| /** |
| * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more |
| * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with |
| * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. |
| * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 |
| * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with |
| * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| package org.apache.activemq.apollo.broker.store.leveldb |
| |
| import java.{lang=>jl} |
| import java.{util=>ju} |
| |
| import org.fusesource.hawtbuf.proto.PBMessageFactory |
| |
| import org.apache.activemq.apollo.broker.store._ |
| import java.io._ |
| import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit |
| import org.apache.activemq.apollo.util._ |
| import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock |
| import org.fusesource.hawtdispatch._ |
| import org.apache.activemq.apollo.util.{TreeMap=>ApolloTreeMap} |
| import collection.immutable.TreeMap |
| import org.fusesource.leveldbjni.internal.Util |
| import org.apache.activemq.apollo.broker.Broker |
| import org.apache.activemq.apollo.util.ProcessSupport._ |
| import collection.mutable.{HashMap, ListBuffer} |
| import org.apache.activemq.apollo.dto.JsonCodec |
| import org.iq80.leveldb._ |
| import org.apache.activemq.apollo.broker.store.leveldb.RecordLog.LogInfo |
| import org.apache.activemq.apollo.broker.store.PBSupport |
| import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference |
| import org.fusesource.hawtbuf.{AsciiBuffer, Buffer, AbstractVarIntSupport} |
| |
| /** |
| * @author <a href="http://hiramchirino.com">Hiram Chirino</a> |
| */ |
| object LevelDBClient extends Log { |
| |
| final val STORE_SCHEMA_PREFIX = "leveldb_store:" |
| final val STORE_SCHEMA_VERSION = 1 |
| |
| final val queue_prefix = 'q'.toByte |
| final val queue_entry_prefix = 'e'.toByte |
| final val map_prefix = 'p'.toByte |
| final val tmp_prefix = 't'.toByte |
| |
| final val queue_prefix_array = Array(queue_prefix) |
| final val map_prefix_array = Array(map_prefix) |
| final val queue_entry_prefix_array = Array(queue_entry_prefix) |
| |
| final val dirty_index_key = bytes(":dirty") |
| final val log_refs_index_key = bytes(":log-refs") |
| final val TRUE = bytes("true") |
| final val FALSE = bytes("false") |
| |
| final val LOG_ADD_QUEUE = 1.toByte |
| final val LOG_REMOVE_QUEUE = 2.toByte |
| final val LOG_ADD_MESSAGE = 3.toByte |
| final val LOG_REMOVE_MESSAGE = 4.toByte |
| final val LOG_ADD_QUEUE_ENTRY = 5.toByte |
| final val LOG_REMOVE_QUEUE_ENTRY = 6.toByte |
| final val LOG_MAP_ENTRY = 7.toByte |
| |
| final val LOG_SUFFIX = ".log" |
| final val INDEX_SUFFIX = ".index" |
| |
| def bytes(value:String) = value.getBytes("UTF-8") |
| |
| import FileSupport._ |
| def create_sequence_file(directory:File, id:Long, suffix:String) = directory / ("%016x%s".format(id, suffix)) |
| |
| def find_sequence_files(directory:File, suffix:String):TreeMap[Long, File] = { |
| TreeMap((directory.list_files.flatMap { f=> |
| if( f.getName.endsWith(suffix) ) { |
| try { |
| val base = f.getName.stripSuffix(suffix) |
| val position = java.lang.Long.parseLong(base, 16); |
| Some(position -> f) |
| } catch { |
| case e:NumberFormatException => None |
| } |
| } else { |
| None |
| } |
| }): _* ) |
| } |
| |
| val on_windows = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().startsWith("windows") |
| var link_strategy = 0 |
| def link(source:File, target:File):Unit = { |
| link_strategy match { |
| case 0 => |
| // We first try to link via a native system call. Fails if |
| // we cannot load the JNI module. |
| try { |
| Util.link(source, target) |
| } catch { |
| case e:IOException => throw e |
| case e:Throwable => |
| // Fallback.. to a slower impl.. |
| debug("Native link system call not available") |
| link_strategy = 2 |
| link(source, target) |
| } |
| |
| // TODO: consider implementing a case which does the native system call using JNA |
| case 2 => |
| // Next try JNA (might not be in classpath) |
| try { |
| IOHelper.hardlink(source, target) |
| } catch { |
| case e:IOException => throw e |
| case e:Throwable => |
| // Fallback.. to a slower impl.. |
| debug("JNA based hard link system call not available") |
| link_strategy = 5 |
| link(source, target) |
| } |
| |
| case 5 => |
| // Next we try to do the link by executing an |
| // operating system shell command |
| try { |
| if( on_windows ) { |
| system("fsutil", "hardlink", "create", target.getCanonicalPath, source.getCanonicalPath) match { |
| case(0, _, _) => // Success |
| case (_, out, err) => |
| // TODO: we might want to look at the out/err to see why it failed |
| // to avoid falling back to the slower strategy. |
| debug("fsutil OS command not available either") |
| link_strategy = 10 |
| link(source, target) |
| } |
| } else { |
| system("ln", source.getCanonicalPath, target.getCanonicalPath) match { |
| case(0, _, _) => // Success |
| case (_, out, err) => None |
| // TODO: we might want to look at the out/err to see why it failed |
| // to avoid falling back to the slower strategy. |
| debug("ln OS command not available either") |
| link_strategy = 10 |
| link(source, target) |
| } |
| } |
| } catch { |
| case e:Throwable => |
| } |
| case _ => |
| // this final strategy is slow but sure to work. |
| source.copy_to(target) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @author <a href="http://hiramchirino.com">Hiram Chirino</a> |
| */ |
| class LevelDBClient(store: LevelDBStore) { |
| |
| import HelperTrait._ |
| import LevelDBClient._ |
| import FileSupport._ |
| |
| def dispatchQueue = store.dispatch_queue |
| |
| implicit def toByteArray(buf:Buffer):Array[Byte] = buf.toByteArray |
| implicit def toBuffer(buf:Array[Byte]):Buffer = new Buffer(buf) |
| |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // |
| // Helpers |
| // |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| def config = store.config |
| def directory = config.directory |
| |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // |
| // Public interface used by the LevelDBStore |
| // |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| var sync = false; |
| var verify_checksums = false; |
| |
| var log:RecordLog = _ |
| |
| var index:RichDB = _ |
| var index_options:Options = _ |
| |
| var last_index_snapshot_ts = System.currentTimeMillis() |
| var last_index_snapshot_pos:Long = _ |
| val snapshot_rw_lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(true) |
| |
| var factory:DBFactory = _ |
| val log_refs = HashMap[Long, LongCounter]() |
| |
| def dirty_index_file = directory / ("dirty"+INDEX_SUFFIX) |
| def temp_index_file = directory / ("temp"+INDEX_SUFFIX) |
| def snapshot_index_file(id:Long) = create_sequence_file(directory,id, INDEX_SUFFIX) |
| |
| def create_log: RecordLog = { |
| new RecordLog(directory, LOG_SUFFIX) |
| } |
| |
| def log_size = { |
| Option(config.log_size).map(MemoryPropertyEditor.parse(_)).map{size=> |
| if(size == MemoryPropertyEditor.parse("2G")) { |
| Int.MaxValue // which is 2G - 1 (close enough!) |
| } else if(size > Int.MaxValue) { |
| warn("leveldb log_size was configured to be '"+config.log_size+"' but the maximum supported log size is 2G") |
| Int.MaxValue |
| } else { |
| size.toInt |
| } |
| }.getOrElse(1024 * 1024 * 100) |
| } |
| |
| def start() = { |
| import OptionSupport._ |
| |
| |
| val factory_names = Option(config.index_factory).getOrElse("org.fusesource.leveldbjni.JniDBFactory, org.iq80.leveldb.impl.Iq80DBFactory") |
| factory = factory_names.split("""(,|\s)+""").map(_.trim()).flatMap { name=> |
| try { |
| Some(Broker.class_loader.loadClass(name).newInstance().asInstanceOf[DBFactory]) |
| } catch { |
| case x:Throwable => |
| None |
| } |
| }.headOption.getOrElse(throw new Exception("Could not load any of the index factory classes: "+factory_names)) |
| |
| if( factory.getClass.getName == "org.iq80.leveldb.impl.Iq80DBFactory") { |
| warn("Using the pure java LevelDB implementation which is still experimental. If the JNI version is not available for your platform, please switch to the BDB store instead. http://activemq.apache.org/apollo/documentation/user-manual.html#BDB_Store") |
| } |
| |
| sync = config.sync.getOrElse(true); |
| verify_checksums = config.verify_checksums.getOrElse(false); |
| |
| index_options = new Options(); |
| index_options.createIfMissing(true); |
| val paranoid_checks = config.paranoid_checks.getOrElse(false) |
| |
| config.index_max_open_files.foreach( index_options.maxOpenFiles(_) ) |
| config.index_block_restart_interval.foreach( index_options.blockRestartInterval(_) ) |
| index_options.paranoidChecks(paranoid_checks) |
| Option(config.index_write_buffer_size).map(MemoryPropertyEditor.parse(_).toInt).foreach( index_options.writeBufferSize(_) ) |
| Option(config.index_block_size).map(MemoryPropertyEditor.parse(_).toInt).foreach( index_options.blockSize(_) ) |
| Option(config.index_compression).foreach(x => index_options.compressionType( x match { |
| case "snappy" => CompressionType.SNAPPY |
| case "none" => CompressionType.NONE |
| case _ => CompressionType.SNAPPY |
| }) ) |
| |
| index_options.cacheSize(Option(config.index_cache_size).map(MemoryPropertyEditor.parse(_).toLong).getOrElse(1024*1024*256L)) |
| index_options.logger(new Logger() { |
| def log(msg: String) = trace(msg.stripSuffix("\n")) |
| }) |
| |
| log = create_log |
| log.sync = sync |
| log.logSize = log_size |
| log.verify_checksums = verify_checksums |
| log.on_log_rotate = ()=> { |
| // lets queue a request to checkpoint when |
| // the logs rotate.. queue it on the GC thread since GC's lock |
| // the index for a long time. |
| store.write_executor { |
| snapshot_index |
| } |
| } |
| |
| lock_file = new LockFile(directory / "lock", true) |
| def time[T](func: =>T):Long = { |
| val start = System.nanoTime() |
| func |
| System.nanoTime() - start |
| } |
| |
| // Lock before we open anything.. |
| lock_store |
| |
| // Lets check store compatibility... |
| val version_file = directory / "store-version.txt" |
| if( version_file.exists( ) ) { |
| val ver = try { |
| var tmp: String = version_file.read_text().trim() |
| if( tmp.startsWith(STORE_SCHEMA_PREFIX) ) { |
| tmp.stripPrefix(STORE_SCHEMA_PREFIX).toInt |
| } else { |
| -1 |
| } |
| } catch { |
| case e => throw new Exception("Unexpected version file format: "+version_file) |
| } |
| ver match { |
| case STORE_SCHEMA_VERSION => // All is good. |
| case _ => throw new Exception("Cannot open the store. It's schema version is not supported.") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| val log_open_duration = time { |
| retry { |
| log.open |
| } |
| } |
| info("Opening the log file took: %.2f ms", (log_open_duration/TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(1).toFloat)) |
| |
| // Find out what was the last snapshot. |
| val snapshots = find_sequence_files(directory, INDEX_SUFFIX) |
| var last_snapshot_index = snapshots.lastOption |
| last_index_snapshot_pos = last_snapshot_index.map(_._1).getOrElse(0) |
| |
| // Only keep the last snapshot.. |
| snapshots.filterNot(_._1 == last_index_snapshot_pos).foreach( _._2.recursive_delete ) |
| temp_index_file.recursive_delete // usually does not exist. |
| |
| retry { |
| |
| // Delete the dirty indexes |
| dirty_index_file.recursive_delete |
| dirty_index_file.mkdirs() |
| |
| last_snapshot_index.foreach { case (id, file) => |
| // Resume log replay from a snapshot of the index.. |
| try { |
| file.list_files.foreach { file => |
| link(file, dirty_index_file / file.getName) |
| } |
| } catch { |
| case e:Exception => |
| warn(e, "Could not recover snapshot of the index: "+e) |
| last_snapshot_index = None |
| } |
| } |
| |
| index = new RichDB(factory.open(dirty_index_file, index_options)); |
| |
| try { |
| load_log_refs |
| index.put(dirty_index_key, TRUE) |
| |
| if( paranoid_checks ) { |
| check_index_integrity(index) |
| } |
| |
| // Update the index /w what was stored on the logs.. |
| var pos = last_index_snapshot_pos; |
| |
| var replay_operations = 0 |
| val log_replay_duration = time { |
| while (pos < log.appender_limit) { |
| log.read(pos).map { |
| case (kind, data, next_pos) => |
| kind match { |
| case LOG_ADD_MESSAGE => |
| replay_operations+=1 |
| val record = QueueEntryPB.FACTORY.parseFramed(data) |
| val pos = decode_vlong(record.getMessageLocator) |
| index.put(encode_key(queue_entry_prefix, record.getQueueKey, record.getQueueSeq), data) |
| pos.foreach(log_ref_increment(_)) |
| |
| replay_operations+=1 |
| index.get(data, new ReadOptions).foreach { value=> |
| val record = QueueEntryPB.FACTORY.parseFramed(value) |
| val pos = decode_vlong(record.getMessageLocator) |
| pos.foreach(log_ref_decrement(_)) |
| index.delete(data) |
| } |
| |
| case LOG_ADD_QUEUE => |
| replay_operations+=1 |
| val record = QueuePB.FACTORY.parseFramed(data) |
| index.put(encode_key(queue_prefix, record.getKey), data) |
| |
| case LOG_REMOVE_QUEUE => |
| replay_operations+=1 |
| val ro = new ReadOptions |
| ro.fillCache(false) |
| ro.verifyChecksums(verify_checksums) |
| val queue_key = decode_vlong(data) |
| index.delete(encode_key(queue_prefix, queue_key)) |
| index.cursor_prefixed(encode_key(queue_entry_prefix, queue_key), ro) { (key, value)=> |
| index.delete(key) |
| |
| // Figure out what log file that message entry was in so we can, |
| // decrement the log file reference. |
| val record = QueueEntryPB.FACTORY.parseFramed(value) |
| val pos = decode_vlong(record.getMessageLocator) |
| log_ref_decrement(pos) |
| true |
| } |
| |
| case LOG_MAP_ENTRY => |
| replay_operations+=1 |
| val entry = MapEntryPB.FACTORY.parseFramed(data) |
| if (entry.getValue == null) { |
| index.delete(encode_key(map_prefix, entry.getKey)) |
| } else { |
| index.put(encode_key(map_prefix, entry.getKey), entry.getValue.toByteArray) |
| } |
| case _ => |
| // Skip unknown records |
| } |
| pos = next_pos |
| } |
| } |
| if(replay_operations > 0) { |
| snapshot_index |
| } |
| } |
| info("Took %.2f second(s) to recover %d operations in the log file.", (log_replay_duration/TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(1).toFloat), replay_operations) |
| |
| } catch { |
| case e:Throwable => |
| // replay failed.. good thing we are in a retry block... |
| index.close |
| throw e; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def check_index_integrity(index:RichDB) = { |
| val actual_log_refs = HashMap[Long, LongCounter]() |
| var referenced_queues = Set[Long]() |
| |
| // Lets find out what the queue entries are.. |
| var fixed_records = 0 |
| index.cursor_prefixed(queue_entry_prefix_array) { (key, value)=> |
| try { |
| val (_, queue_key, seq_key) = decode_long_long_key(key) |
| val record = QueueEntryPB.FACTORY.parseFramed(value) |
| val (pos, len) = decode_locator(record.getMessageLocator) |
| if (record.getQueueKey != queue_key) { |
| throw new IOException("key missmatch") |
| } |
| if (record.getQueueSeq != seq_key) { |
| throw new IOException("key missmatch") |
| } |
| log.log_info(pos).foreach { |
| log_info => |
| actual_log_refs.getOrElseUpdate(log_info.position, new LongCounter()).incrementAndGet() |
| } |
| referenced_queues += queue_key |
| } catch { |
| case e => |
| trace("invalid queue entry record: %s, error: %s", new Buffer(key), e) |
| fixed_records += 1 |
| // Invalid record. |
| index.delete(key) |
| } |
| true |
| } |
| |
| // Lets cross check the queues. |
| index.cursor_prefixed(queue_prefix_array) { (key, value)=> |
| try { |
| val (_, queue_key) = decode_long_key(key) |
| val record = QueuePB.FACTORY.parseFramed(value) |
| if (record.getKey != queue_key) { |
| throw new IOException("key missmatch") |
| } |
| referenced_queues -= queue_key |
| } catch { |
| case e => |
| trace("invalid queue record: %s, error: %s", new Buffer(key), e) |
| fixed_records += 1 |
| // Invalid record. |
| index.delete(key) |
| } |
| true |
| } |
| |
| referenced_queues.foreach { queue_key=> |
| // We have queue entries for a queue that does not exist.. |
| index.cursor_prefixed(encode_key(queue_entry_prefix, queue_key)) { (key, value)=> |
| trace("invalid queue entry record: %s, error: queue key does not exits %s", new Buffer(key), queue_key) |
| fixed_records += 1 |
| index.delete(key) |
| val record = QueueEntryPB.FACTORY.parseFramed(value) |
| val pos = decode_vlong(record.getMessageLocator) |
| log.log_info(pos).foreach { log_info => |
| actual_log_refs.get(log_info.position).foreach { counter => |
| if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) { |
| actual_log_refs.remove(log_info.position) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| true |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if( actual_log_refs != log_refs ) { |
| debug("expected != actual log references. expected: %s, actual %s", log_refs, actual_log_refs) |
| log_refs.clear() |
| log_refs ++= actual_log_refs |
| } |
| |
| if( fixed_records > 0 ) { |
| warn("Fixed %d invalid index enties in the leveldb store", fixed_records) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| var lock_file:LockFile = _ |
| |
| def lock_store = { |
| import OptionSupport._ |
| if (config.fail_if_locked.getOrElse(false)) { |
| lock_file.lock() |
| } else { |
| retry { |
| lock_file.lock() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def unlock_store = { |
| lock_file.unlock() |
| } |
| |
| private def store_log_refs = { |
| index.put(log_refs_index_key, JsonCodec.encode(collection.JavaConversions.mapAsJavaMap(log_refs.mapValues(_.get()))).toByteArray) |
| } |
| |
| private def load_log_refs = { |
| log_refs.clear() |
| index.get(log_refs_index_key, new ReadOptions).foreach { value=> |
| val javamap = JsonCodec.decode(new Buffer(value), classOf[java.util.Map[String, Object]]) |
| collection.JavaConversions.mapAsScalaMap(javamap).foreach { case (k,v)=> |
| log_refs.put(k.toLong, new LongCounter(v.asInstanceOf[Number].longValue())) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def stop() = { |
| // this blocks until all io completes.. |
| // Suspend also deletes the index. |
| suspend() |
| |
| if (log != null) { |
| log.close |
| } |
| copy_dirty_index_to_snapshot |
| log = null |
| unlock_store |
| } |
| |
| def using_index[T](func: =>T):T = { |
| val lock = snapshot_rw_lock.readLock(); |
| lock.lock() |
| try { |
| func |
| } finally { |
| lock.unlock() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def retry_using_index[T](func: =>T):T = retry(using_index( func )) |
| |
| /** |
| * TODO: expose this via management APIs, handy if you want to |
| * do a file system level snapshot and want the data to be consistent. |
| */ |
| def suspend() = { |
| // Make sure we are the only ones accessing the index. since |
| // we will be closing it to create a consistent snapshot. |
| snapshot_rw_lock.writeLock().lock() |
| |
| // Close the index so that it's files are not changed async on us. |
| store_log_refs |
| index.put(dirty_index_key, FALSE, new WriteOptions().sync(true)) |
| index.close |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * TODO: expose this via management APIs, handy if you want to |
| * do a file system level snapshot and want the data to be consistent. |
| */ |
| def resume() = { |
| // re=open it.. |
| retry { |
| index = new RichDB(factory.open(dirty_index_file, index_options)); |
| index.put(dirty_index_key, TRUE) |
| } |
| snapshot_rw_lock.writeLock().unlock() |
| } |
| |
| def copy_dirty_index_to_snapshot { |
| if( log.appender_limit == last_index_snapshot_pos ) { |
| // no need to snapshot again... |
| return |
| } |
| |
| // Where we start copying files into. Delete this on |
| // restart. |
| val tmp_dir = temp_index_file |
| tmp_dir.mkdirs() |
| |
| try { |
| |
| // Hard link all the index files. |
| dirty_index_file.list_files.foreach { file => |
| link(file, tmp_dir / file.getName) |
| } |
| |
| // Rename to signal that the snapshot is complete. |
| val new_snapshot_index_pos = log.appender_limit |
| tmp_dir.renameTo(snapshot_index_file(new_snapshot_index_pos)) |
| snapshot_index_file(last_index_snapshot_pos).recursive_delete |
| last_index_snapshot_pos = new_snapshot_index_pos |
| last_index_snapshot_ts = System.currentTimeMillis() |
| |
| } catch { |
| case e: Exception => |
| // if we could not snapshot for any reason, delete it as we don't |
| // want a partial check point.. |
| warn(e, "Could not snapshot the index: " + e) |
| tmp_dir.recursive_delete |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def snapshot_index:Unit = { |
| if( log.appender_limit == last_index_snapshot_pos ) { |
| // no need to snapshot again... |
| return |
| } |
| suspend() |
| try { |
| copy_dirty_index_to_snapshot |
| } finally { |
| resume() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def retry[T](func: => T): T = { |
| var error:Throwable = null |
| var rc:Option[T] = None |
| |
| // We will loop until the tx succeeds. Perhaps it's |
| // failing due to a temporary condition like low disk space. |
| while(!rc.isDefined) { |
| |
| try { |
| rc = Some(func) |
| } catch { |
| case e:Throwable => |
| if( error==null ) { |
| warn(e, "DB operation failed. (entering recovery mode): "+e) |
| } |
| error = e |
| } |
| |
| if (!rc.isDefined) { |
| // We may need to give up if the store is being stopped. |
| if ( !store.service_state.is_starting_or_started ) { |
| throw error |
| } |
| Thread.sleep(1000) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if( error!=null ) { |
| info("DB recovered from failure.") |
| } |
| rc.get |
| } |
| |
| def purge() = { |
| suspend() |
| try{ |
| log.close |
| directory.list_files.foreach(_.recursive_delete) |
| log_refs.clear() |
| } finally { |
| retry { |
| log.open |
| } |
| resume() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def add_queue(record: QueueRecord, callback:Runnable) = { |
| retry_using_index { |
| log.appender { appender => |
| val value:Buffer = PBSupport.encode_queue_record(record) |
| appender.append(LOG_ADD_QUEUE, value) |
| index.put(encode_key(queue_prefix, record.key), value) |
| } |
| } |
| callback.run |
| } |
| |
| def log_ref_decrement(pos: Long) = this.synchronized { |
| log.log_info(pos) match { |
| case Some(log_info)=> |
| log_refs.get(log_info.position).foreach { counter => |
| val count = counter.decrementAndGet() |
| if (count == 0) { |
| log_refs.remove(log_info.position) |
| } |
| } |
| case None => |
| warn("Invalid log position: "+pos) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def log_ref_increment(pos: Long) = this.synchronized { |
| log.log_info(pos) match { |
| case Some(log_info)=> |
| val count = log_refs.getOrElseUpdate(log_info.position, new LongCounter()).incrementAndGet() |
| case None => |
| warn("Invalid log position: "+pos) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def remove_queue(queue_key: Long, callback:Runnable) = { |
| retry_using_index { |
| log.appender { appender => |
| val ro = new ReadOptions |
| ro.fillCache(false) |
| ro.verifyChecksums(verify_checksums) |
| appender.append(LOG_REMOVE_QUEUE, encode_vlong(queue_key)) |
| index.delete(encode_key(queue_prefix, queue_key)) |
| index.cursor_prefixed(encode_key(queue_entry_prefix, queue_key), ro) { (key, value)=> |
| index.delete(key) |
| |
| // Figure out what log file that message entry was in so we can, |
| // decrement the log file reference. |
| val record = QueueEntryPB.FACTORY.parseFramed(value) |
| val pos = decode_vlong(record.getMessageLocator) |
| log_ref_decrement(pos) |
| true |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| callback.run |
| } |
| |
| def store(uows: Seq[LevelDBStore#DelayableUOW], callback:Runnable) { |
| retry_using_index { |
| log.appender { appender => |
| |
| var sync_needed = false |
| index.write() { batch => |
| uows.foreach { uow => |
| |
| for((key,value) <- uow.map_actions) { |
| val entry = new MapEntryPB.Bean() |
| entry.setKey(key) |
| if( value==null ) { |
| batch.delete(encode_key(map_prefix, key)) |
| } else { |
| entry.setValue(value) |
| batch.put(encode_key(map_prefix, key), value.toByteArray) |
| } |
| appender.append(LOG_MAP_ENTRY, entry.freeze().toFramedByteArray) |
| } |
| |
| uow.actions.foreach { case (msg, action) => |
| val message_record = action.message_record |
| var locator:(Long, Int) = null |
| |
| if (message_record != null) { |
| val message_data = PBSupport.encode_message_record(message_record) |
| val len = message_data.length |
| val pos = appender.append(LOG_ADD_MESSAGE, message_data) |
| locator = (pos, len) |
| message_record.locator.set(locator); |
| } |
| |
| action.dequeues.foreach { entry => |
| if( locator==null ) { |
| locator = entry.message_locator.get().asInstanceOf[(Long, Int)] |
| } |
| assert(locator!=null) |
| val (pos, len) = locator |
| val key = encode_key(queue_entry_prefix, entry.queue_key, entry.entry_seq) |
| appender.append(LOG_REMOVE_QUEUE_ENTRY, key) |
| batch.delete(key) |
| log_ref_decrement(pos) |
| } |
| |
| var locator_buffer:Buffer = null |
| action.enqueues.foreach { entry => |
| assert(locator!=null) |
| val (pos, len) = locator |
| entry.message_locator.set(locator) |
| |
| if ( locator_buffer==null ) { |
| locator_buffer = encode_locator(pos, len) |
| } |
| |
| val record = PBSupport.to_pb(entry) |
| record.setMessageLocator(locator_buffer) |
| |
| val encoded = record.freeze().toFramedBuffer |
| appender.append(LOG_ADD_QUEUE_ENTRY, encoded) |
| batch.put(encode_key(queue_entry_prefix, entry.queue_key, entry.entry_seq), encoded) |
| |
| // Increment it. |
| log_ref_increment(pos) |
| |
| } |
| } |
| if( uow.flush_sync ) { |
| sync_needed = true |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if( sync_needed && sync ) { |
| appender.flush |
| appender.force |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| callback.run |
| } |
| |
| val metric_load_from_index_counter = new TimeCounter |
| var metric_load_from_index = metric_load_from_index_counter(false) |
| |
| def loadMessages(requests: ListBuffer[(Long, AtomicReference[Object], (Option[MessageRecord])=>Unit)]):Unit = { |
| |
| val ro = new ReadOptions |
| ro.verifyChecksums(verify_checksums) |
| ro.fillCache(true) |
| |
| val missing = retry_using_index { |
| index.snapshot { snapshot => |
| ro.snapshot(snapshot) |
| requests.flatMap { x => |
| val (_, locator, callback) = x |
| val record = metric_load_from_index_counter.time { |
| val (pos, len ) = locator.get().asInstanceOf[(Long, Int)] |
| log.read(pos, len).map { data => |
| val rc = PBSupport.decode_message_record(data) |
| rc.locator = locator |
| assert( rc.protocol!=null ) |
| rc |
| } |
| } |
| if( record.isDefined ) { |
| callback(record) |
| None |
| } else { |
| Some(x) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (missing.isEmpty) |
| return |
| |
| // There's a small chance that a message was missing, perhaps we started a read tx, before the |
| // write tx completed. Lets try again.. |
| retry_using_index { |
| index.snapshot { snapshot => |
| ro.snapshot(snapshot) |
| missing.foreach { x => |
| val (_, locator, callback) = x |
| val record:Option[MessageRecord] = metric_load_from_index_counter.time { |
| val (pos, len ) = locator.get().asInstanceOf[(Long, Int)] |
| log.read(pos, len).map { x => |
| val rc:MessageRecord = PBSupport.decode_message_record(x) |
| rc.locator = locator |
| rc |
| } |
| } |
| callback(record) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def list_queues: Seq[Long] = { |
| val rc = ListBuffer[Long]() |
| retry_using_index { |
| val ro = new ReadOptions |
| ro.verifyChecksums(verify_checksums) |
| ro.fillCache(false) |
| index.cursor_keys_prefixed(queue_prefix_array, ro) { key => |
| rc += decode_long_key(key)._2 |
| true // to continue cursoring. |
| } |
| } |
| rc |
| } |
| |
| def get_queue(queue_key: Long): Option[QueueRecord] = { |
| retry_using_index { |
| val ro = new ReadOptions |
| ro.fillCache(false) |
| ro.verifyChecksums(verify_checksums) |
| index.get(encode_key(queue_prefix, queue_key), ro).map{ x=> |
| PBSupport.decode_queue_record(x) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def listQueueEntryGroups(queue_key: Long, limit: Int) : Seq[QueueEntryRange] = { |
| var rc = ListBuffer[QueueEntryRange]() |
| val ro = new ReadOptions |
| ro.verifyChecksums(verify_checksums) |
| ro.fillCache(false) |
| retry_using_index { |
| index.snapshot { snapshot => |
| ro.snapshot(snapshot) |
| |
| var group:QueueEntryRange = null |
| index.cursor_prefixed( encode_key(queue_entry_prefix, queue_key), ro) { (key, value) => |
| |
| val (_,_,current_key) = decode_long_long_key(key) |
| if( group == null ) { |
| group = new QueueEntryRange |
| group.first_entry_seq = current_key |
| } |
| |
| val entry = QueueEntryPB.FACTORY.parseFramed(value) |
| val pos = decode_vlong(entry.getMessageLocator) |
| |
| group.last_entry_seq = current_key |
| group.count += 1 |
| group.size += entry.getSize |
| |
| if(group.expiration == 0){ |
| group.expiration = entry.getExpiration |
| } else { |
| if( entry.getExpiration != 0 ) { |
| group.expiration = entry.getExpiration.min(group.expiration) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if( group.count == limit) { |
| rc += group |
| group = null |
| } |
| |
| true // to continue cursoring. |
| } |
| if( group!=null ) { |
| rc += group |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| rc |
| } |
| |
| def getQueueEntries(queue_key: Long, firstSeq:Long, lastSeq:Long): Seq[QueueEntryRecord] = { |
| var rc = ListBuffer[QueueEntryRecord]() |
| val ro = new ReadOptions |
| ro.verifyChecksums(verify_checksums) |
| ro.fillCache(true) |
| retry_using_index { |
| index.snapshot { snapshot => |
| ro.snapshot(snapshot) |
| val start = encode_key(queue_entry_prefix, queue_key, firstSeq) |
| val end = encode_key(queue_entry_prefix, queue_key, lastSeq+1) |
| index.cursor_range( start, end, ro ) { (key, value) => |
| val record = QueueEntryPB.FACTORY.parseFramed(value) |
| val entry = PBSupport.from_pb(record) |
| entry.message_locator = new AtomicReference[Object](decode_locator(record.getMessageLocator)) |
| rc += entry |
| true |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| rc |
| } |
| |
| def getLastMessageKey:Long = 0 |
| |
| def get(key: Buffer):Option[Buffer] = { |
| retry_using_index { |
| index.get(encode_key(map_prefix, key)).map(new Buffer(_)) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def get_last_queue_key:Long = { |
| retry_using_index { |
| index.last_key(queue_prefix_array).map(decode_long_key(_)._2).getOrElse(0) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def gc:Unit = { |
| |
| // TODO: |
| // Perhaps we should snapshot_index if the current snapshot is old. |
| // |
| |
| last_index_snapshot_pos |
| val empty_journals = log.log_infos.keySet.toSet -- log_refs.keySet |
| |
| // We don't want to delete any journals that the index has not snapshot'ed or |
| // the the |
| val delete_limit = log.log_info(last_index_snapshot_pos).map(_.position). |
| getOrElse(last_index_snapshot_pos).min(log.appender_start) |
| |
| empty_journals.foreach { id => |
| if ( id < delete_limit ) { |
| log.delete(id) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| case class UsageCounter(info:LogInfo) { |
| var count = 0L |
| var size = 0L |
| var first_reference_queue:QueueRecord = _ |
| |
| def increment(value:Int) = { |
| count += 1 |
| size += value |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // |
| // Collects detailed usage information about the journal like who's referencing it. |
| // |
| // def get_log_usage_details = { |
| // |
| // val usage_map = new ApolloTreeMap[Long,UsageCounter]() |
| // log.log_mutex.synchronized { |
| // log.log_infos.foreach(entry=> usage_map.put(entry._1, UsageCounter(entry._2)) ) |
| // } |
| // |
| // def lookup_usage(pos: Long) = { |
| // var entry = usage_map.floorEntry(pos) |
| // if (entry != null) { |
| // val usage = entry.getValue() |
| // if (pos < usage.info.limit) { |
| // Some(usage) |
| // } else { |
| // None |
| // } |
| // } else { |
| // None |
| // } |
| // } |
| // |
| // val ro = new ReadOptions() |
| // ro.fillCache(false) |
| // ro.verifyChecksums(verify_checksums) |
| // |
| // retry_using_index { |
| // index.snapshot { snapshot => |
| // ro.snapshot(snapshot) |
| // |
| // // Figure out which journal files are still in use by which queues. |
| // index.cursor_prefixed(queue_entry_prefix_array, ro) { (_,value) => |
| // |
| // val entry_record:QueueEntryRecord = value |
| // val pos = if(entry_record.message_locator!=null) { |
| // Some(decode_locator(entry_record.message_locator)._1) |
| // } else { |
| // index.get(encode_key(message_prefix, entry_record.message_key)).map(decode_locator(_)._1) |
| // } |
| // |
| // pos.flatMap(lookup_usage(_)).foreach { usage => |
| // if( usage.first_reference_queue == null ) { |
| // usage.first_reference_queue = index.get(encode_key(queue_prefix, entry_record.queue_key), ro).map( x=> decode_queue_record(x) ).getOrElse(null) |
| // } |
| // usage.increment(entry_record.size) |
| // } |
| // |
| // true |
| // } |
| // } |
| // } |
| // |
| // import collection.JavaConversions._ |
| // usage_map.values.toSeq.toArray |
| // } |
| |
| |
| def export_data(os:OutputStream):Option[String] = { |
| try { |
| val manager = ExportStreamManager(os, 1) |
| |
| retry_using_index { |
| |
| // Delete all the tmp keys.. |
| index.cursor_keys_prefixed(Array(tmp_prefix)) { key => |
| index.delete(key) |
| true |
| } |
| |
| index.snapshot { snapshot=> |
| val nocache = new ReadOptions |
| nocache.snapshot(snapshot) |
| nocache.verifyChecksums(verify_checksums) |
| nocache.fillCache(false) |
| |
| val cache = new ReadOptions |
| nocache.snapshot(snapshot) |
| nocache.verifyChecksums(false) |
| nocache.fillCache(false) |
| |
| // Build a temp table of all references messages by the queues |
| // Remember 2 queues could reference the same message. |
| index.cursor_prefixed(queue_entry_prefix_array, cache) { (_, value) => |
| val record = QueueEntryPB.FACTORY.parseFramed(value) |
| val (pos, len) = decode_locator(record.getMessageLocator) |
| index.put(encode_key(tmp_prefix, pos), encode_vlong(len)) |
| true |
| } |
| |
| // Use the temp table to export all the referenced messages. Use |
| // the log position as the message key. |
| index.cursor_prefixed(Array(tmp_prefix)) { (key, value) => |
| val (_, pos) = decode_long_key(key) |
| val len = decode_vlong(value).toInt |
| log.read(pos, len).foreach { value => |
| // Set the message key to be the position in the log. |
| val record = MessagePB.FACTORY.parseFramed(value).copy |
| record.setMessageKey(pos) |
| manager.store_message(record) |
| } |
| true |
| } |
| |
| // Now export the queue entries |
| index.cursor_prefixed(queue_entry_prefix_array, nocache) { (_, value) => |
| val record = QueueEntryPB.FACTORY.parseFramed(value).copy() |
| val (pos, len) = decode_locator(record.getMessageLocator) |
| record.setMessageKey(pos) |
| manager.store_queue_entry(record) |
| true |
| } |
| |
| index.cursor_prefixed(queue_prefix_array) { (_, value) => |
| val record = QueuePB.FACTORY.parseFramed(value) |
| manager.store_queue(record) |
| true |
| } |
| |
| index.cursor_prefixed(map_prefix_array, nocache) { (key, value) => |
| val key_buffer = new Buffer(key) |
| key_buffer.moveHead(1) |
| val record = new MapEntryPB.Bean |
| record.setKey(key_buffer) |
| record.setValue(new Buffer(value)) |
| manager.store_map_entry(record) |
| true |
| } |
| |
| } |
| |
| // Delete all the tmp keys.. |
| index.cursor_keys_prefixed(Array(tmp_prefix)) { key => |
| index.delete(key) |
| true |
| } |
| |
| } |
| manager.finish |
| |
| None |
| } catch { |
| case x:Exception=> |
| debug(x, "Export failed") |
| x.printStackTrace() |
| Some(x.getMessage) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def import_data(is:InputStream):Option[String] = { |
| try { |
| val manager = ImportStreamManager(is) |
| if(manager.version!=1) { |
| return Some("Cannot import from an export file of version: "+manager.version) |
| } |
| |
| purge |
| |
| retry_using_index { |
| log.appender { appender => |
| while(manager.getNext match { |
| |
| case record:MessagePB.Buffer => |
| val message_data = record.toFramedBuffer |
| val pos = appender.append(LOG_ADD_MESSAGE, message_data) |
| index.put(encode_key(tmp_prefix, record.getMessageKey), encode_locator(pos, message_data.length)) |
| true |
| |
| case record:QueueEntryPB.Buffer => |
| val copy = record.copy(); |
| var original_msg_key: Long = record.getMessageKey |
| index.get(encode_key(tmp_prefix, original_msg_key)) match { |
| case Some(locator)=> |
| val (pos, len) = decode_locator(locator) |
| copy.setMessageLocator(locator) |
| index.put(encode_key(queue_entry_prefix, record.getQueueKey, record.getQueueSeq), copy.freeze().toFramedBuffer) |
| log.log_info(pos).foreach { log_info => |
| log_refs.getOrElseUpdate(log_info.position, new LongCounter()).incrementAndGet() |
| } |
| case None => |
| println("Invalid queue entry, references message that was not in the export: "+original_msg_key) |
| } |
| true |
| |
| case record:QueuePB.Buffer => |
| index.put(encode_key(queue_prefix, record.getKey), record.toFramedBuffer) |
| true |
| |
| case record:MapEntryPB.Buffer => |
| index.put(encode_key(map_prefix, record.getKey), record.getValue) |
| true |
| |
| case null => |
| false |
| }) { // keep looping |
| } |
| |
| } |
| } |
| |
| store_log_refs |
| // Delete all the tmp keys.. |
| index.cursor_keys_prefixed(Array(tmp_prefix)) { key => |
| index.delete(key) |
| true |
| } |
| |
| snapshot_index |
| None |
| |
| } catch { |
| case x:Exception=> |
| debug(x, "Import failed") |
| Some(x.getMessage) |
| } |
| } |
| } |