Simplified OSGi integration by just using bundle fragments.

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
54 files changed
tree: 9f09428e83b4a30bd6a35f0745396d2fcf98f4ad
  1. apollo-bdb/
  2. apollo-broker/
  3. apollo-cassandra/
  4. apollo-cli/
  5. apollo-distro/
  6. apollo-dto/
  7. apollo-hawtdb/
  8. apollo-jdbm2/
  9. apollo-karaf-feature/
  10. apollo-scala/
  11. apollo-selector/
  12. apollo-stomp/
  13. apollo-tcp/
  14. apollo-transport/
  15. apollo-util/
  16. apollo-web/
  17. apollo-website/
  18. src/
  19. .gitignore
  21. NOTICE
  22. pom.xml

The Apollo Project


Apollo is a forked and stripped down Apache ActiveMQ message broker. It is focused on simplicity, stability and scalability.

Implemented Features

  • Topic style message routing
  • Queue style message routing
  • Persistent Messages
  • Message swapping: moves message out of memory to support unlimited queue sizes
  • Message Selectors
  • Queue Browsers
  • REST based management
  • Stomp Protocol Support

What makes Apollo Different?

Building the Source Code


Then run:

mvn install -Pdownload

if you're building it for the first time, or just

mvn install

if you already initialized the repo

Quick Start

We are still working on creating a binary distribution. Once that's created we will update these instructions to work off that distribution. Until then, they will be based on a built source distribution.

Running an Apollo Broker

A broker with a web based admin interface will be started by using the the Scala REPL console.

$ cd apollo-web
$ mvn -o scala:console 
... [output ommitted for brevity]
scala> val main = org.apache.activemq.apollo.web.Main
... [output ommitted for brevity]
scala> main run
... [output ommitted for brevity]
Web interface available at: http://localhost:8080/

You can point your web browser at http://localhost:8080/ to explore the management structure of the broker. Additional status objects will become visible once there are connected client which cause connections and destination management objects to be created.

Running Examples

A stomp client will be started by using the the Scala repl console.

$ cd apollo-stomp
$ mvn -o scala:console 
... [output ommitted for brevity]
scala> val client = org.apache.activemq.apollo.stomp.perf.StompLoadClient                 
client: org.apache.activemq.apollo.stomp.perf.StompLoadClient.type = 
StompLoadClient Properties
uri              = stomp://
destinationType  = queue
destinationCount = 1
sampleInterval   = 5000

--- Producer Properties ---
producers        = 1
messageSize      = 1024
persistent       = false
syncSend         = false
useContentLength = true
producerSleep    = 0
headers          = List()

--- Consumer Properties ---
consumers        = 1
consumerSleep    = 0
ack              = auto
selector         = null

The above creates a client variable which allows you to customize all the displayed properties. Those properties control how the client applies load to the STOMP broker. You could change the client configuration so that it uses messages with 20 byte contents and send and receive on topics instead of queues:

scala> client.messageSize = 20
scala> client.destinationType = "topic"

Once you are happy with the client configuration, you just run it and wait for it to report back the producer and consumer throughput rates.

Press ENTER to shutdown

Producer rate: 155,783.906 per second, total: 778,960
Consumer rate: 154,345.969 per second, total: 771,770
Producer rate: 165,831.141 per second, total: 1,608,210
Consumer rate: 165,798.734 per second, total: 1,600,858