title: Batch Scanner

Running on a single thread, a Scanner will retrieve a single Range of data and return Keys in sorted order. A [BatchScanner] will retrieve multiple Ranges of data using multiple threads. A BatchScanner can be more efficient but does not guarantee Keys will be returned in sorted order.

For this exercise, we need to generate a bunch of data to test BatchScanner. Copy the code below into your exercise method.

static void exercise(MiniAccumuloCluster mac) throws Exception {
    // Connect to Mini Accumulo as the root user and create a table called "GothamPD".
    Connector conn = mac.getConnector("root", "tourguide");

    // Generate 10,000 rows of henchman data, each with a different number yearsOfService
    try (BatchWriter writer = conn.createBatchWriter("GothamPD", new BatchWriterConfig())) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 10_000; i++) {
            Mutation m = new Mutation(String.format("id%04d", i));
            m.put("villain", "alias", "henchman" + i);
            m.put("villain", "yearsOfService", "" + (new Random().nextInt(50)));
            m.put("villain", "wearsCape?", "false");

We want to calculate the average years of service from a sample of 2000 villains. A BatchScanner would be good for this task because we don't need the returned keys to be sorted. Follow these steps to efficiently scan the table with 10,000 entries.

  1. After the above code, create a BatchScanner with 5 query threads. Similar to a Scanner, use the [createBatchScanner] method.

  2. Create an ArrayList of 2 sample Ranges (id1000 to id1999 and id9000 to id9999) and set the ranges of the [BatchScanner] using setRanges.

  3. We can make the scan more efficient by only bringing back the columns we want. Use [fetchColumn] to get the villain family and yearsOfService qualifier.

  4. Finally, use the BatchScanner to calculate the average years of service of 2000 villains.

[BatchScanner]: {% jurl org.apache.accumulo.core.client.BatchScanner %} [createBatchScanner]: {% jurl org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Connector#createBatchScanner-java.lang.String-org.apache.accumulo.core.security.Authorizations-int- %} [fetchColumn]: {% jurl org.apache.accumulo.core.client.ScannerBase#fetchColumn-org.apache.hadoop.io.Text-org.apache.hadoop.io.Text- %}