Accumulo 4.0 Feature Preview blog post (#441)

Co-authored-by: Dom Garguilo <>
6 files changed
tree: 59792606c7f36056a23731ba803fb0022ce48e98
  1. .github/
  2. 1.10/
  3. 1.3/
  4. 1.4/
  5. 1.5/
  6. 1.6/
  7. 1.7/
  8. 1.8/
  9. 1.9/
  10. _data/
  11. _docs-2/
  12. _includes/
  13. _layouts/
  14. _plugins/
  15. _posts/
  16. _sass/
  17. accumulo2-maven-plugin/
  18. contributor/
  19. css/
  20. design/
  21. doap/
  22. images/
  23. js/
  24. latest/
  25. pages/
  26. papers/
  27. tour/
  28. .asf.yaml
  29. .gitignore
  30. _config.yml
  32. Dockerfile
  33. favicon.ico
  34. favicon.png
  35. feed.xml
  36. Gemfile
  37. Gemfile.lock
  38. index.html
  40. search_data.json

Apache Accumulo Website

Apache Accumulo's website is generated from Markdown source (specifically, kramdown style) with Jekyll, using Bundler to manage its gem dependencies.


Custom Liquid Tags

Jekyll uses Liquid to process files before interpreting their Markdown contents. We have extended Jekyll using its plugin mechanism to create custom Liquid tags that make it easier to link to javadocs, properties, and documents.

The source for these tags is at _plugins/links.rb.

jlinkCreates Javadoc linkLink text will be class name by default. Use -f for full package + class name{% jlink -f org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Connector %} {% jlink -f org.apache.accumulo.core.client %}
jurlCreates Javadoc URLNone{% jurl org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Connector %}
plinkCreates Property linkAssumes server property by default. Use -c to link to client properties. Accepts server property prefixes (i.e table.\*){% plink -c %}
purlCreates Property URLDefault is server property. Use -c to link to client properties. Accepts server property prefixes (i.e table.\*){% purl instance.volumes %}
dlinkCreates Documentation linkNone{% dlink getting-stared/clients %}
durlCreates Documentation URLNone{% durl troubleshooting/performance %}
ghiGitHub issue linkNone{% ghi 100 %}
ghcGitHub code linkBranch defaults to gh_branch setting in _config.yml. Override using -b{% ghc server/tserver/src/main/java/org/apache/accumulo/tserver/ %} {% ghc -b 1.10 %}
jiraJira issue linkNone{% jira ACCUMULO-1000 %}

Updating Property Documentation for Releases

Building Accumulo generates server-properties*.md and client-properties*.md. To regenerate these, do the following.

ACCUMULO_SITE_CLONE=<accumulo website clone location, with main branch checked out>
ACCUMULO_CLONE=<accumulo clone location>
mvn package -DskipTests
cp ./core/target/generated-docs/*.md "$ACCUMULO_SITE_CLONE"/_docs-2/configuration/

Local Builds for Testing

Setting up Your Jekyll/Bundler Environment

Ruby and RubyGems are required to use Jekyll and Bundler, so first make sure you have those on your machine.

If you are using an OS packaged version of Ruby, you may also need to install the ruby-dev (Ubuntu) or ruby-devel (Fedora) package as well to build any native code for gems that are installed later. Installing these will also ensure your system's RubyGems package is installed. Depending on your OS, you may also need other packages to install/build gems, such as ruby-full, make, gcc, nodejs, build-essentials, or patch.

Once Ruby, RubyGems, and any necessary native tools are installed, you are ready to install Bundler to manage the remaining RubyGem dependencies. Bundler is included in Ruby 2.6 and later as a default gem, so installing it may not be needed.

Because we use Bundler to install specific versions of gems, it is not recommended to use an OS packaged version of gems other than what comes built-in. If you are using an OS packaged version of Ruby, it is strongly recommended to avoid sudo when installing additional gems, in order to avoid conflicting with your system's package-managed installation. Instead, you can specify a GEM_HOME directory for installing gems locally in your home directory. You can do this in your $HOME/.bashrc file or other appropriate place for your environment:

# in .bashrc
export GEM_HOME=$HOME/.gem/ruby

With Ruby installed on your machine, you can install Bundler using the command below:

# not necessary in Ruby >2.6, since it is a default gem since 2.6
gem install bundler

Next, use Bundler to install Jekyll and other dependencies needed to run the website (this command assumes your current working directory is your clone of this repository with the main branch checked out, because that's where the Gemfile dependency list exists).

bundle install

Testing with the Built-in Jekyll Webserver

The command to serve the site contents using Jekyll‘s built-in webserver is as follows (this webserver may behave differently than’s servers).

bundle exec jekyll serve -w

You do NOT need to execute a bundle exec jekyll build command first, as the serve command is sufficient to both build the site and serve its contents. By default, it will also try to re-build any pages you change while running the webserver, which can be quite useful if trying to get some CSS or HTML styled “just right”.

Jekyll will print a local URL where the site can be viewed (usually,

Testing using Docker environment

A containerized development environment can be built using the local Dockerfile.

A containerized development environment can be built using the local Dockerfile. You can build it with the following command:

docker build -t webdev .

This action will produce a webdev image, with all the website's build prerequisites preinstalled. When a container is run from this image, it will perform a jekyll serve command with the polling option enabled, so that changes you make locally will be immediately reflected.

When you run a container using the webdev image, your current working directory will be mounted, so that any changes made by the build inside the container will be reflected in your local workspace. This is done with the -v flag. To run the container, execute the following command:

docker run -d -v "$PWD":/mnt/workdir -p 4000:4000 webdev

While this container is running, you will be able to review the rendered website in your local browser at

Shell access can be obtained by overriding the default container command.

This is useful for adding new gems, or modifying the Gemfile.lock for updating existing dependencies.

When using shell access the local directory must be mounted to ensure the Gemfile and Gemfile.lock updates are reflected in your local environment so you can create a commit and submit a PR.

docker run -v "$PWD":/mnt/workdir -it webdev /bin/bash


Changes pushed to our main branch will automatically trigger Jekyll to build our site from that branch and push the result to our asf-site branch, where they will be served on our production site.

If changes fail to be pushed to the asf-site branch then the buildbot build logs should be checked for failures.

Buildbot jekyll_websites