ACCUMULO-4638 Clean up some AccumuloConfiguration

Lots of small refactorings to clean up AccumuloConfiguration,
ServerConfigurationFactory, and related classes. This should clean up
some of the internal configuration API, to make it easier to improve
implementations later.

* Move static type converter methods to helper class
* Remove redundant default config accessor
* Replace static filter classes with simple lambdas
* Remove static helper for client-side get table config (and comment on
  the now-obvious potential race condition in OfflineIterator for
  getting this config via the client API)
* Improve PropertyTest.testSensitiveKeys() use of DefaultConfiguration
* Rename ServerConfigurationFactory.getConfiguration() to
  ServerConfigurationFactory.getSystemConfiguration() to more accurately
  reflect what it retrieves
* Remove unnecessary KeyExtent version of
* Use Java 8 streams and lambda syntax to clean up some configuration
1 file changed
tree: f98b5c743070317c641e345ba28e9498bfd19d93
  1. examples/
  2. src/
  3. .gitignore
  4. pom.xml