title: Client Properties category: configuration order: 3

Below are properties set in accumulo-client.properties that configure [Accumulo clients]({{ page.docs_baseurl }}/getting-started/clients#connecting). All properties have been part of the API since 2.0.0 (unless otherwise specified):

PropertyDefault valueSinceDescription
instance.nameemptyName of Accumulo instance to connect to
instance.zookeeperslocalhost:2181Zookeeper connection information for Accumulo instance
instance.zookeepers.timeout30sZookeeper session timeout
auth.typepasswordAuthentication method (i.e password, kerberos, PasswordToken, KerberosToken, etc)
auth.principalemptyAccumulo principal/username for chosen authentication method
auth.tokenemptyAuthentication token (ex. mypassword, /path/to/keytab)
batch.writer.durabilitydefaultChange the durability for the BatchWriter session. To use the table‘s durability setting. use “default” which is the table’s durability setting.
batch.writer.max.latency.sec120Max amount of time (in seconds) to hold data in memory before flushing it
batch.writer.max.memory.bytes52428800Max memory (in bytes) to batch before writing
batch.writer.max.timeout.sec0Max amount of time (in seconds) an unresponsive server will be re-tried. An exception is thrown when this timeout is exceeded. Set to zero for no timeout.
batch.writer.max.write.threads3Maximum number of threads to use for writing data to tablet servers.
batch.scanner.num.query.threads3Number of concurrent query threads to spawn for querying
scanner.batch.size1000Number of key/value pairs that will be fetched at time from tablet server
ssl.enabledfalseEnable SSL for client RPC
ssl.keystore.passwordemptyPassword used to encrypt keystore
ssl.keystore.pathemptyPath to SSL keystore file
ssl.keystore.typejksType of SSL keystore
ssl.truststore.passwordemptyPassword used to encrypt truststore
ssl.truststore.pathemptyPath to SSL truststore file
ssl.truststore.typejksType of SSL truststore
ssl.use.jssefalseUse JSSE system properties to configure SSL
sasl.enabledfalseEnable SASL for client RPC
sasl.kerberos.server.primaryaccumuloKerberos principal/primary that Accumulo servers use to login
sasl.qopauthSASL quality of protection. Valid values are ‘auth’, ‘auth-int’, and ‘auth-conf’
trace.span.receiversorg.apache.accumulo.tracer.ZooTraceClientA list of span receiver classes to send trace spans
trace.zookeeper.path/tracersThe zookeeper node where tracers are registered