Update project for Accumulo 2.1 (#11)

* Update licenses using license template
* Use Accumulo project POM as BOM for dependency versions
* Update GitHub Actions to test scripts, JDK17, and more
* Move build tools from contrib to src/build and update formatter
* Update release candidate build script
* Update parent POM and plugin versions
30 files changed
tree: b88421460c5e41613141d31f96d71bcfa6e61231
  1. .github/
  2. src/
  3. .asf.yaml
  4. .gitignore
  7. pom.xml
  8. README.md

Apache Accumulo Maven Plugin

Build Status Maven Central Javadoc Apache License

This Maven plugin allows users to run a mini, single-node version of Apache Accumulo in their application build for integration testing.

See the plugin documentation for more details.