title: Downloads permalink: /downloads/

Be sure to verify your downloads using these KEYS.

{% assign closerLink = ‘https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua’ %} {% assign downloadsLink = ‘https://downloads.apache.org’ %} {% assign glyphSave = ‘ ’ %} {% assign glyphLock = ‘ ’ %} {% assign srcbinArray = ‘src bin’ | split: ' ' %} {% assign btnDownloadStyle = ‘class=“btn btn-primary” style=“text-transform: none; font-family: monospace”’ %} {% assign btnSigStyle = ‘class=“btn btn-default” style=“font-family: monospace”’ %} {% assign btnHashStyle = ‘class=“btn btn-default” style=“font-family: monospace”’ %} {% assign btnDocStyle = ‘class=“btn btn-default” style=“text-transform: none; font-family: monospace”’ %}

Current Releases

{% assign linkVers = ‘2.0.1’ %}

{{linkVers}} Latest{: .label .label-primary} non-LTM{: .label .label-warning}

{: #latest }

The {{linkVers}} release of Apache Accumulo® is the latest release on the current generation, containing the newest features, bug fixes, performance enhancements, and more.

{% for srcbin in srcbinArray %} {% assign lnkFile = ‘accumulo-’ | append: linkVers | append: ‘-’ | append: srcbin | append: ‘.tar.gz’ %} {% assign lnkSuffix = ‘/accumulo/’ | append: linkVers | append: ‘/’ | append: lnkFile %}

{% assign linkVers = ‘1.10.1’ %}

{{linkVers}} Legacy{: .label .label-default} LTM{: .label .label-success}

{: #legacy }

The most recent legacy (1.x) release of Apache Accumulo® is version {{linkVers}}.

{% for srcbin in srcbinArray %} {% assign lnkFile = ‘accumulo-’ | append: linkVers | append: ‘-’ | append: srcbin | append: ‘.tar.gz’ %} {% assign lnkSuffix = ‘/accumulo/’ | append: linkVers | append: ‘/’ | append: lnkFile %}


{: #legend }

LTM{: .label .label-success} / non-LTM{: .label .label-warning} indicates a Long Term Maintenance release or not
Latest{: .label .label-primary} / Legacy{: .label .label-default} indicates the latest or previous generation

Older releases

Older releases are listed in the release archive and can be downloaded from the download archive.