Tagging Release Candidate for 1.2.0
Update helm version
1 file changed
tree: 1a76c10c7c75be5c81f087faf0c7e992d8c130f4
  1. .github/
  2. helm-charts/
  3. perf-tools/
  4. release-top-level-artifacts/
  5. tools/
  6. .asf.yaml
  7. .gitignore
  8. check_license.sh
  9. go.mod
  10. go.sum
  12. NOTICE
  13. README.md

Apache YuniKorn Release


This project provides the instructions and tools needed to generate Apache YuniKorn release artifacts. Reference:

Release Procedure

A simplified procedure:

  • Create a release branch in all git repos, such as branch-0.8
  • Stabilize the release
  • Create a tag and prepare to generate the release, e.g v0.8.0
  • Run the release tool to generate source code tarball, checksum and signature
  • Upload tarball, signature and checksum as a release candidate
  • Start a voting thread for the project
  • Publish the release (source code, helm chart and pre-build images)
  • Update the website

The full procedure is documented in the release procedure.