ACCUMULO-4423 Simplify use of JUnit categories

* Create surefire.groups, surefire.excludedGroups, failsafe.groups, and
  failsafe.excludedGroups to control categories, based on feedback from
  Maven developers about what to expect these property names to be in
  maven-surefire-plugin and maven-failsafe-plugin version 3.0
* Remove intermediate property names, which added unneeded level of
  property indirection (under assumption that we'll keep these
  categories stable over time, in order to keep the docs valid)
* Remove unneeded profiles
* Update documentation
1 file changed
tree: fc631ce4ca0da2c58369028e7c6f189735dba2fc
  1. src/
  2. .gitignore
  3. pom.xml