blob: 1bb4c101c356ad3d692ec84157979ace90b4485d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import aQute.bnd.annotation.ProviderType;
import org.apache.ace.nodelauncher.NodeLauncherConfig;
import org.jclouds.Context;
import org.jclouds.ContextBuilder;
import org.jclouds.compute.ComputeService;
import org.jclouds.compute.ComputeServiceContext;
import org.jclouds.compute.ComputeServiceContextFactory;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.Hardware;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.Image;
import org.jclouds.sshj.config.SshjSshClientModule;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
public class JcloudsNodeLauncherConfig implements NodeLauncherConfig {
private ComputeServiceContext m_computeServiceContext;
private URL m_server;
private String m_hardwareId;
private String m_ImageId;
private String m_ImageOwnerId;
private String m_location;
private String m_tagPrefix;
private String[] m_extraPorts;
private boolean m_runAsRoot;
private String m_keyPair;
private String m_privateKeyFile;
private String m_vmOptions;
private String m_launcherArguments;
private String m_accessKeyId;
private String m_secretAccessKey;
private String m_nodeBootstrap;
private String m_aceLauncher;
private String m_additionalObrDownloads;
private String m_externalDownloadUrls;
private String m_sshUser;
public URL getServer() {
return m_server;
public JcloudsNodeLauncherConfig setServer(URL server) {
m_server = server;
return this;
public String getHardwareId() {
return m_hardwareId;
public JcloudsNodeLauncherConfig setHardwareId(String hardwareId) {
m_hardwareId = hardwareId;
return this;
public String getImageId() {
return m_ImageId;
public JcloudsNodeLauncherConfig setImageId(String m_ImageId) {
this.m_ImageId = m_ImageId;
return this;
public String getImageOwnerId() {
return m_ImageOwnerId;
public String getTagPrefix() {
return m_tagPrefix;
public JcloudsNodeLauncherConfig setTagPrefix(String tagPrefix) {
this.m_tagPrefix = tagPrefix;
return this;
public String getLocation() {
return m_location;
public JcloudsNodeLauncherConfig setLocation(String location) {
m_location = location;
return this;
public String[] getExtraPorts() {
return m_extraPorts;
public JcloudsNodeLauncherConfig setExtraPorts(String... extraPorts) {
m_extraPorts = extraPorts;
return this;
public boolean isRunAsRoot() {
return m_runAsRoot;
public JcloudsNodeLauncherConfig setRunAsRoot(boolean runAsRoot) {
m_runAsRoot = runAsRoot;
return this;
public String getKeyPair() {
return m_keyPair;
public JcloudsNodeLauncherConfig setKeyPair(String keyPair) {
m_keyPair = keyPair;
return this;
public String getPrivateKeyFile() {
return m_privateKeyFile;
public JcloudsNodeLauncherConfig setPrivateKeyFile(String privateKeyFile) {
m_privateKeyFile = privateKeyFile;
return this;
public String getVmOptions() {
return m_vmOptions;
public JcloudsNodeLauncherConfig setVmOptions(String vmOptions) {
m_vmOptions = vmOptions;
return this;
public String getLauncherArguments() {
return m_launcherArguments;
public JcloudsNodeLauncherConfig setLauncherArguments(String launcherArguments) {
m_launcherArguments = launcherArguments;
return this;
public Set<? extends Hardware> listHardwareIds() {
return m_computeServiceContext.getComputeService().listHardwareProfiles();
public Set<? extends Image> listImages() {
return m_computeServiceContext.getComputeService().listImages();
public JcloudsNodeLauncherConfig setImageOwnerId(String imageOwnerId) {
m_ImageOwnerId = imageOwnerId;
return this;
public String getAccessKeyId() {
return m_accessKeyId;
public JcloudsNodeLauncherConfig setAccessKeyId(String accessKeyId) {
m_accessKeyId = accessKeyId;
return this;
public String getSecretAccessKey() {
return m_secretAccessKey;
public JcloudsNodeLauncherConfig setSecretAccessKey(String secretAccessKey) {
m_secretAccessKey = secretAccessKey;
return this;
public String getNodeBootstrap() {
return m_nodeBootstrap;
public JcloudsNodeLauncherConfig setNodeBootstrap(String nodeBootstrap) {
m_nodeBootstrap = nodeBootstrap;
return this;
public String getAceLauncher() {
return m_aceLauncher;
public JcloudsNodeLauncherConfig setAceLauncher(String aceLauncher) {
m_aceLauncher = aceLauncher;
return this;
public String getAdditionalObrDownloads() {
return m_additionalObrDownloads;
public JcloudsNodeLauncherConfig setAdditionalObrDownloads(String additionalObrDownloads) {
m_additionalObrDownloads = additionalObrDownloads;
return this;
public String getExternalDownloadUrls() {
return m_externalDownloadUrls;
public JcloudsNodeLauncherConfig setExternalDownloadUrls(String externalDownloadUrls) {
m_externalDownloadUrls = externalDownloadUrls;
return this;
public String getSshUser() {
return m_sshUser;
public JcloudsNodeLauncherConfig setSshUser(String sshUser) {
this.m_sshUser = sshUser;
return this;
* Recreate the ComputeServiceContext. This is required after setting some properties to have an effect (e.g. changing ImageOwnerId).
* This is an expensive operation, only call when required.
public void createComputeServiceContext() {
if (m_computeServiceContext != null) {
Properties props = new Properties();
if (m_ImageOwnerId != null && m_ImageOwnerId.length() > 0) {
props.setProperty(AWSEC2Constants.PROPERTY_EC2_AMI_QUERY, "owner-id=" + m_ImageOwnerId + ";state=available;image-type=machine;root-device-type=ebs");
props.setProperty(AWSEC2Constants.PROPERTY_EC2_CC_AMI_QUERY, "");
m_computeServiceContext = ContextBuilder.newBuilder("aws-ec2").credentials(m_accessKeyId, m_secretAccessKey).modules(ImmutableSet.<Module>of(new SshjSshClientModule())).overrides(props).build(ComputeServiceContext.class);
//m_computeServiceContext = new ComputeServiceContextFactory().createContext("aws-ec2", m_accessKeyId, m_secretAccessKey, ImmutableSet.<Module>of(new SshjSshClientModule()), props);
public ComputeService getComputeService() {
return m_computeServiceContext.getComputeService();
public void close() {
if(m_computeServiceContext != null) {