Apache Accumulo Scalability Tests

The scalability test framework needs to be configured for your Accumulo instance by performing the following steps.

WARNING: Each scalability test rewrites your conf/tservers file and reinitializes your Accumulo instance. Do not run these tests on a cluster holding essential data.

  1. Make sure you have both ACCUMULO_HOME and HADOOP_HOME set in your $ACCUMULO_CONF_DIR/accumulo-env.sh.

  2. Edit the ‘site.conf’ file in the conf directory containing settings needed by test nodes to connect to Accumulo, and to guide the tests.

    $ vim conf/site.conf

  3. Edit the ‘Ingest.conf’ file in the conf directory containing performance settings for the Ingest test. (This test is currently the only scalability test available.)

    $ vim conf/Ingest.conf

    Each test has a unique ID (e.g., “Ingest”) which correlates with its test code in:


    This ID correlates with a config file:


To run the test, specify its ID to the run.py script.

$ nohup ./run.py Ingest > test1.log 2>&1 &

A timestamped directory will be created, and results are placed in it as each test completes.