HDDS-10903. Move sitemap check to Docusaurus build. (#94)

3 files changed
tree: 2b0b5efb763e02360319ac93d94d4e40bd6b8310
  1. .github/
  2. docs/
  3. src/
  4. static/
  5. .dockerignore
  6. .gitignore
  7. .licenserc.yaml
  8. .markdownlint.yaml
  9. .markdownlintignore
  10. .yamllint.yml
  11. babel.config.js
  12. compose.yml
  14. cspell.yaml
  15. Dockerfile
  16. docusaurus.config.js
  17. LICENSE.txt
  18. package.json
  19. pnpm-lock.yaml
  20. progress.sh
  21. README.md
  22. sidebars.js

Apache Ozone Website v2

Welcome to the development branch of the new and improved Apache Ozone website. The new site is being built with Docusaurus. See the Docusaurus docs for details on working with this framework. The progress.sh script can be used to get an approximation of how many pages are remaining before the website is ready.

You can preview the current state of the new website at https://ozone-site-v2.staged.apache.org.


  • HDDS-9225 is the parent Jira tracking current tasks required to get the new website ready for deployment.

  • Attached to this Jira is a document outlining the long term plan required to get the new website ready for deployment.

  • This Apache mail thread is the original dev mailing thread discussing the new Ozone website.


  • Development of the new website is currently happening on the HDDS-9225-website-v2 branch. All changes specific to the new website should be merged into this branch.

  • The master branch is still tracking content for the currently active Ozone website. master and HDDS-9225-website-v2 will remain separate until the new website is ready to be deployed.

  • The asf-site branch is still holding build artifacts being used to deploy content from the master branch.


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