feat:add implement shenyu etcd client (#35)

* feat:
1.Add implement shenyu Etcd client
2.Add shenyu Etcd Client Test and docs

* fix:
1.etcdclient EtcdClientParam comment error and rewrite now

* fix:
1.fix etcdclient ccp variable name to ecp
2.fix etcdclient close method
3.fix etcd documents
4.fix etcdclient_test

* feat:
1.add comment in etcdClient NewClient method

* fix:
1.etcdclient remove EtcdClientParam->TimeOut and use const timeOut to replace it

* fix:
1.etcdClient replace context.ToDo() with context.WithTimeout,this will cause deadlock if server is dead or clientnetwork unable
and  remove some comment now is unusefull

* fix:
1.etcdclient potential errors

* fix:
1.eidt docker-compose-etcd.yml cluster out Ports
2.edit build.yml add Etcd_componse to start up
3.etcd_client edit method

* fix:
1.etcd_client.go remove unused method
2.etcd doc/Etcd_EN.md correct keywords

* feat:
1.edit README.md and README_CN.md add etcd introduction
11 files changed
tree: e8104cab3cd61a371c280a66a90681e0661d018a
  1. .github/
  2. clients/
  3. common/
  4. doc/
  5. example/
  6. licenses/
  7. model/
  8. .asf.yaml
  9. .gitignore
  10. .licenserc.yaml
  12. docker-compose-consul.yml
  13. docker-compose-etcd.yml
  14. docker-compose-zk.yml
  15. go.mod
  16. go.sum
  18. NOTICE
  19. README.md
  20. README_CN.md


English | 简体中文

Build and Test codecov.io GoDoc


Shenyu-client-golang for Go client allows you to access ShenYu Gateway,it supports registory go service to ShenYu Gateway.

Supported Register Center to ShenYu Gateway

  • Http type Register
  • Nacos type Register
  • Zookeeper type Register
  • Consul type Register
  • Etcd type Register


Supported Go version over 1.13

SDK Supported ShenYu version over 2.4.3


Use go get to install SDK:

$ go get -u github.com/apache/shenyu-client-golang

The Demo location

  • shenyu-client-golang/example/**_client/main.go

Get Start