blob: 098f0aab987fed9e8f8ab3b6ba6277a3b0605492 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <activemq/util/Config.h>
#include <activemq/transport/discovery/DiscoveryAgent.h>
#include <activemq/transport/discovery/DiscoveredBrokerData.h>
#include <decaf/lang/Runnable.h>
#include <decaf/lang/Pointer.h>
namespace activemq {
namespace transport {
namespace discovery {
class AbstractDiscoveryAgentImpl;
* Abstract base class that provides all the basic implementation needed to create
* a DiscoveryAgent instance without needing to implement a lot of boilerplate code.
* @since 3.9.0
class AMQCPP_API AbstractDiscoveryAgent : public DiscoveryAgent, public decaf::lang::Runnable {
AbstractDiscoveryAgentImpl* impl;
static const int WORKER_KILL_TIME_SECONDS;
AbstractDiscoveryAgent(const AbstractDiscoveryAgent&);
AbstractDiscoveryAgent& operator= (const AbstractDiscoveryAgent&);
virtual ~AbstractDiscoveryAgent();
virtual void start();
virtual void stop();
virtual void registerService(const std::string& name);
virtual void serviceFailed(const activemq::commands::DiscoveryEvent& event);
virtual void setDiscoveryListener(DiscoveryListener* listener);
virtual DiscoveryListener* getDiscoveryListener() const;
virtual void setDiscoveryURI(const decaf::net::URI& discoveryURI);
virtual decaf::net::URI getDiscoveryURI() const;
* @return true if this agent is currently started.
bool isStarted() const;
* Sets the service that is publish by this agent if it supports publishing.
* @param name
* The service name to publish, typically the URI.
void setServiceName(const std::string& name);
* Gets the configured service to publish, not all agents can publish so this value
* may not mean that an actual service advertisement is ever done.
* @return the configured service to publish.
std::string getServiceName() const;
* Sets the keep alive interval used to control how long an service that has not been
* seen is kept in the list of discovered services before being idle to long. Also this
* value controls how often this service will advertise itself if it supports that.
* @param interval
* Time in milliseconds for the keep alive interval.
void setKeepAliveInterval(long long interval);
* Gets the keep alive interval used to control how long an service that has not been
* seen is kept in the list of discovered services before being idle to long. Also this
* value controls how often this service will advertise itself if it supports that.
* @return Time in milliseconds for the keep alive interval.
long long getKeepAliveInterval() const;
* Sets the agents reconnect backoff multiplier.
* @param multiplier
* The back multiplier to use when calculating the next recovery time.
void setBackOffMultiplier(long long multiplier);
* Gets the configured backoff multiplier for calculating the next recovery time.
* @return the configured backoff multiplier for calculating the next recovery time.
long long getBackOffMultiplier() const;
* Sets the initial amount of time the agent should wait before attempt a reconnect on
* a discovered service.
* @param initialReconnectDelay
* The time to wait before the initial reconnect attempt in milliseconds.
void setInitialReconnectDelay(long long initialReconnectDelay);
* Gets the initial amount of time the agent should wait before attempt a reconnect on
* a discovered service.
* @return The time to wait before the initial reconnect attempt in milliseconds.
long long getInitialReconnectDelay() const;
* Sets the maximum number of reconnect attempts that occur before a service is considered to
* be failed and removed.
* @param maxReconnectAttempts
* The maximum number of reconnect attempts allowed or zero for no limit.
void setMaxReconnectAttempts(int maxReconnectAttempts);
* Returns the maximum number of reconnect attempts that will be attempted before a
* service is considered to be failed.
* @return the maximum number of allowed reconnect attempts.
int getMaxReconnectAttempts() const;
* The maximum time that a reconnect delay is allowed to grow to, in Milliseconds.
* @param maxReconnectDelay
* The maximum time in milliseconds to limit the reconnect delays.
void setMaxReconnectDelay(long long maxReconnectDelay);
* Returns the maximum time allowed between reconnect attempts. This limits the amount
* of time that reconnect will wait when exponential backoff is enabled.
* @return the maximum reconnect delay in milliseconds.
long long getMaxReconnectDelay() const;
* Sets whether reconnect attempts are delayed exponentially until a new connection is made
* or the maximum number of attempts is exceeded. Using an exponential back-off can
* reduce CPU overhead but can also lead to a longer time to reconnect to a service that
* is known to have short drop outs.
* @param useExponentialBackOff
* When true it indicates that the delay between reconnect attempts grows exponentially.
void setUseExponentialBackOff(bool useExponentialBackOff);
* Returns true if successive attempts to reconnect to a discovered service are delayed
* by an exponentially growing time factor.
* @return whether exponential back-off is enabled.
bool isUseExponentialBackOff() const;
* Sets the discovery group that this agent is assigned. The default value for this
* group is "default".
* @param group
* The assigned group for the discovery agent.
void setGroup(const std::string& group);
* Returns the assigned group for this discovery agent.
* @return the assigned group for this discovery agent.
std::string getGroup() const;
* Default implementation of the DiscoveryAgent's background worker thread processing.
* In general there is no need for an agent to override this method, however some agents
* may require special handling of their discovery mechanisms so it is allowable for this
* method to be overridden. Implementors of this method must ensure that the run method
* will return quickly once the started value becomes false or the Thread is interrupted.
virtual void run();
virtual void processLiveService(const std::string& brokerName, const std::string& service);
virtual void processDeadService(const std::string& service);
virtual void fireServiceAddedEvent(decaf::lang::Pointer<DiscoveredBrokerData> event);
virtual void fireServiceRemovedEvent(decaf::lang::Pointer<DiscoveredBrokerData> event);
* The real agent class must implement this method to perform any necessary resource allocation
* prior to the completion of the start call.
virtual void doStart() = 0;
* The real agent class must implement this method to perform any necessary resource cleanup
* prior to the completion of the stop call.
virtual void doStop() = 0;
* Optional method that allows the agent to perform an advertisement of this clients
* service. Not all agents can do this so this method should be a no-op if this is
* not supported.
virtual void doAdvertizeSelf() = 0;
* Performs the actual discovery operation for this agent. This method is called in the
* worker thread context of the AbstractDiscoveryAgent and should not block forever. The
* method will be called repeatedly to allow the agent to continually probe for new services.
virtual void doDiscovery() = 0;
void doExpireOldServices();
void doTimeKeepingServices();