blob: 7183b17824459cffdcceda39a1afefe099495d1c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <decaf/util/Config.h>
#include <decaf/util/AbstractMap.h>
#include <decaf/util/AbstractSet.h>
#include <decaf/util/HashCode.h>
#include <decaf/util/ConcurrentModificationException.h>
#include <decaf/lang/exceptions/UnsupportedOperationException.h>
#include <decaf/lang/Pointer.h>
#include <decaf/lang/ArrayPointer.h>
namespace decaf {
namespace util {
* Hash table based implementation of the Map interface. This implementation provides all
* of the optional map operations, and permits null values and the null key. This class
* makes no guarantees as to the order of the map; in particular, it does not guarantee
* that the order will remain constant over time.
* This implementation provides constant-time performance for the basic operations (get
* and put), assuming the hash function disperses the elements properly among the buckets.
* Iteration over collection views requires time proportional to the "capacity" of the
* HashMap instance (the number of buckets) plus its size (the number of key-value mappings).
* Thus, it's very important not to set the initial capacity too high (or the load factor too
* low) if iteration performance is important.
* An instance of HashMap has two parameters that affect its performance: initial capacity
* and load factor. The capacity is the number of buckets in the hash table, and the initial
* capacity is simply the capacity at the time the hash table is created. The load factor is
* a measure of how full the hash table is allowed to get before its capacity is automatically
* increased. When the number of entries in the hash table exceeds the product of the load
* factor and the current capacity, the hash table is rehashed (that is, internal data
* structures are rebuilt) so that the hash table has approximately twice the number of buckets.
* As a general rule, the default load factor (.75) offers a good tradeoff between time and
* space costs. Higher values decrease the space overhead but increase the lookup cost
* (reflected in most of the operations of the HashMap class, including get and put). The
* expected number of entries in the map and its load factor should be taken into account
* when setting its initial capacity, so as to minimize the number of rehash operations. If
* the initial capacity is greater than the maximum number of entries divided by the load
* factor, no rehash operations will ever occur.
* If many mappings are to be stored in a HashMap instance, creating it with a sufficiently
* large capacity will allow the mappings to be stored more efficiently than letting it
* perform automatic rehashing as needed to grow the table.
* Note that this implementation is not synchronized. If multiple threads access a hash map
* concurrently, and at least one of the threads modifies the map structurally, it must be
* synchronized externally. (A structural modification is any operation that adds or deletes
* one or more mappings; merely changing the value associated with a key that an instance
* already contains is not a structural modification.) This is typically accomplished by
* synchronizing on some object that naturally encapsulates the map. If no such object
* exists, the map should be "wrapped" using the Collections::synchronizedMap method.
* This is best done at creation time, to prevent accidental unsynchronized access to the map:
* Map<K, V>* map = Collections::synchronizedMap(new HashMap<K, V>());
* The iterators returned by all of this class's "collection view methods" are fail-fast:
* if the map is structurally modified at any time after the iterator is created, in any
* way except through the iterator's own remove method, the iterator will throw a
* ConcurrentModificationException. Thus, in the face of concurrent modification, the
* iterator fails quickly and cleanly, rather than risking arbitrary, non-deterministic
* behavior at an undetermined time in the future.
* Note that the fail-fast behavior of an iterator cannot be guaranteed as it is, generally
* speaking, impossible to make any hard guarantees in the presence of unsynchronized
* concurrent modification. Fail-fast iterators throw ConcurrentModificationException on a
* best-effort basis. Therefore, it would be wrong to write a program that depended on this
* exception for its correctness: the fail-fast behavior of iterators should be used only
* to detect bugs.
* @since 1.0
template<typename K, typename V, typename HASHCODE = HashCode<K> >
class HashMap : public AbstractMap<K, V> {
class HashMapEntry : public MapEntry<K, V> {
HashMapEntry(const HashMapEntry&);
HashMapEntry& operator= (const HashMapEntry&);
int origKeyHash;
HashMapEntry* next;
HashMapEntry(const K& key, const V& value, int hash) : MapEntry<K, V>(), origKeyHash(hash), next(NULL) {
this->origKeyHash = hash;
HashMapEntry(const K& key, const V& value) : MapEntry<K, V>(key, value), origKeyHash(0), next(NULL){
this->origKeyHash = HASHCODE()(key);
class AbstractMapIterator {
mutable int position;
int expectedModCount;
HashMapEntry* futureEntry;
HashMapEntry* currentEntry;
HashMapEntry* prevEntry;
HashMap* associatedMap;
AbstractMapIterator(const AbstractMapIterator&);
AbstractMapIterator& operator= (const AbstractMapIterator&);
AbstractMapIterator(HashMap* parent) : position(0),
associatedMap(parent) {
virtual ~AbstractMapIterator() {}
virtual bool checkHasNext() const {
if (futureEntry != NULL) {
return true;
while (position < associatedMap->elementData.length()) {
if (associatedMap->elementData[position] == NULL) {
} else {
return true;
return false;
void checkConcurrentMod() const {
if (expectedModCount != associatedMap->modCount) {
throw ConcurrentModificationException(
__FILE__, __LINE__, "HashMap modified outside this iterator");
void makeNext() {
if (!checkHasNext()) {
throw NoSuchElementException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "No next element");
if (futureEntry == NULL) {
currentEntry = associatedMap->elementData[position++];
futureEntry = currentEntry->next;
prevEntry = NULL;
} else {
if (currentEntry != NULL){
prevEntry = currentEntry;
currentEntry = futureEntry;
futureEntry = futureEntry->next;
virtual void doRemove() {
if (currentEntry == NULL) {
throw decaf::lang::exceptions::IllegalStateException(
__FILE__, __LINE__, "Remove called before call to next()");
if (prevEntry == NULL){
int index = currentEntry->origKeyHash & (associatedMap->elementData.length() - 1);
associatedMap->elementData[index] = associatedMap->elementData[index]->next;
} else {
prevEntry->next = currentEntry->next;
delete currentEntry;
currentEntry = NULL;
class EntryIterator : public Iterator< MapEntry<K,V> >, public AbstractMapIterator {
EntryIterator(const EntryIterator&);
EntryIterator& operator= (const EntryIterator&);
EntryIterator(HashMap* parent) : AbstractMapIterator(parent) {
virtual ~EntryIterator() {}
virtual bool hasNext() const {
return this->checkHasNext();
virtual MapEntry<K, V> next() {
return *(this->currentEntry);
virtual void remove() {
class KeyIterator : public Iterator<K>, public AbstractMapIterator {
KeyIterator(const KeyIterator&);
KeyIterator& operator= (const KeyIterator&);
KeyIterator(HashMap* parent) : AbstractMapIterator(parent) {
virtual ~KeyIterator() {}
virtual bool hasNext() const {
return this->checkHasNext();
virtual K next() {
return this->currentEntry->getKey();
virtual void remove() {
class ValueIterator : public Iterator<V>, public AbstractMapIterator {
ValueIterator(const ValueIterator&);
ValueIterator& operator= (const ValueIterator&);
ValueIterator(HashMap* parent) : AbstractMapIterator(parent) {
virtual ~ValueIterator() {}
virtual bool hasNext() const {
return this->checkHasNext();
virtual V next() {
return this->currentEntry->getValue();
virtual void remove() {
class ConstAbstractMapIterator {
mutable int position;
int expectedModCount;
const HashMapEntry* futureEntry;
const HashMapEntry* currentEntry;
const HashMapEntry* prevEntry;
const HashMap* associatedMap;
ConstAbstractMapIterator(const ConstAbstractMapIterator&);
ConstAbstractMapIterator& operator= (const ConstAbstractMapIterator&);
ConstAbstractMapIterator(const HashMap* parent) : position(0),
associatedMap(parent) {
virtual ~ConstAbstractMapIterator() {}
virtual bool checkHasNext() const {
if (futureEntry != NULL) {
return true;
while (position < associatedMap->elementData.length()) {
if (associatedMap->elementData[position] == NULL) {
} else {
return true;
return false;
void checkConcurrentMod() const {
if (expectedModCount != associatedMap->modCount) {
throw ConcurrentModificationException(
__FILE__, __LINE__, "HashMap modified outside this iterator");
void makeNext() {
if (!checkHasNext()) {
throw NoSuchElementException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "No next element");
if (futureEntry == NULL) {
currentEntry = associatedMap->elementData[position++];
futureEntry = currentEntry->next;
prevEntry = NULL;
} else {
if (currentEntry != NULL){
prevEntry = currentEntry;
currentEntry = futureEntry;
futureEntry = futureEntry->next;
class ConstEntryIterator : public Iterator< MapEntry<K,V> >, public ConstAbstractMapIterator {
ConstEntryIterator(const ConstEntryIterator&);
ConstEntryIterator& operator= (const ConstEntryIterator&);
ConstEntryIterator(const HashMap* parent) : ConstAbstractMapIterator(parent) {
virtual ~ConstEntryIterator() {}
virtual bool hasNext() const {
return this->checkHasNext();
virtual MapEntry<K, V> next() {
return *(this->currentEntry);
virtual void remove() {
throw lang::exceptions::UnsupportedOperationException(
__FILE__, __LINE__, "Cannot write to a const Iterator.");
class ConstKeyIterator : public Iterator<K>, public ConstAbstractMapIterator {
ConstKeyIterator(const ConstKeyIterator&);
ConstKeyIterator& operator= (const ConstKeyIterator&);
ConstKeyIterator(const HashMap* parent) : ConstAbstractMapIterator(parent) {
virtual ~ConstKeyIterator() {}
virtual bool hasNext() const {
return this->checkHasNext();
virtual K next() {
return this->currentEntry->getKey();
virtual void remove() {
throw lang::exceptions::UnsupportedOperationException(
__FILE__, __LINE__, "Cannot write to a const Iterator.");
class ConstValueIterator : public Iterator<V>, public ConstAbstractMapIterator {
ConstValueIterator(const ConstValueIterator&);
ConstValueIterator& operator= (const ConstValueIterator&);
ConstValueIterator(const HashMap* parent) : ConstAbstractMapIterator(parent) {
virtual ~ConstValueIterator() {}
virtual bool hasNext() const {
return this->checkHasNext();
virtual V next() {
return this->currentEntry->getValue();
virtual void remove() {
throw lang::exceptions::UnsupportedOperationException(
__FILE__, __LINE__, "Cannot write to a const Iterator.");
// Special Set implementation that is backed by this HashMap
class HashMapEntrySet : public AbstractSet< MapEntry<K, V> > {
HashMap* associatedMap;
HashMapEntrySet(const HashMapEntrySet&);
HashMapEntrySet& operator= (const HashMapEntrySet&);
HashMapEntrySet(HashMap* parent) : AbstractSet< MapEntry<K,V> >(), associatedMap(parent) {
virtual ~HashMapEntrySet() {}
virtual int size() const {
return associatedMap->elementCount;
virtual void clear() {
virtual bool remove(const MapEntry<K,V>& entry) {
HashMapEntry* result = associatedMap->getEntry(entry.getKey());
if (result != NULL && entry.getValue() == result->getValue()) {
return true;
return false;
virtual bool contains(const MapEntry<K,V>& entry) const {
HashMapEntry* result = associatedMap->getEntry(entry.getKey());
if (result != NULL && entry.getValue() == result->getValue()) {
return true;
return false;
virtual Iterator< MapEntry<K, V> >* iterator() {
return new EntryIterator(associatedMap);
virtual Iterator< MapEntry<K, V> >* iterator() const {
return new ConstEntryIterator(associatedMap);
// Special Set implementation that is backed by this HashMap
class ConstHashMapEntrySet : public AbstractSet< MapEntry<K, V> > {
const HashMap* associatedMap;
ConstHashMapEntrySet(const ConstHashMapEntrySet&);
ConstHashMapEntrySet& operator= (const ConstHashMapEntrySet&);
ConstHashMapEntrySet(const HashMap* parent) : AbstractSet< MapEntry<K,V> >(), associatedMap(parent) {
virtual ~ConstHashMapEntrySet() {}
virtual int size() const {
return associatedMap->elementCount;
virtual void clear() {
throw decaf::lang::exceptions::UnsupportedOperationException(
__FILE__, __LINE__, "Can't clear a const collection");
virtual bool remove(const MapEntry<K,V>& entry DECAF_UNUSED) {
throw decaf::lang::exceptions::UnsupportedOperationException(
__FILE__, __LINE__, "Can't remove from const collection");
virtual bool contains(const MapEntry<K,V>& entry) const {
HashMapEntry* result = associatedMap->getEntry(entry.getKey());
if (result != NULL && entry.getValue() == result->getValue()) {
return true;
return false;
virtual Iterator< MapEntry<K, V> >* iterator() {
throw decaf::lang::exceptions::UnsupportedOperationException(
__FILE__, __LINE__, "Can't return a non-const iterator for a const collection");
virtual Iterator< MapEntry<K, V> >* iterator() const {
return new ConstEntryIterator(associatedMap);
class HashMapKeySet : public AbstractSet<K> {
HashMap* associatedMap;
HashMapKeySet(const HashMapKeySet&);
HashMapKeySet& operator= (const HashMapKeySet&);
HashMapKeySet(HashMap* parent) : AbstractSet<K>(), associatedMap(parent) {
virtual ~HashMapKeySet() {}
virtual bool contains(const K& key) const {
return this->associatedMap->containsKey(key);
virtual int size() const {
return this->associatedMap->size();
virtual void clear() {
virtual bool remove(const K& key) {
HashMapEntry* entry = this->associatedMap->removeEntry(key);
if (entry != NULL) {
delete entry;
return true;
return false;
virtual Iterator<K>* iterator() {
return new KeyIterator(this->associatedMap);
virtual Iterator<K>* iterator() const {
return new ConstKeyIterator(this->associatedMap);
class ConstHashMapKeySet : public AbstractSet<K> {
const HashMap* associatedMap;
ConstHashMapKeySet(const ConstHashMapKeySet&);
ConstHashMapKeySet& operator= (const ConstHashMapKeySet&);
ConstHashMapKeySet(const HashMap* parent) : AbstractSet<K>(), associatedMap(parent) {
virtual ~ConstHashMapKeySet() {}
virtual bool contains(const K& key) const {
return this->associatedMap->containsKey(key);
virtual int size() const {
return this->associatedMap->size();
virtual void clear() {
throw decaf::lang::exceptions::UnsupportedOperationException(
__FILE__, __LINE__, "Can't modify a const collection");
virtual bool remove(const K& key DECAF_UNUSED) {
throw decaf::lang::exceptions::UnsupportedOperationException(
__FILE__, __LINE__, "Can't modify a const collection");
virtual Iterator<K>* iterator() {
throw decaf::lang::exceptions::UnsupportedOperationException(
__FILE__, __LINE__, "Can't return a non-const iterator for a const collection");
virtual Iterator<K>* iterator() const {
return new ConstKeyIterator(this->associatedMap);
class HashMapValueCollection : public AbstractCollection<V> {
HashMap* associatedMap;
HashMapValueCollection(const HashMapValueCollection&);
HashMapValueCollection& operator= (const HashMapValueCollection&);
HashMapValueCollection(HashMap* parent) : AbstractCollection<V>(), associatedMap(parent) {
virtual ~HashMapValueCollection() {}
virtual bool contains(const V& value) const {
return this->associatedMap->containsValue(value);
virtual int size() const {
return this->associatedMap->size();
virtual void clear() {
virtual Iterator<V>* iterator() {
return new ValueIterator(this->associatedMap);
virtual Iterator<V>* iterator() const {
return new ConstValueIterator(this->associatedMap);
class ConstHashMapValueCollection : public AbstractCollection<V> {
const HashMap* associatedMap;
ConstHashMapValueCollection(const ConstHashMapValueCollection&);
ConstHashMapValueCollection& operator= (const ConstHashMapValueCollection&);
ConstHashMapValueCollection(const HashMap* parent) : AbstractCollection<V>(), associatedMap(parent) {
virtual ~ConstHashMapValueCollection() {}
virtual bool contains(const V& value) const {
return this->associatedMap->containsValue(value);
virtual int size() const {
return this->associatedMap->size();
virtual void clear() {
throw decaf::lang::exceptions::UnsupportedOperationException(
__FILE__, __LINE__, "Can't modify a const collection");
virtual Iterator<V>* iterator() {
throw decaf::lang::exceptions::UnsupportedOperationException(
__FILE__, __LINE__, "Can't return a non-const iterator for a const collection");
virtual Iterator<V>* iterator() const {
return new ConstValueIterator(this->associatedMap);
* The Hash Code generator for this map's keys.
HASHCODE hashFunc;
* Actual count of entries
int elementCount;
* The internal data structure to hold Entries, Array of MapEntry pointers.
decaf::lang::ArrayPointer<HashMapEntry*> elementData;
* modification count, to keep track of structural modifications between the
* HashMap and the iterator
int modCount;
* maximum ratio of (stored elements)/(storage size) which does not lead to rehash
float loadFactor;
* maximum number of elements that can be put in this map before having to rehash
int threshold;
// Cached values that are only initialized once a request for them is made.
decaf::lang::Pointer<HashMapEntrySet> cachedEntrySet;
decaf::lang::Pointer<HashMapKeySet> cachedKeySet;
decaf::lang::Pointer<HashMapValueCollection> cachedValueCollection;
// Cached values that are only initialized once a request for them is made.
mutable decaf::lang::Pointer<ConstHashMapEntrySet> cachedConstEntrySet;
mutable decaf::lang::Pointer<ConstHashMapKeySet> cachedConstKeySet;
mutable decaf::lang::Pointer<ConstHashMapValueCollection> cachedConstValueCollection;
void computeThreshold() {
threshold = (int) ((float) elementData.length() * loadFactor);
static int calculateCapacity(int x) {
if (x >= 1 << 30) {
return 1 << 30;
if (x == 0) {
return 16;
x = x - 1;
x |= x >> 1;
x |= x >> 2;
x |= x >> 4;
x |= x >> 8;
x |= x >> 16;
return x + 1;
* Creates a new empty HashMap with default configuration settings.
HashMap() : AbstractMap<K,V>(), hashFunc(), elementCount(0), elementData(),
modCount(0), loadFactor(0.75), threshold(0),
cachedEntrySet(), cachedKeySet(), cachedValueCollection(),
cachedConstEntrySet(), cachedConstKeySet(), cachedConstValueCollection() {
int capacity = calculateCapacity(12);
elementCount = 0;
elementData = decaf::lang::ArrayPointer<HashMapEntry*>(capacity);
* Constructs a new HashMap instance with the specified capacity.
* @param capacity
* The initial capacity of this hash map.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the capacity is less than zero.
HashMap(int capacity) : AbstractMap<K,V>(), hashFunc(), elementCount(0),
elementData(), modCount(0), loadFactor(0.75), threshold(0),
cachedEntrySet(), cachedKeySet(), cachedValueCollection(),
cachedConstEntrySet(), cachedConstKeySet(), cachedConstValueCollection() {
if (capacity >= 0) {
capacity = calculateCapacity(capacity);
elementCount = 0;
elementData = decaf::lang::ArrayPointer<HashMapEntry*>(capacity);
} else {
throw decaf::lang::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException(
__FILE__, __LINE__, "Invalid capacity configuration");
* Constructs a new HashMap instance with the specified capacity.
* @param capacity
* The initial capacity of this hash map.
* @param loadFactor
* The load factor to use for this hash map.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the capacity is less than zero.
HashMap(int capacity, float loadFactor) : AbstractMap<K,V>(), hashFunc(), elementCount(0),
elementData(), modCount(0), loadFactor(0.75), threshold(0),
cachedEntrySet(), cachedKeySet(), cachedValueCollection(),
cachedConstEntrySet(), cachedConstKeySet(), cachedConstValueCollection() {
if (capacity >= 0 && loadFactor > 0) {
capacity = calculateCapacity(capacity);
elementCount = 0;
elementData = decaf::lang::ArrayPointer<HashMapEntry*>(capacity);
this->loadFactor = loadFactor;
} else {
throw decaf::lang::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException(
__FILE__, __LINE__, "Invalid configuration");
* Creates a new HashMap with default configuration settings and fills it with the contents
* of the given source Map instance.
* @param map
* The Map instance whose elements are copied into this HashMap instance.
HashMap(const HashMap<K,V>& map) : AbstractMap<K,V>(), hashFunc(), elementCount(0), elementData(),
modCount(0), loadFactor(0.75), threshold(0),
cachedEntrySet(), cachedKeySet(), cachedValueCollection(),
cachedConstEntrySet(), cachedConstKeySet(), cachedConstValueCollection() {
int capacity = calculateCapacity(map.size());
elementCount = 0;
elementData = decaf::lang::ArrayPointer<HashMapEntry*>(capacity);
* Creates a new HashMap with default configuration settings and fills it with the contents
* of the given source Map instance.
* @param map
* The Map instance whose elements are copied into this HashMap instance.
HashMap(const Map<K,V>& map) : AbstractMap<K,V>(), hashFunc(), elementCount(0), elementData(),
modCount(0), loadFactor(0.75), threshold(0),
cachedEntrySet(), cachedKeySet(), cachedValueCollection(),
cachedConstEntrySet(), cachedConstKeySet(), cachedConstValueCollection() {
int capacity = calculateCapacity(map.size());
elementCount = 0;
elementData = decaf::lang::ArrayPointer<HashMapEntry*>(capacity);
virtual ~HashMap() {
for (int i = 0; i < elementData.length(); i++) {
HashMapEntry* entry = elementData[i];
while (entry != NULL) {
HashMapEntry* temp = entry;
entry = entry->next;
delete temp;
HashMap<K, V>& operator= (const Map<K, V>& other) {
return *this;
HashMap<K, V>& operator= (const HashMap<K, V>& other) {
return *this;
bool operator==(const Map<K, V>& other) const {
return this->equals(other);
bool operator!=(const Map<K, V>& other) const {
return !this->equals(other);
virtual void clear() {
if (elementCount > 0) {
elementCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < elementData.length(); ++i) {
HashMapEntry* entry = elementData[i];
elementData[i] = NULL;
while (entry != NULL) {
HashMapEntry* temp = entry;
entry = entry->next;
delete temp;
virtual bool isEmpty() const {
return elementCount == 0;
virtual int size() const {
return elementCount;
virtual bool containsKey(const K& key) const {
const HashMapEntry* entry = getEntry(key);
return entry != NULL;
virtual bool containsValue(const V& value) const {
for (int i = 0; i < elementData.length(); i++) {
const HashMapEntry* entry = elementData[i];
while (entry != NULL) {
if (value == entry->getValue()) {
return true;
entry = entry->next;
return false;
virtual V& get(const K& key) {
HashMapEntry* entry = getEntry(key);
if (entry != NULL) {
return entry->getValue();
throw NoSuchElementException(
__FILE__, __LINE__, "The specified key is not present in the Map");
virtual const V& get(const K& key) const {
const HashMapEntry* entry = getEntry(key);
if (entry != NULL) {
return entry->getValue();
throw NoSuchElementException(
__FILE__, __LINE__, "The specified key is not present in the Map");
virtual bool put(const K& key, const V& value) {
return this->putImpl(key, value);
virtual bool put(const K& key, const V& value, V& oldValue) {
return this->putImpl(key, value, oldValue);
virtual void putAll(const Map<K, V>& map) {
if (!map.isEmpty()) {
virtual V remove(const K& key) {
HashMapEntry* entry = removeEntry(key);
if (entry != NULL) {
V oldValue = entry->getValue();
delete entry;
return oldValue;
throw NoSuchElementException(
__FILE__, __LINE__, "Specified key not present in the Map.");
virtual Set< MapEntry<K,V> >& entrySet() {
if (this->cachedEntrySet == NULL) {
this->cachedEntrySet.reset(new HashMapEntrySet(this));
return *(this->cachedEntrySet);
virtual const Set< MapEntry<K,V> >& entrySet() const {
if (this->cachedConstEntrySet == NULL) {
this->cachedConstEntrySet.reset(new ConstHashMapEntrySet(this));
return *(this->cachedConstEntrySet);
virtual Set<K>& keySet() {
if (this->cachedKeySet == NULL) {
this->cachedKeySet.reset(new HashMapKeySet(this));
return *(this->cachedKeySet);
virtual const Set<K>& keySet() const {
if (this->cachedConstKeySet == NULL) {
this->cachedConstKeySet.reset(new ConstHashMapKeySet(this));
return *(this->cachedConstKeySet);
virtual Collection<V>& values() {
if (this->cachedValueCollection == NULL) {
this->cachedValueCollection.reset(new HashMapValueCollection(this));
return *(this->cachedValueCollection);
virtual const Collection<V>& values() const {
if (this->cachedConstValueCollection == NULL) {
this->cachedConstValueCollection.reset(new ConstHashMapValueCollection(this));
return *(this->cachedConstValueCollection);
virtual bool equals(const Map<K, V>& source) const {
if (this == &source) {
return true;
if (size() != source.size()) {
return false;
try {
decaf::lang::Pointer<Iterator<MapEntry<K, V> > > iter(entrySet().iterator());
while (iter->hasNext() ) {
MapEntry<K, V> entry = iter->next();
K key = entry.getKey();
V mine = entry.getValue();
if (!source.containsKey(key)) {
return false;
if (source.get(key) != mine) {
return false;
} catch (decaf::lang::exceptions::NullPointerException& ignored) {
return false;
} catch (decaf::lang::exceptions::ClassCastException& ignored) {
return false;
return true;
virtual void copy(const Map<K, V>& source) {
int capacity = calculateCapacity(source.size());
if (capacity > elementData.length()) {
elementData = decaf::lang::ArrayPointer<HashMapEntry*>(capacity);
virtual std::string toString() const {
return "HashMap";
virtual HashMapEntry* getEntry(const K& key) const {
HashMapEntry* result = NULL;
int hash = hashFunc(key);
int index = hash & (elementData.length() - 1);
result = findKeyEntry(key, index, hash);
return result;
virtual bool putImpl(const K& key, const V& value) {
V oldValue;
return putImpl(key, value, oldValue);
virtual bool putImpl(const K& key, const V& value, V& oldValue) {
bool replaced = true;
HashMapEntry* entry = NULL;
int hash = hashFunc(key);
int index = hash & (elementData.length() - 1);
entry = findKeyEntry(key, index, hash);
if (entry == NULL) {
entry = createHashedEntry(key, index, hash);
if (++elementCount > threshold) {
replaced = false;
} else {
oldValue = entry->getValue();
return replaced;
virtual HashMapEntry* createEntry(const K& key, int index, const V& value) {
HashMapEntry* entry = new HashMapEntry(key, value);
entry->next = elementData[index];
elementData[index] = entry;
return entry;
virtual HashMapEntry* createHashedEntry(const K& key, int index, int hash) {
HashMapEntry* entry = new HashMapEntry(key, V(), hash);
entry->next = elementData[index];
elementData[index] = entry;
return entry;
void putAllImpl(const Map<K, V>& map) {
int capacity = elementCount + map.size();
if (capacity > threshold) {
decaf::lang::Pointer<Iterator< MapEntry<K,V> > > iterator(map.entrySet().iterator());
while (iterator->hasNext()) {
MapEntry<K, V> entry = iterator->next();
this->putImpl(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
HashMapEntry* findKeyEntry(const K& key, int index, int keyHash) const {
HashMapEntry* entry = elementData[index];
while (entry != NULL && (entry->origKeyHash != keyHash || !(key == entry->getKey()))) {
entry = entry->next;
return entry;
void rehash(int capacity) {
int length = calculateCapacity((capacity == 0 ? 1 : capacity << 1));
decaf::lang::ArrayPointer<HashMapEntry*> newData(length);
for (int i = 0; i < elementData.length(); i++) {
HashMapEntry* entry = elementData[i];
elementData[i] = NULL;
while (entry != NULL) {
int index = entry->origKeyHash & (length - 1);
HashMapEntry* next = entry->next;
entry->next = newData[index];
newData[index] = entry;
entry = next;
elementData = newData;
void rehash() {
// Removes the given entry from the map and deletes it
void removeEntry(HashMapEntry* entry) {
int index = entry->origKeyHash & (elementData.length() - 1);
HashMapEntry* current = elementData[index];
if (current == entry) {
elementData[index] = entry->next;
} else {
while (current->next != entry) {
current = current->next;
current->next = entry->next;
delete entry;
// Removes but doesn't delete the entry in the map with the given key.
HashMapEntry* removeEntry(const K& key) {
int index = 0;
HashMapEntry* current = NULL;
HashMapEntry* last = NULL;
int hash = hashFunc(key);
index = hash & (elementData.length() - 1);
current = elementData[index];
while (current != NULL && !(current->origKeyHash == hash && key == current->getKey())) {
last = current;
current = current->next;
if (current == NULL) {
return NULL;
if (last == NULL) {
elementData[index] = current->next;
} else {
last->next = current->next;
return current;
#endif /* _DECAF_UTIL_HASHMAP_H_ */