blob: abe3111a0149c851d4d3a9daae3360e86a327d5f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.ace.repository.impl;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue;
import org.apache.ace.range.SortedRangeSet;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class RepositoryImplTest {
private File m_baseDir;
* Tests that if we do change something in an {@link InputStream} while committing data, that the version is bumped
* for a repository.
public void testCheckoutAndCommitWithChangeDoesChangeVersion() throws Exception {
SortedRangeSet range;
RepositoryImpl repo = new RepositoryImpl(new File(m_baseDir, "data"), new File(m_baseDir, "tmp"), true);
InputStream data = new ByteArrayInputStream("abc".getBytes());
assertTrue(repo.put(data, 1), "Put should have succeeded");
range = repo.getRange();
assertEquals(1, range.getHigh(), "Version 1 should be the most recent one");
InputStream is = repo.checkout(1);
assertNotNull(is, "Nothing checked out?!");
data = new ByteArrayInputStream("def".getBytes());
assertTrue(repo.commit(data, 1), "Commit should NOT be ignored");
range = repo.getRange();
assertEquals(2, range.getHigh());
* Tests that if we do not change anything in an {@link InputStream} while committing data, that the version is not
* bumped for a repository.
public void testCheckoutAndCommitWithoutChangeDoesNotChangeVersion() throws Exception {
SortedRangeSet range;
RepositoryImpl repo = new RepositoryImpl(new File(m_baseDir, "data"), new File(m_baseDir, "tmp"), true);
InputStream data = new ByteArrayInputStream("abc".getBytes());
assertTrue(repo.put(data, 1), "Put should have succeeded");
range = repo.getRange();
assertEquals(1, range.getHigh(), "Version 1 should be the most recent one");
InputStream is = repo.checkout(1);
assertFalse(repo.commit(is, 1), "Commit should be ignored");
range = repo.getRange();
assertEquals(1, range.getHigh(), "Version 1 should still be the most recent one");
@Test(expectedExceptions = { IllegalArgumentException.class })
public void testCheckoutNegativeVersionFail() throws Exception {
RepositoryImpl repo = new RepositoryImpl(new File(m_baseDir, "data"), new File(m_baseDir, "tmp"), true);
@Test(expectedExceptions = { IllegalArgumentException.class })
public void testCheckoutVersionZeroOnEmptyRepositoryFail() throws Exception {
RepositoryImpl repo = new RepositoryImpl(new File(m_baseDir, "data"), new File(m_baseDir, "tmp"), true);
public void testCommitAndCheckout() throws Exception {
String readLine;
RepositoryImpl repo = new RepositoryImpl(new File(m_baseDir, "data"), new File(m_baseDir, "tmp"), true);
File file = new File(m_baseDir, "data" + File.separator + "1");
InputStream data = new ByteArrayInputStream("abc".getBytes());
assertTrue(repo.commit(data, 0), "Commit should have succeeded");
readLine = getContentAsString(file);
assertEquals(readLine, "abc", "File " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " should have contained 'abc'.");
readLine = getContentAsString(repo.checkout(1));
assertEquals(readLine, "abc", "Checking out version 1 should have returned an inputstream containing 'abc'");
assertNull(repo.get(2), "Checking out a non-existing version should return null");
@Test(expectedExceptions = { IOException.class })
public void testCommitExistingVersionFail() throws Exception {
RepositoryImpl repo = new RepositoryImpl(new File(m_baseDir, "data"), new File(m_baseDir, "tmp"), true);
InputStream data = new ByteArrayInputStream("abc".getBytes());
repo.commit(data, 0);
data = new ByteArrayInputStream("def".getBytes());
repo.commit(data, 0); // should fail, as we're at version 1!
@Test(expectedExceptions = { IOException.class })
public void testCommitIncorrectVersionFail() throws Exception {
RepositoryImpl repo = new RepositoryImpl(new File(m_baseDir, "data"), new File(m_baseDir, "tmp"), true);
InputStream data = new ByteArrayInputStream("abc".getBytes());
repo.commit(data, 1); // should fail, as we're at version 0!
* Tests that if we do change something in an {@link InputStream} while committing data, that the version is bumped
* for a repository.
public void testCommitInitialVersionDoesChangeVersion() throws Exception {
SortedRangeSet range;
RepositoryImpl repo = new RepositoryImpl(new File(m_baseDir, "data"), new File(m_baseDir, "tmp"), true);
InputStream data = new ByteArrayInputStream("abc".getBytes());
range = repo.getRange();
assertEquals(0, range.getHigh(), "Version 0 should be the most recent one");
assertTrue(repo.commit(data, 0), "Commit should NOT be ignored");
range = repo.getRange();
assertEquals(1, range.getHigh());
public void testCommitMultipleVersionsOk() throws Exception {
RepositoryImpl repo = new RepositoryImpl(new File(m_baseDir, "data"), new File(m_baseDir, "tmp"), true);
assertTrue(repo.commit(new ByteArrayInputStream("abc-1".getBytes()), 0), "Commit should have worked.");
assertTrue(repo.commit(new ByteArrayInputStream("abc-2".getBytes()), 1), "Commit should have worked.");
assertTrue(repo.commit(new ByteArrayInputStream("abc-3".getBytes()), 2), "Commit should have worked.");
SortedRangeSet range = repo.getRange();
assertTrue(range.getHigh() == 3, "We should have 3 versions in the repository.");
@Test(expectedExceptions = { IllegalArgumentException.class })
public void testCommitNegativeVersionFail() throws Exception {
RepositoryImpl repo = new RepositoryImpl(new File(m_baseDir, "data"), new File(m_baseDir, "tmp"), true);
repo.commit(new ByteArrayInputStream("abc".getBytes()), -1);
@Test(expectedExceptions = { IOException.class })
public void testCommitNonExistingVersionFail() throws Exception {
RepositoryImpl repo = new RepositoryImpl(new File(m_baseDir, "data"), new File(m_baseDir, "tmp"), true);
InputStream data = new ByteArrayInputStream("abc".getBytes());
repo.commit(data, 0);
data = new ByteArrayInputStream("def".getBytes());
repo.commit(data, 2); // should fail, as we're at version 1!
public void testCommitToLimitedRepository() throws Exception {
RepositoryImpl repo = new RepositoryImpl(new File(m_baseDir, "data"), new File(m_baseDir, "tmp"), true, 2 /* limit */);
assertTrue(repo.commit(new ByteArrayInputStream("abc-1".getBytes()), 0), "Commit should have worked.");
assertTrue(repo.commit(new ByteArrayInputStream("abc-2".getBytes()), 1), "Commit should have worked.");
assertTrue(repo.commit(new ByteArrayInputStream("abc-3".getBytes()), 2), "Commit should have worked.");
repo.updated(true, 3);
assertTrue(repo.commit(new ByteArrayInputStream("abc-4".getBytes()), 3), "Commit should have worked.");
repo.updated(true, 1);
public void testCustomFileExtensionOk() throws Exception {
RepositoryImpl repo = new RepositoryImpl(new File(m_baseDir, "data"), new File(m_baseDir, "tmp"), ".gz", true);
File file = new File(m_baseDir, "data" + File.separator + "1.gz");
InputStream data = new ByteArrayInputStream("abc".getBytes());
assertTrue(repo.put(data, 1), "Put should have succeeded.");
String readLine = getContentAsString(file);
assertEquals(readLine, "abc", "File " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " should have contained 'abc'.");
public void testGetAndPut() throws Exception {
String readLine;
RepositoryImpl repo = new RepositoryImpl(new File(m_baseDir, "data"), new File(m_baseDir, "tmp"), true);
File file = new File(m_baseDir, "data" + File.separator + "1");
InputStream data = new ByteArrayInputStream("abc".getBytes());
assertTrue(repo.put(data, 1), "Put should have succeeded.");
readLine = getContentAsString(file);
assertEquals(readLine, "abc", "File " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " should have contained 'abc'.");
assertFalse(repo.put(data, 1), "Putting an existing version should return false.");
readLine = getContentAsString(repo.get(1));
assertEquals(readLine, "abc", "'get'ting version 1 should have returned an inputstream containing 'abc'");
assertNull(repo.get(2), "'get'ting a non-existing version should return null");
@Test(expectedExceptions = { IllegalArgumentException.class })
public void testGetNegativeVersionFail() throws Exception {
RepositoryImpl repo = new RepositoryImpl(new File(m_baseDir, "data"), new File(m_baseDir, "tmp"), true);
@Test(expectedExceptions = { IllegalArgumentException.class })
public void testGetVersionZeroForEmptyRepositoryFail() throws Exception {
RepositoryImpl repo = new RepositoryImpl(new File(m_baseDir, "data"), new File(m_baseDir, "tmp"), true);
@Test(expectedExceptions = { IllegalArgumentException.class })
public void testPutNegativeVersionFail() throws Exception {
RepositoryImpl repo = new RepositoryImpl(new File(m_baseDir, "data"), new File(m_baseDir, "tmp"), true);
repo.put(new ByteArrayInputStream("abc".getBytes()), -1);
@Test(expectedExceptions = { IllegalArgumentException.class })
public void testPutVersionZeroFail() throws Exception {
RepositoryImpl repo = new RepositoryImpl(new File(m_baseDir, "data"), new File(m_baseDir, "tmp"), true);
repo.put(new ByteArrayInputStream("abc".getBytes()), 0);
@Test(expectedExceptions = { IllegalStateException.class })
public void testUpdatedConfigurationOk() throws Exception {
RepositoryImpl repo = new RepositoryImpl(new File(m_baseDir, "data"), new File(m_baseDir, "tmp"), true);
File file = new File(m_baseDir, "newLocation" + File.separator + "1");
// update the configuration of the repository...
repo.updated(false /* isMaster */, Long.MAX_VALUE);
assertFalse(repo.commit(new ByteArrayInputStream("abc".getBytes()), 0), "Committing should not be allowed on slave repositories.");
assertTrue(repo.put(new ByteArrayInputStream("abc".getBytes()), 1), "'put'ting a replica should be allowed on slave repositories.");
String readLine = getContentAsString(file);
assertEquals(readLine, "abc", "File " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " should have contained 'abc'.");
@BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true)
protected void setUp() throws IOException {
m_baseDir = File.createTempFile("repo", null);
private String getContentAsString(File file) throws IOException {
return getContentAsString(new FileInputStream(file));
private String getContentAsString(InputStream is) throws IOException {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
try {
return reader.readLine();
finally {