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# Apache Accumulo Docker Image
## Obtain the Docker image
To obtain the docker image created by this project, you can either pull it from DockerHub at
`apache/accumulo` or build it yourself. To pull the image from DockerHub, run the command below:
docker pull apache/accumulo
While it is easier to pull from DockerHub, the image will default to the software versions below:
| Software | Version |
| [Accumulo] | 1.9.3 |
| [Hadoop] | 2.8.5 |
| [Zookeeper] | 3.4.13 |
If these versions do not match what is running on your cluster, you should consider building
your own image with matching versions. However, Accumulo must be 2.0.0+. Below are instructions for
building an image:
1. Clone the Accumulo docker repo
git clone
2. Build the default Accumulo docker image using the command below.
cd /path/to/accumulo-docker
docker build -t accumulo .
Or build the Accumulo docker image with specific released versions of Hadoop, Zookeeper, etc that will downloaded from Apache using the command below:
docker build --build-arg ZOOKEEPER_VERSION=3.4.8 --build-arg HADOOP_VERSION=2.7.0 -t accumulo .
Or build with an Accumulo tarball (located in same directory as DockerFile) using the command below:
docker build --build-arg ACCUMULO_VERSION=1.9.3-SNAPSHOT --build-arg ACCUMULO_FILE=accumulo-1.9.3-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz -t accumulo .
## Image basics
The entrypoint for the Accumulo docker image is the `accumulo` script. While the primary use
case for this image is to start Accumulo processes (i.e tserver, master, etc), you can run other
commands in the `accumulo` script to test out the image:
# No arguments prints Accumulo command usage
docker run accumulo
# Print Accumulo version
docker run accumulo version
# Print Accumulo classpath
docker run accumulo classpath