| Bundle-Activator: org.apache.ace.agent.impl.Activator |
| Bundle-Version: 1.0.0 |
| |
| -buildpath: ${^-buildpath},\ |
| osgi.core,\ |
| osgi.cmpn,\ |
| org.apache.felix.dependencymanager,\ |
| org.apache.felix.deploymentadmin,\ |
| org.apache.ace.connectionfactory;version=latest,\ |
| org.apache.ace.consolelogger;version=latest,\ |
| org.apache.ace.log.target;version=latest,\ |
| org.apache.ace.log.target.store.impl;version=latest,\ |
| org.apache.ace.range.api;version=latest,\ |
| org.apache.ace.log.api;version=latest,\ |
| org.apache.ace.log.listener;version=latest,\ |
| org.apache.ace.discovery.api;version=latest,\ |
| org.apache.ace.discovery.property;version=latest,\ |
| org.apache.ace.identification.api;version=latest,\ |
| org.apache.ace.identification.property;version=latest,\ |
| org.apache.ace.deployment.api;version=latest,\ |
| org.apache.ace.deployment.deploymentadmin;version=latest,\ |
| org.apache.ace.deployment.task.base;version=latest,\ |
| org.apache.ace.deployment.task;version=latest,\ |
| org.apache.ace.scheduler.impl;version=latest,\ |
| commons-codec;version=1.4,\ |
| org.apache.ace.scheduler.api;version=latest |
| |
| # |
| # Embedding all required api and implementation packages to ensure that the |
| # Management Agent can run in any plain vanilla framework. |
| # |
| Private-Package: org.apache.ace.agent.connection,\ |
| org.apache.ace.agent.scheduler.impl,\ |
| org.apache.ace.agent.scheduler.impl,\ |
| org.apache.felix.dm,\ |
| org.apache.felix.dm.tracker,\ |
| org.apache.felix.dm.tracker,\ |
| org.osgi.service.log,\ |
| org.apache.ace.agent,\ |
| org.apache.ace.agent.spi,\ |
| org.apache.ace.deployment,\ |
| org.apache.ace.log.util,\ |
| org.apache.ace.deployment.service,\ |
| org.apache.ace.discovery,\ |
| org.apache.ace.identification,\ |
| org.apache.ace.log,\ |
| org.apache.ace.log.target.store,\ |
| org.apache.ace.log.target.task,\ |
| org.apache.ace.range,\ |
| org.apache.ace.agent.identification,\ |
| org.apache.ace.consolelogger,\ |
| org.apache.ace.connectionfactory.impl,\ |
| org.apache.ace.connectionfactory,\ |
| org.apache.ace.agent.logging,\ |
| org.apache.ace.agent.impl,\ |
| org.apache.ace.agent.deployment,\ |
| org.apache.ace.agent.discovery,\ |
| org.apache.ace.log.target,\ |
| org.apache.felix.dm.impl,\ |
| org.apache.felix.dm.impl.dependencies,\ |
| org.apache.felix.dm.impl.index,\ |
| org.apache.felix.dm.impl.metatype,\ |
| org.apache.felix.deploymentadmin;-split-package:=first,\ |
| org.apache.felix.deploymentadmin.spi;-split-package:=first,\ |
| org.osgi.service.metatype;-split-package:=first,\ |
| org.osgi.util.tracker;-split-package:=first,\ |
| org.apache.commons.codec;-split-package:=first,\ |
| org.apache.commons.codec.binary;-split-package:=first |
| |
| # |
| # Exporting deploymentadmin and (some) compendium services so resource processors |
| # can wire up to the management agent. As bnd will generate the appropriate imports |
| # this should not lead to any conflicts with deployment packages. |
| # |
| # We could consider exposing all compendium packages by default in this way? |
| # |
| Export-Package: org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin;version=1.0;-split-package:=first,\ |
| org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.spi;version=1.0;-split-package:=first,\ |
| org.osgi.service.event;version=1.2;-split-package:=first,\ |
| org.osgi.service.log;version=1.3;-split-package:=first,\ |
| org.osgi.service.useradmin;version=1.2;-split-package:=first,\ |
| org.apache.ace.agent |
| |
| # |
| # Make sure the apropriate imports are generated for the exported packages. |
| # |
| Import-Package: \ |
| !org.osgi.service.cm,\ |
| * |
| |
| Bundle-Name: Apache ACE Agent |
| Bundle-Description: Implementation of the Apache ACE Agent |