Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Examples

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  1. 2f3aa89 Update examples to version 2.38.0 by Justin Bertram · 6 weeks ago main 2.38.0
  2. 72994ac ARTEMIS-5101 Replace deprecated two-way passwords by Domenico Francesco Bruscino · 8 weeks ago
  3. 0eb1498 ARTEMIS-5105 Update amqp-sending-overssl by updating stores by Domenico Francesco Bruscino · 8 weeks ago
  4. 1c86117 NO-JIRA: remove unused 'provided' api dep, not used by code + doesnt end up in war by Robbie Gemmell · 3 months ago
  5. 6f0054f Update examples to version 2.38.0-SNAPSHOT by Clebert Suconic · 4 months ago

ActiveMQ Artemis Examples

This repository contains various examples demonstrating many of the features of Apache ActiveMQ Artemis.

Getting Started

Prepare the broker distribution

To begin, run the following at the root of your examples checkout to prepare a broker distribution for use.

mvn clean package

This will establish a broker installation within the artemis-distribution module in the root, which the individual examples will then reference while creating a broker instance when they are run.

Running individual examples

After preparing the broker distribution as above, you can then run most individual examples by changing into their directory and running mvn verify or mvn install (See the readme.md file in each example directory for specific details).

For instance, a simple introductory example would be the “queue” example. To run it, do the following:

cd examples/features/standard/queue/
mvn clean verify

This will start a broker instance, using the previously prepared broker installation in artemis-distribution, and then run the example client application against it, which will print having produced and consumed a message.


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