ACCUMULO-4817 Update build plugins and parent POM

* Use Apache 19 parent POM
* Remove invalid/broken javadoc elements (specifically, invalid @author tags)
* Update configuration for newer plugins
  ** Exclude leaking Exceptions in public API caught by apilyzer
  ** Use Collections.emptySet() over Collections.EMPTY_SET caught by modernizer
  ** Use html5 backend over html backend for asciidoctor
* Move Maven prerequisites element from top-level POM to maven-plugin POM
* Sort modules section of POM for readability
* Drop posix config for assembly plugin (redundant with parent POM)
* Add comments related to plugins which require JDK8+
1 file changed
tree: caed04aabc8e6a0b35edfe3e5ea6e3024dc348b2
  1. src/
  2. .gitignore
  3. pom.xml