
char last = newValue[length - 1];
if( (last == 'y') || (last == 'N') ) {
return parseDblName( newValue, length );
// See if it could be a hexadecimal representation
if( toLowerCase( newValue ).find( "0x" ) != string::npos ) {
return HexStringParser::parseDouble(value);
StringExponentPair info = initialParse(value, length);
double result = parseDblImpl( info.value, info.exp );
if( info.negative ) {
result = -result;
return result;
float FloatingPointParser::parseFloat( const std::string& value )
throw( exceptions::NumberFormatException ) {
std::string newValue = value;
FloatingPointParser::trim( newValue );
int length = newValue.length();
if( length == 0 ) {
throw exceptions::NumberFormatException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"FloatingPointParser::parseFloat - "
"invalid length string", value.c_str() );
// See if this could be a named float
char last = newValue[length - 1];
if( (last == 'y') || (last == 'N') ) {
return parseFltName( value, length );
// See if it could be a hexadecimal representation
if( toLowerCase( newValue ).find( "0x" ) != string::npos ) {
return HexStringParser::parseFloat( newValue );
StringExponentPair info = initialParse( newValue, length );
std::cout << std::endl
<< "DEBUG - FloatingPointParser::parseFloat - "
<< "newValue = " << newValue << ", length = " << length;
float result = parseFltImpl( info.value, info.exp );
if( info.negative ) {
result = -result;
return result;
std::string& FloatingPointParser::trim( std::string& value ) {
// trim leading whitespace
string::size_type notwhite = value.find_first_not_of( " \t\r\n" );
value.erase( 0, notwhite );
// trim trailing whitespace
notwhite = value.find_last_not_of( " \t\r\n" );
value.erase( notwhite+1 );
return value;
std::string& FloatingPointParser::toLowerCase( std::string& value ) {
string::size_type index = 0;
for( ; index < value.size(); ++index ) {
if( Character::isLetter( value[index] ) ) {
value[index] = apr_tolower( value[index] );
return value;
float FloatingPointParser::createFloat( const std::string&s, int exp ) {
// assumes s is a null terminated string with at least one
// character in it
unsigned long long def[DEFAULT_WIDTH] = {0};
unsigned long long defBackup[DEFAULT_WIDTH] = {0};
unsigned long long* f = def;
unsigned long long* fNoOverflow = defBackup;
unsigned long long* tempBackup = NULL;
unsigned int overflow = 0;
unsigned int result = 0;
int index = 1;
int unprocessedDigits = 0;
std::string::const_iterator sIter = s.begin();
do {
if( Character::isDigit( *sIter ) ) {
std::cout << std::endl
<< "DEBUG - FloatingPointParser::createFloat - "
<< "current digint ASCII = " << *sIter
<< ", value = " << *sIter - '0';
// Make a back up of f before appending, so that we can
// back out of it if there is no more room, i.e. index >
memcpy( fNoOverflow, f, sizeof(unsigned long long) * index );
overflow = BigInt::simpleAppendDecimalDigitHighPrecision(
f, index, *sIter - '0' );
std::cout << std::endl
<< "DEBUG - FloatingPointParser::createFloat - "
<< "f[index] = " << f[index]
<< ", overflow ? = " << overflow;
if( overflow ) {
f[index++] = overflow;
// There is an overflow, but there is no more room
// to store the result. We really only need the top 52
// bits anyway, so we must back out of the overflow,
// and ignore the rest of the string.
if( index >= MAX_ACCURACY_WIDTH ) {
memcpy( f, fNoOverflow, sizeof(unsigned long long)* index );
if( tempBackup ) {
fNoOverflow = tempBackup;
} else {
// String contained invalid characters
return -1;
} while( ++sIter != s.end() );
// We've broken out of the parse loop either because we've reached
// the end of the string or we've overflowed the maximum accuracy
// limit of a double. If we still have unprocessed digits in the
// given string, then there are three possible results:
// 1. (unprocessed digits + e) == 0, in which case we simply
// convert the existing bits that are already parsed
// 2. (unprocessed digits + e) < 0, in which case we simply
// convert the existing bits that are already parsed along
// with the given e
// 3. (unprocessed digits + e) > 0 indicates that the value is
// simply too big to be stored as a double, so return Infinity
if( ( unprocessedDigits = std::distance( sIter, s.end() ) ) > 0 ) {
exp += unprocessedDigits;
if( exp <= 0 ) {
return createFloat1( f, index, exp );
} else {
result = BitOps::INFINITE_INTBITS;
} else {
return createFloat1( f, index, exp );
return Float::intBitsToFloat( result );
float FloatingPointParser::createFloat1( unsigned long long* f, int length, int exp ) {
int numBits = BigInt::highestSetBitHighPrecision( f, length ) + 1;
double dresult = 0.0;
int result = 0;
numBits -= BigInt::lowestSetBitHighPrecision( f, length );
if( numBits < 25 && exp >= 0 && exp < LOG5_OF_TWO_TO_THE_N ) {
return Float::intBitsToFloat( BitOps::LOW_I32_FROM_LONG64_PTR( f ) ) *
Float::intBitsToFloat( tenToTheE( exp ) );
} else if( numBits < 25 && exp < 0 && (-exp) < LOG5_OF_TWO_TO_THE_N ) {
return Float::intBitsToFloat( BitOps::LOW_I32_FROM_LONG64_PTR( f ) ) *
Float::intBitsToFloat( tenToTheE( -exp ) );
} else if (exp >= 0 && exp < 39) {
result = Float::floatToIntBits(
(float)( BigInt::toDoubleHighPrecision( f, length ) * Math::pow( 10.0, exp ) ) );
} else if( exp >= 39 ) {
// Convert the partial result to make sure that the
// non-exponential part is not zero. This check fixes the case
// where the user enters 0.0e309!
dresult = BigInt::toDoubleHighPrecision( f, length );
if( dresult == 0.0 ) {
result = BitOps::MINIMUM_INTBITS;
} else {
result = BitOps::INFINITE_INTBITS;
} else if( exp > -309 ) {
int dexp;
unsigned int fmant, fovfl;
unsigned long long dmant;
dresult = BigInt::toDoubleHighPrecision( f, length ) / Math::pow( 10.0, -exp );
if( BitOps::IS_DENORMAL_DBL( dresult ) ) {
return 0.0f;
dexp = BigInt::doubleExponent( dresult ) + 51;
dmant = BigInt::doubleMantissa( dresult );
// Is it too small to be represented by a single-precision
// float?
if( dexp <= -155 ) {
return 0.0f;
// Is it a denormalized single-precision float?
if( (dexp <= -127) && (dexp > -155) ) {
// Only interested in 24 msb bits of the 53-bit double mantissa
fmant = (unsigned int) (dmant >> 29);
fovfl = ((unsigned int) (dmant & 0x1FFFFFFF)) << 3;
while( (dexp < -127) && ((fmant | fovfl) != 0) ) {
if( (fmant & 1) != 0 ) {
fovfl |= 0x80000000;
fovfl >>= 1;
fmant >>= 1;
if( (fovfl & 0x80000000) != 0) {
if( (fovfl & 0x7FFFFFFC) != 0 ) {
} else if( (fmant & 1) != 0 ) {
} else if( (fovfl & 0x40000000) != 0 ) {
if( (fovfl & 0x3FFFFFFC) != 0 ) {
result = fmant;
} else {
result = Float::floatToIntBits( (float)dresult );
// Don't go straight to zero as the fact that x*0 = 0 independent
// of x might cause the algorithm to produce an incorrect result.
// Instead try the min value first and let it fall to zero if need be.
if( exp <= -309 || result == 0 ) {
result = BitOps::MINIMUM_INTBITS;
return floatAlgorithm( f, length, exp, Float::intBitsToFloat( result ) );
float FloatingPointParser::floatAlgorithm(
unsigned long long* f, int length, int exp, float z ) {
unsigned long long m = 0;
int k = 0;
int comparison = 0;
int comparison2 = 0;
unsigned long long* x = NULL;
unsigned long long* y = NULL;
unsigned long long* D = NULL;
unsigned long long* D2 = NULL;
int xLength = 0;
int yLength = 0;
int DLength = 0;
int D2Length = 0;
int decApproxCount = 0;
int incApproxCount = 0;
int result = Float::floatToIntBits( z );
do {
m = BigInt::floatMantissa( z );
k = BigInt::floatExponent( z );
if( exp >= 0 && k >= 0 ) {
xLength = sizeOfTenToTheE( exp ) + length;
x = new unsigned long long[xLength];
memset( x + length, 0, sizeof(unsigned long long) * (xLength - length) );
memcpy( x, f, sizeof(unsigned long long) * length );
BigInt::timesTenToTheEHighPrecision( x, xLength, exp );
yLength = (k >> 6) + 2;
y = new unsigned long long[yLength];
memset( y + 1, 0, sizeof(unsigned long long) * (yLength - 1) );
*y = m;
BigInt::simpleShiftLeftHighPrecision (y, yLength, k);
} else if( exp >= 0 ) {
xLength = sizeOfTenToTheE (exp) + length + ((-k) >> 6) + 1;
x = new unsigned long long[xLength];
memset( x + length, 0, sizeof(unsigned long long) * (xLength - length) );
memcpy( x, f, sizeof(unsigned long long) * length );
BigInt::timesTenToTheEHighPrecision( x, xLength, exp );
BigInt::simpleShiftLeftHighPrecision( x, xLength, -k );
yLength = 1;
y = new unsigned long long[yLength];
*y = m;
} else if( k >= 0 ) {
xLength = length;
x = f;
yLength = sizeOfTenToTheE( -exp ) + 2 + ( k >> 6 );
y = new unsigned long long[yLength];
memset( y + 1, 0, sizeof(unsigned long long) * (yLength - 1)) ;
*y = m;
BigInt::timesTenToTheEHighPrecision( y, yLength, -exp );
BigInt::simpleShiftLeftHighPrecision( y, yLength, k );
} else {
xLength = length + ((-k) >> 6) + 1;
x = new unsigned long long[xLength];
memset( x + length, 0, sizeof(unsigned long long) * (xLength - length) );
memcpy( x, f, sizeof(unsigned long long) * length );
BigInt::simpleShiftLeftHighPrecision( x, xLength, -k );
yLength = sizeOfTenToTheE( -exp ) + 1;
y = new unsigned long long[yLength];
memset( y + 1, 0, sizeof(unsigned long long) * (yLength - 1) );
*y = m;
BigInt::timesTenToTheEHighPrecision( y, yLength, -exp );
comparison = BigInt::compareHighPrecision( x, xLength, y, yLength );
if( comparison > 0 ) {
// x > y
DLength = xLength;
D = new unsigned long long[DLength];
memcpy( D, x, DLength * sizeof(unsigned long long) );
BigInt::subtractHighPrecision( D, DLength, y, yLength );
} else if( comparison ) {
// y > x
DLength = yLength;
D = new unsigned long long[DLength];
memcpy (D, y, DLength * sizeof (unsigned long long));
BigInt::subtractHighPrecision( D, DLength, x, xLength );
} else {
/* y == x */
DLength = 1;
D = new unsigned long long[DLength];
*D = 0;
D2Length = DLength + 1;
D = new unsigned long long[DLength];
m <<= 1;
BigInt::multiplyHighPrecision( D, DLength, &m, 1, D2, D2Length );
m >>= 1;
comparison2 = BigInt::compareHighPrecision( D2, D2Length, y, yLength );
if( comparison2 < 0 ) {
if( comparison < 0 && m == BitOps::NORMAL_MASK ) {
BigInt::simpleShiftLeftHighPrecision( D2, D2Length, 1 );
if( BigInt::compareHighPrecision( D2, D2Length, y, yLength) > 0 ) {
if( ( incApproxCount > 2 ) && ( decApproxCount > 2 ) ) {
if( decApproxCount > incApproxCount ) {
result += decApproxCount - incApproxCount;
} else if( incApproxCount > decApproxCount ) {
result -= incApproxCount - decApproxCount;
} else {
} else {
} else if( comparison2 == 0 ) {
if( (m & 1) == 0 ) {
if( comparison < 0 && m == BitOps::NORMAL_MASK ) {
if( ( incApproxCount > 2 ) && ( decApproxCount > 2 ) ) {
if( decApproxCount > incApproxCount ) {
result += decApproxCount - incApproxCount;
} else if( incApproxCount > decApproxCount ) {
result -= incApproxCount - decApproxCount;
} else {
} else if( comparison < 0 ) {
if( ( incApproxCount > 2 ) && ( decApproxCount > 2 ) ) {
if( decApproxCount > incApproxCount ) {
result += decApproxCount - incApproxCount;
} else if( incApproxCount > decApproxCount ) {
result -= incApproxCount - decApproxCount;
} else {
if( ( incApproxCount > 2 ) && ( decApproxCount > 2 ) ) {
if( decApproxCount > incApproxCount ) {
result += decApproxCount - incApproxCount;
} else if( incApproxCount > decApproxCount ) {
result -= incApproxCount - decApproxCount;
} else if( comparison < 0 ) {
if( ( incApproxCount > 2 ) && ( decApproxCount > 2 ) ) {
if( decApproxCount > incApproxCount ) {
result += decApproxCount - incApproxCount;
} else if( incApproxCount > decApproxCount ) {
result -= incApproxCount - decApproxCount;
} else {
if( (unsigned int)result == BitOps::FLOAT_EXPONENT_MASK ) {
if( ( incApproxCount > 2 ) && ( decApproxCount > 2 ) ) {
if( decApproxCount > incApproxCount ) {
result += decApproxCount - incApproxCount;
} else if( incApproxCount > decApproxCount ) {
result -= incApproxCount - decApproxCount;
while( true );
delete x;
delete y;
delete D;
delete D2;
return Float::intBitsToFloat( result );