Java client

After initiating a connection to the Proxy (see Apache Thrift's documentation for examples of connecting to a Thrift service), the methods on the proxy client will be available. The first thing to do is log in:

Map password = new HashMap<String,String>();
password.put("password", "secret");
ByteBuffer token = client.login("root", password);

Once logged in, the token returned will be used for most subsequent calls to the client. Let's create a table, add some data, scan the table, and delete it.

First, create a table.

client.createTable(token, "myTable", true, TimeType.MILLIS);

Next, add some data:

// first, create a writer on the server
String writer = client.createWriter(token, "myTable", new WriterOptions());

ByteBuffer rowid = ByteBuffer.wrap("UUID".getBytes());

//mutation like class
ColumnUpdate cu = new ColumnUpdate();
cu.setValue("Some Value.".getBytes());

List<ColumnUpdate> updates = new ArrayList<ColumnUpdate>();

// build column updates
Map<ByteBuffer, List<ColumnUpdate>> cellsToUpdate = new HashMap<ByteBuffer, List<ColumnUpdate>>();
cellsToUpdate.put(rowid, updates);

// send updates to the server
client.updateAndFlush(writer, "myTable", cellsToUpdate);


Scan for the data and batch the return of the results on the server:

String scanner = client.createScanner(token, "myTable", new ScanOptions());
ScanResult results = client.nextK(scanner, 100);

for(KeyValue keyValue : results.getResultsIterator()) {
  // do something with results
