blob: fe98021f49e33a95f300fd69a7400be3bd319047 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <decaf/util/Config.h>
#include <decaf/io/InputStream.h>
#include <decaf/io/OutputStream.h>
#include <decaf/net/URLConnection.h>
namespace decaf {
namespace net {
* This abstract subclass of URLConnection defines methods for managing HTTP connection
* according to the description given by RFC 2068.
* @see ContentHandler
* @see URL
* @see URLConnection
* @see URLStreamHandler
* @since 1.0
class DECAF_API HttpURLConnection : public URLConnection {
* The HTTP request method of this HttpURLConnection. The default value is "GET".
std::string method;
* The status code of the response obtained from the HTTP request. The
* default value is {@code -1}.
* <p>
* <li>1xx: Informational</li>
* <li>2xx: Success</li>
* <li>3xx: Relocation/Redirection</li>
* <li>4xx: Client Error</li>
* <li>5xx: Server Error</li>
int responseCode;
* The HTTP response message which corresponds to the response code.
std::string responseMessage;
* Flag to define whether the protocol will automatically follow redirects
* or not. The default value is {@code true}.
bool instanceFollowRedirects;
* If the HTTP chunked encoding is enabled this parameter defines the
* chunk-length. Default value is {@code -1} that means the chunked encoding
* mode is disabled.
int chunkLength;
* If using HTTP fixed-length streaming mode this parameter defines the
* fixed length of content. Default value is {@code -1} that means the
* fixed-length streaming mode is disabled.
int fixedContentLength;
* Numeric status code, 202: Accepted
static const int HTTP_ACCEPTED;
* Numeric status code, 502: Bad Gateway
static const int HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY;
* Numeric status code, 405: Bad Method
static const int HTTP_BAD_METHOD;
* Numeric status code, 400: Bad Request
static const int HTTP_BAD_REQUEST;
* Numeric status code, 408: Client Timeout
static const int HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT;
* Numeric status code, 409: Conflict
static const int HTTP_CONFLICT;
* Numeric status code, 201: Created
static const int HTTP_CREATED;
* Numeric status code, 413: Entity too large
static const int HTTP_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE;
* Numeric status code, 403: Forbidden
static const int HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
* Numeric status code, 504: Gateway timeout
static const int HTTP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT;
* Numeric status code, 410: Gone
static const int HTTP_GONE;
* Numeric status code, 500: Internal error
static const int HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR;
* Numeric status code, 411: Length required
static const int HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED;
* Numeric status code, 301 Moved permanently
static const int HTTP_MOVED_PERM;
* Numeric status code, 302: Moved temporarily
static const int HTTP_MOVED_TEMP;
* Numeric status code, 300: Multiple choices
static const int HTTP_MULT_CHOICE;
* Numeric status code, 204: No content
static const int HTTP_NO_CONTENT;
* Numeric status code, 406: Not acceptable
static const int HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE;
* Numeric status code, 203: Not authoritative
static const int HTTP_NOT_AUTHORITATIVE;
* Numeric status code, 404: Not found
static const int HTTP_NOT_FOUND;
* Numeric status code, 501: Not implemented
static const int HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
* Numeric status code, 304: Not modified
static const int HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED;
* Numeric status code, 200: OK
static const int HTTP_OK;
* Numeric status code, 206: Partial
static const int HTTP_PARTIAL;
* Numeric status code, 402: Payment required
static const int HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED;
* Numeric status code, 412: Precondition failed
static const int HTTP_PRECON_FAILED;
* Numeric status code, 407: Proxy authentication required
static const int HTTP_PROXY_AUTH;
* Numeric status code, 414: Request too long
static const int HTTP_REQ_TOO_LONG;
* Numeric status code, 205: Reset
static const int HTTP_RESET;
* Numeric status code, 303: See other
static const int HTTP_SEE_OTHER;
* Numeric status code, 305: Use proxy
static const int HTTP_USE_PROXY;
* Numeric status code, 401: Unauthorized
static const int HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED;
* Numeric status code, 415: Unsupported type
static const int HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE;
* Numeric status code, 503: Unavailable
static const int HTTP_UNAVAILABLE;
* Numeric status code, 505: Version not supported
static const int HTTP_VERSION;
static bool followRedirects;
static const int DEFAULT_CHUNK_LENGTH;
HttpURLConnection(const HttpURLConnection&);
HttpURLConnection& operator= (const HttpURLConnection&);
HttpURLConnection(const URL& url);
virtual ~HttpURLConnection();
* Closes the connection to the HTTP server.
* @see URLConnection#connect()
* @see URLConnection#connected
virtual void disconnect() = 0;
* Returns an input stream from the server in the case of an error such as
* the requested file has not been found on the remote server. This stream
* can be used to read the data the server will send back.
* @return the error input stream returned by the server.
virtual decaf::io::InputStream* getErrorStream() const {
return NULL;
* Returns the request method which will be used to make the request to the
* remote HTTP server. All possible methods of this HTTP implementation is
* listed in the class definition.
* @return the request method string.
std::string getRequestMethod() const {
return method;
* Returns the response code returned by the remote HTTP server.
* @return the response code, -1 if no valid response code.
* @throws IOException if there is an IO error during the retrieval.
int getResponseCode();
* Returns the response message returned by the remote HTTP server.
* @return the response message. empty string if no such response exists.
* @throws IOException if there is an error during the retrieval.
std::string getResponseMessage();
* Sets the request command which will be sent to the remote HTTP server.
* This method can only be called before the connection is made.
* @param method
* the string representing the method to be used.
* @throws ProtocolException
* if this is called after connected, or the method is not
* supported by this HTTP implementation.
void setRequestMethod(const std::string& method);
* Returns whether this connection follows redirects.
* @return if this connection follows redirects, false otherwise.
bool getInstanceFollowRedirects() const {
return instanceFollowRedirects;
* Sets whether this connection follows redirects.
* @param followRedirects
* if this connection will follows redirects, false otherwise.
void setInstanceFollowRedirects(bool followRedirects) {
instanceFollowRedirects = followRedirects;
* If the length of a HTTP request body is known ahead, sets fixed length to
* enable streaming without buffering. Sets after connection will cause an
* exception.
* @param contentLength
* the fixed length of the HTTP request body.
* @throws IllegalStateException if already connected or an other mode already set.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if contentLength is less than zero.
void setFixedLengthStreamingMode(int contentLength);
* If the length of a HTTP request body is NOT known ahead, enable chunked
* transfer encoding to enable streaming with buffering. Notice that not all
* http servers support this mode. Sets after connection will cause an
* exception.
* @param chunklen
* the length of a chunk.
* @throws IllegalStateException if already connected or an other mode already set.
void setChunkedStreamingMode(int chunklen);
* Returns the value of followRedirects which indicates if this connection follows
* a different URL redirected by the server. It is enabled by default.
* @return the value of the flag.
static bool getFollowRedirects() {
return followRedirects;
* Sets the flag of whether this connection will follow redirects returned
* by the remote server.
* @param follow
* the value to enable or disable this option.
static void setFollowRedirects(bool follow) {
followRedirects = follow;