Prepare release 4.4.0 (#101)

1 file changed
tree: 45d4b2ef7e9698cda5dd3d93d6be2333f77a0dfb
  1. .github/
  2. chart/
  3. logo/
  4. test/
  5. .asf.yaml
  6. .gitignore
  9. Makefile
  10. NOTICE

Apache SkyWalking Kubernetes

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SkyWalking Kubernetes repository provides ways to install and configure SkyWalking in a Kubernetes cluster. The scripts are written in Helm 3.

Chart Detailed Configuration

Chart detailed configuration can be found at Chart Readme

There are required values that you must set explicitly when deploying SkyWalking.

oap.image.tagthe OAP docker image tag9.2.0
oap.storageTypethe storage type of the OAPelasticsearch, postgresql, etc.
ui.image.tagthe UI docker image tag9.2.0

You can set these required values via command line (e.g. --set oap.image.tag=9.2.0 --set oap.storageType=elasticsearch), or edit them in a separate file(e.g. values.yaml, values-my-es.yaml) and use -f <filename> or --values=<filename> to set them.


Let's set some variables for convenient use later.

export SKYWALKING_RELEASE_VERSION=4.3.0  # change the release version according to your need
export SKYWALKING_RELEASE_NAME=skywalking  # change the release name according to your scenario
export SKYWALKING_RELEASE_NAMESPACE=default  # change the namespace to where you want to install SkyWalking

Install released version using Docker Helm repository (>= 4.3.0)

helm install "${SKYWALKING_RELEASE_NAME}" \
  oci:// \
  --set oap.image.tag=9.2.0 \
  --set oap.storageType=elasticsearch \
  --set ui.image.tag=9.2.0

Install released version using Apache Jfrog Helm repository (<= 4.3.0)

export REPO=skywalking
helm repo add ${REPO}
  --set oap.image.tag=9.2.0 \
  --set oap.storageType=elasticsearch \
  --set ui.image.tag=9.2.0

Install development version using Helm repository

If you are willing to help testing the latest codes that are not released yet, we provided a snapshot Helm repository on for convenient use, replace the full commit hash in the version option to deploy the revision that you want to test.

helm -n istio-system install skywalking \
  oci:// \
  --version "0.0.0-b670c41d94a82ddefcf466d54bab5c492d88d772" \
  --set oap.image.tag=9.2.0 \
  --set oap.storageType=elasticsearch \
  --set ui.image.tag=9.2.0

Install development version using source codes

This is needed only when you want to install source codes.

export REPO=chart
git clone
cd skywalking-kubernetes
helm repo add elastic
helm dep up ${REPO}/skywalking

Install a specific version of SkyWalking with an existing Elasticsearch

Modify the connection information to the existing elasticsearch cluster in file values-my-es.yaml.

  -f ./skywalking/values-my-es.yaml

Install SkyWalking with Satellite

Enable the satellite as gateway, and set the satellite image tag.

  --set satellite.enabled=true \
  --set satellite.image.tag=v0.4.0

After satellite have been installed, you should replace the oap address to the satellite address, the address from agent or istio, such as skywalking-satellite.istio-system:11800.


  • Use your own configuration files

Put your own configuration files according to the overridable files under the working directory, files/conf.d, they will override the counterparts in the Docker image.

  • Pass environment variables to OAP

The SkyWalking OAP exposes many configurations that can be specified by environment variables, as listed in the main repo. You can set those environment variables by --set oap.env.<ENV_NAME>=<ENV_VALUE>, such as --set oap.env.SW_ENVOY_METRIC_ALS_HTTP_ANALYSIS=k8s-mesh.

The environment variables take priority over the overrode configuration files.

Contact Us

  • Submit an issue
  • Mail list: Mail to, follow the reply to subscribe the mail list.
  • Join skywalking channel at Apache Slack. If the link is not working, find the latest one at Apache INFRA WIKI.
  • QQ Group: 392443393(2000/2000, not available), 901167865(available)


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