Apache ActiveMQ Command Line Tools

The ActiveMQ Command Line Tools project is home to several CLI based projects useful for users of the ActiveMQ and ActiveMQ Artemis messaging brokers

##ActiveMQ KahaDB Export Tool##

This tool can be used to export a KahaDB or MultiKahaDB store to Artemis XML format. The resulting XML document can then be imported into an Artemis broker using the Artemis CLI tool. See Artemis CLI tool


$ ./bin/export help
usage: export <command> [<args>]

The most commonly used export commands are:
    help      Display help information
    kahadb    Export a KahaDb store to Artemis XML
    mkahadb   Export a MultiKahaDb store to Artemis XML

See 'export help <command>' for more information on a specific command.
$ ./bin/export help kahadb
        export kahadb - Export a KahaDb store to Artemis XML

        export kahadb [-c] [-f]
                [(--qp <queuePattern> | --queuePattern <queuePattern>)]
                (-s <source> | --source <source>) (-t <target> | --target <target>)
                [(--tp <topicPattern> | --topicPattern <topicPattern>)]

            Compress output xml file using gzip

            Force XML output and overwrite existing file

        --qp <queuePattern>, --queuePattern <queuePattern>
            Queue Export Pattern

        -s <source>, --source <source>
            Data store directory location

        -t <target>, --target <target>
            Xml output file location

        --tp <topicPattern>, --topicPattern <topicPattern>
            Topic Export Pattern


./bin/export kahadb --source /some/directory/kahadb/ --target ~/some/directory/output.xml