ARTEMIS-3966: update README to reflect changes made previously to header generation
1 file changed
tree: 444c29e56ab0db2cd524cfa1acbc49ea99f57777
  1. .github/
  2. etc/
  3. scripts/
  4. src/
  5. .gitignore
  6. CMakeLists.txt
  9. pom.xml


This is a simple tutorial about building and packaging the libartemis-native library. The libartemis-native is a thin layer library that interface with Linux' lib AIO library as part of the journaling feature of the broker when operating with AIO journal.

The lib AIO is a Linux-specific dependency, therefore having a relatively modern Linux operating system is assumed for the purpose of this documentation.

There are two ways to build the native libraries:

  • Using a container image created during the build phase
  • Bare Metal

Docker and Podman

You can use either Docker or Podman to compile the native bits in a container created during the build phase.

You can do this using the -Pdocker profile with maven:

$ mvn install -Pdocker

Or you can use the -Ppodman profile with maven:

$ mvn install -Ppodman

Alternatively, you can run the related scripts directly to execute the container builds, though note you must first separately make the java compiler generate the .h header by running:

$ mvn generate-sources

Then you can use the script and the correct image and script should be called.

$ ./scripts/


$ ./scripts/

Bare Metal Dependencies

In order to build the package, make sure you install these packages:

  • The GNU compiler library container both the C and C++ compiler
  • The GNU C library
  • The respective libaio package for your Linux distribution
  • JDK (full JDK)

For example, on Fedora Linux, compilation of the library requires the following specific packages:

  • glibc-devel
  • libaio-devel
  • gcc
  • gcc-g++
  • java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel

Cross compilation

Using a 64-bit Linux OS, it is possible to cross-compile the 32-bit version of the library. For this, the 32-bits version of the GNU C Library and lib AIO should be installed.

Once again using Fedora Linux as an example, it would mean that the following packages need to be installed:

  • glibc-devel.i686
  • libaio-devel.i686

Scripts on Bare Metal

You can use the ./scripts/ script. This script is using cross compilation towards 64 bits and 32 bits from a Linux environment.

Note you must first have the java compiler generate the .h header manually by running:

$ mvn generate-sources

Then call the script to compile the native libs:

$ ./scripts/

Alternatively you can just use the bare-metal profile for maven which combines both of those steps in one operation:

$ mvn install -Pbare-metal

Lib AIO Information

The Lib AIO is the Linux' Kernel Asynchronous I/O Support Library. It is part of the kernel project. The library makes system calls on the kernel layer.

This is the project information:

Git Repository: git:// Mailing List:

Manual steps to build (via Docker)

From the project base directory, run:

docker build -f src/main/docker/Dockerfile-centos -t artemis-native-builder . && docker run -v $PWD/target/lib:/work/target/lib artemis-native-builder && sudo chown -Rv $USER:$GID target/lib

Steps to build it manually

  1. Make sure you have JAVA_HOME defined, and pointing to the root of your JDK:


export JAVA_HOME=/usr/share/jdk11

  1. Run mvn generate-sources to genrate the .h header file needed: $> mvn generate-sources

  2. Call Bootstrap will call all the initial scripts you need $> ./

if you are missing any dependencies, autoconf would tell you what you're missing.

Compiled File

The generated jar will include the ./lib/

Advanced Compilation Methods and Developer-specific Documentation

Passing additional options to the compiler: cmake -DCMAKE_USER_C_FLAGS="-fomit-frame-pointer" -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=On .

Compiling with debug options: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=On .



Lib AIO Documentation

The User Manual, chapter 38 (Libaio Native Libraries) will provide more details about our native libraries on libaio.