blob: dd5596121a6f7ce07c87a86a5c8b9faaffaf06b6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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#include <activemq/commands/ProducerId.h>
#include <activemq/exceptions/ActiveMQException.h>
#include <activemq/state/CommandVisitor.h>
#include <decaf/internal/util/StringUtils.h>
#include <decaf/lang/Long.h>
#include <decaf/lang/exceptions/NullPointerException.h>
#include <decaf/util/HashCode.h>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
using namespace activemq;
using namespace activemq::exceptions;
using namespace activemq::commands;
using namespace decaf::lang;
using namespace decaf::lang::exceptions;
using namespace decaf::internal::util;
* Command code for OpenWire format for ProducerId
* NOTE!: This file is auto generated - do not modify!
* if you need to make a change, please see the Java Classes in the
* activemq-cpp-openwire-generator module
ProducerId::ProducerId() :
BaseDataStructure(), connectionId(""), value(0), sessionId(0), parentId() {
ProducerId::ProducerId(const ProducerId& other) :
BaseDataStructure(), connectionId(""), value(0), sessionId(0), parentId() {
ProducerId::ProducerId( const SessionId& sessionId, long long consumerId ) :
BaseDataStructure(), connectionId(""), value(0), sessionId(0), parentId() {
this->connectionId = sessionId.getConnectionId();
this->sessionId = sessionId.getValue();
this->value = consumerId;
ProducerId::ProducerId(std::string producerKey) :
BaseDataStructure(), connectionId(""), value(0), sessionId(0), parentId() {
// Parse off the producerId
std::size_t p = producerKey.rfind( ':' );
if (p != std::string::npos) {
value = Long::parseLong(producerKey.substr(p + 1, std::string::npos));
producerKey = producerKey.substr(0, p);
ProducerId::~ProducerId() {
ProducerId* ProducerId::cloneDataStructure() const {
std::auto_ptr<ProducerId> producerId(new ProducerId());
// Copy the data from the base class or classes
return producerId.release();
void ProducerId::copyDataStructure(const DataStructure* src) {
// Protect against invalid self assignment.
if (this == src) {
const ProducerId* srcPtr = dynamic_cast<const ProducerId*>(src);
if (srcPtr == NULL || src == NULL) {
throw decaf::lang::exceptions::NullPointerException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"ProducerId::copyDataStructure - src is NULL or invalid");
// Copy the data of the base class or classes
unsigned char ProducerId::getDataStructureType() const {
return ProducerId::ID_PRODUCERID;
std::string ProducerId::toString() const {
ostringstream stream;
stream << this->connectionId << ":"
<< this->sessionId << ":"
<< this->value;
return stream.str();
bool ProducerId::equals(const DataStructure* value) const {
if (this == value) {
return true;
const ProducerId* valuePtr = dynamic_cast<const ProducerId*>(value);
if (valuePtr == NULL || value == NULL) {
return false;
if (this->getConnectionId() != valuePtr->getConnectionId()) {
return false;
if (this->getValue() != valuePtr->getValue()) {
return false;
if (this->getSessionId() != valuePtr->getSessionId()) {
return false;
if (!BaseDataStructure::equals(value)) {
return false;
return true;
const std::string& ProducerId::getConnectionId() const {
return connectionId;
std::string& ProducerId::getConnectionId() {
return connectionId;
void ProducerId::setConnectionId(const std::string& connectionId) {
this->connectionId = connectionId;
long long ProducerId::getValue() const {
return value;
void ProducerId::setValue(long long value) {
this->value = value;
long long ProducerId::getSessionId() const {
return sessionId;
void ProducerId::setSessionId(long long sessionId) {
this->sessionId = sessionId;
int ProducerId::compareTo(const ProducerId& value) const {
if (this == &value) {
return 0;
int connectionIdComp = StringUtils::compareIgnoreCase(this->connectionId.c_str(), value.connectionId.c_str());
if (connectionIdComp != 0) {
return connectionIdComp;
if (this->value > value.value) {
return 1;
} else if(this->value < value.value) {
return -1;
if (this->sessionId > value.sessionId) {
return 1;
} else if(this->sessionId < value.sessionId) {
return -1;
return 0;
bool ProducerId::equals(const ProducerId& value) const {
return this->equals((const DataStructure*)&value);
bool ProducerId::operator==(const ProducerId& value) const {
return this->compareTo(value) == 0;
bool ProducerId::operator<(const ProducerId& value) const {
return this->compareTo(value) < 0;
ProducerId& ProducerId::operator= (const ProducerId& other) {
return *this;
int ProducerId::getHashCode() const {
return decaf::util::HashCode<std::string>()(this->toString());
const Pointer<SessionId>& ProducerId::getParentId() const {
if (this->parentId == NULL) {
this->parentId.reset(new SessionId(this));
return this->parentId;
void ProducerId::setProducerSessionKey( std::string sessionKey ) {
// Parse off the value
std::size_t p = sessionKey.rfind( ':' );
if (p != std::string::npos) {
this->sessionId = Long::parseLong(sessionKey.substr(p + 1, std::string::npos));
sessionKey = sessionKey.substr(0, p);
// The rest is the value
this->connectionId = sessionKey;