blob: ddcf4d8779f3a1d0e12544b2be6618abec8fd530 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "CharBuffer.h"
#include <decaf/lang/Character.h>
#include <decaf/lang/Math.h>
#include "decaf/internal/nio/BufferFactory.h"
#include <memory>
using namespace std;
using namespace decaf;
using namespace decaf::nio;
using namespace decaf::lang;
using namespace decaf::lang::exceptions;
using namespace decaf::internal::nio;
CharBuffer::CharBuffer( int capacity ) : Buffer( capacity ) {
CharBuffer* CharBuffer::allocate( int capacity ) {
if( capacity < 0 ) {
throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(
__FILE__, __LINE__, "Capacity given was negative." );
return BufferFactory::createCharBuffer( capacity );
CharBuffer* CharBuffer::wrap( char* buffer, int size, int offset, int length ) {
if( buffer == NULL ) {
throw NullPointerException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"CharBuffer::wrap - Passed Buffer is Null.");
return BufferFactory::createCharBuffer( buffer, size, offset, length );
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( NullPointerException )
DECAF_CATCH_EXCEPTION_CONVERT( Exception, NullPointerException )
DECAF_CATCHALL_THROW( NullPointerException )
CharBuffer* CharBuffer::wrap( std::vector<char>& buffer ) {
if( buffer.empty() ) {
throw NullPointerException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"CharBuffer::wrap - Passed Buffer is Empty.");
return BufferFactory::createCharBuffer( &buffer[0], (int)buffer.size(), 0, (int)buffer.size() );
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( NullPointerException )
DECAF_CATCH_EXCEPTION_CONVERT( Exception, NullPointerException )
DECAF_CATCHALL_THROW( NullPointerException )
std::string CharBuffer::toString() const {
std::string strbuf;
for( int i = this->position(); i < this->limit(); i++ ) {
strbuf.append( Character::valueOf( get( i ) ).toString() );
return strbuf;
CharBuffer& CharBuffer::append( char value ) {
this->put( value );
return *this;
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( BufferOverflowException )
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( ReadOnlyBufferException )
DECAF_CATCH_EXCEPTION_CONVERT( Exception, BufferOverflowException )
DECAF_CATCHALL_THROW( BufferOverflowException )
CharBuffer& CharBuffer::append( const CharSequence* value ) {
if( value != NULL ) {
return this->put( value->toString() );
return this->put( "null" );
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( BufferOverflowException )
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( ReadOnlyBufferException )
DECAF_CATCH_EXCEPTION_CONVERT( Exception, BufferOverflowException )
DECAF_CATCHALL_THROW( BufferOverflowException )
CharBuffer& CharBuffer::append( const CharSequence* value, int start, int end ) {
if( value != NULL ) {
auto_ptr<CharSequence> temp( value->subSequence( start, end ) );
this->append( temp.get() );
return *this;
return this->put( "null", 4, start, end - start );
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( IndexOutOfBoundsException )
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( BufferOverflowException )
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( ReadOnlyBufferException )
DECAF_CATCH_EXCEPTION_CONVERT( Exception, BufferOverflowException )
DECAF_CATCHALL_THROW( BufferOverflowException )
char CharBuffer::charAt( int index ) const {
if( index < 0 ) {
throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(
__FILE__, __LINE__, "Index given was negative." );
return this->get( index );
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( IndexOutOfBoundsException )
DECAF_CATCH_EXCEPTION_CONVERT( Exception, IndexOutOfBoundsException )
DECAF_CATCHALL_THROW( IndexOutOfBoundsException )
CharBuffer& CharBuffer::get( std::vector<char> buffer ) {
if( !buffer.empty() ) {
this->get( &buffer[0], (int)buffer.size(), 0, (int)buffer.size() );
return *this;
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( BufferUnderflowException )
DECAF_CATCH_EXCEPTION_CONVERT( Exception, BufferUnderflowException )
DECAF_CATCHALL_THROW( BufferUnderflowException )
CharBuffer& CharBuffer::get( char* buffer, int size, int offset, int length ) {
if( length == 0 ) {
return *this;
if( buffer == NULL ) {
throw NullPointerException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"CharBuffer::get - Passed Buffer is Null" );
if( size < 0 || offset < 0 || length < 0 || (long long)offset + (long long)length > (long long)size ) {
throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(
__FILE__, __LINE__, "Arguments violate array bounds." );
if( length > remaining() ) {
throw BufferUnderflowException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"CharBuffer::get - Not enough data to fill length = %d", length );
for( int ix = 0; ix < length; ++ix ){
buffer[offset + ix] = this->get();
return *this;
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( NullPointerException )
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( IndexOutOfBoundsException )
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( BufferUnderflowException )
DECAF_CATCH_EXCEPTION_CONVERT( Exception, BufferUnderflowException )
DECAF_CATCHALL_THROW( BufferUnderflowException )
CharBuffer& CharBuffer::put( CharBuffer& src ) {
if( this == &src ) {
throw IllegalArgumentException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"CharBuffer::put - Can't put Self" );
if( this->isReadOnly() ) {
throw ReadOnlyBufferException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"CharBuffer::put - This buffer is Read Only.");
if( src.remaining() > this->remaining() ) {
throw BufferOverflowException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"CharBuffer::put - Not enough space remaining to put src." );
while( src.hasRemaining() ) {
this->put( src.get() );
return *this;
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( BufferOverflowException )
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( ReadOnlyBufferException )
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( IllegalArgumentException )
DECAF_CATCH_EXCEPTION_CONVERT( Exception, BufferOverflowException )
DECAF_CATCHALL_THROW( BufferOverflowException )
CharBuffer& CharBuffer::put( const char* buffer, int size, int offset, int length ) {
if( length == 0 ) {
return *this;
if( this->isReadOnly() ) {
throw ReadOnlyBufferException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"CharBuffer::put - This buffer is Read Only.");
if( buffer == NULL ) {
throw NullPointerException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"CharBuffer::put - Passed Buffer is Null.");
if( size < 0 || offset < 0 || length < 0 || (long long)offset + (long long)length > (long long)size ) {
throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(
__FILE__, __LINE__, "Arguments violate array bounds." );
if( length > this->remaining() ) {
throw BufferOverflowException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"CharBuffer::put - Not Enough space to store requested Data.");
// read length bytes starting from the offset
for( int ix = 0; ix < length; ++ix ) {
this->put( buffer[ix + offset] );
return *this;
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( BufferOverflowException )
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( ReadOnlyBufferException )
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( IndexOutOfBoundsException )
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( NullPointerException )
DECAF_CATCH_EXCEPTION_CONVERT( Exception, BufferOverflowException )
DECAF_CATCHALL_THROW( BufferOverflowException )
CharBuffer& CharBuffer::put( std::vector<char>& buffer ) {
if( !buffer.empty() ) {
this->put( &buffer[0], (int)buffer.size(), 0, (int)buffer.size() );
return *this;
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( BufferOverflowException )
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( ReadOnlyBufferException )
DECAF_CATCH_EXCEPTION_CONVERT( Exception, BufferOverflowException )
DECAF_CATCHALL_THROW( BufferOverflowException )
CharBuffer& CharBuffer::put( std::string& src, int start, int end ) {
if( ( start > end ) || ( (int)src.size() < ( end - start ) ) ) {
throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"CharBuffer::put - invalid start and end pos; start = %d, end = %d",
start, end );
if( start > (int)src.size() || end > (int)src.size() ) {
throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"CharBuffer::put - invalid start and end pos; start = %d, end = %d",
start, end );
this->put( src.substr( start, end-start ) );
return *this;
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( IndexOutOfBoundsException )
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( BufferOverflowException )
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( ReadOnlyBufferException )
DECAF_CATCH_EXCEPTION_CONVERT( Exception, BufferOverflowException )
DECAF_CATCHALL_THROW( BufferOverflowException )
CharBuffer& CharBuffer::put( const std::string& src ) {
if( !src.empty() ) {
this->put( src.c_str(), (int)src.size(), 0, (int)src.size() );
return *this;
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( BufferOverflowException )
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( ReadOnlyBufferException )
DECAF_CATCH_EXCEPTION_CONVERT( Exception, BufferOverflowException )
DECAF_CATCHALL_THROW( BufferOverflowException )
int CharBuffer::read( CharBuffer* target ) {
if( target == this ) {
throw IllegalArgumentException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"CharBuffer::read - Cannot read to self" );
if( target == NULL ) {
throw NullPointerException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"CharBuffer::read - Null CharBuffer Passed" );
if( this->remaining() == 0 ) {
return target->remaining() == 0 ? 0 : -1;
int result = (int)Math::min( (int)target->remaining(), (int)this->remaining() );
std::vector<char> chars( result, 0 );
get( &chars[0], result, 0, result );
target->put( &chars[0], result, 0, result );
return result;
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( NullPointerException )
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( IllegalArgumentException )
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( ReadOnlyBufferException )
DECAF_CATCH_EXCEPTION_CONVERT( Exception, IllegalArgumentException )
DECAF_CATCHALL_THROW( IllegalArgumentException )
int CharBuffer::compareTo( const CharBuffer& value ) const {
int compareRemaining = Math::min( (int)remaining(), (int)value.remaining() );
int thisPos = this->position();
int otherPos = value.position();
char thisByte, otherByte;
while( compareRemaining > 0 ) {
thisByte = get( thisPos );
otherByte = value.get( otherPos );
if( thisByte != otherByte ) {
return thisByte < otherByte ? -1 : 1;
return (int)( remaining() - value.remaining() );
bool CharBuffer::equals( const CharBuffer& value ) const {
if( &value == this ) {
return true;
if( this->remaining() != value.remaining() ) {
return false;
int myPosition = this->position();
int otherPosition = value.position();
bool equalSoFar = true;
while( equalSoFar && ( myPosition < this->limit() ) ) {
equalSoFar = get( myPosition++ ) == value.get( otherPosition++ );
return equalSoFar;
bool CharBuffer::operator==( const CharBuffer& value ) const {
return this->equals( value );
bool CharBuffer::operator<( const CharBuffer& value ) const {
return this->compareTo( value ) < 0 ? true : false;