Update to ASF license; adjust README. (#12)

@csantanapr there looks to be a problem actually installing the package template using wsk command; having nothing to do with scancode updates from this PR.  I need to merge this and we should address the install error on another issue.
2 files changed
tree: eb0e52d537a326d35e741a1de885be25d9ab56aa
  1. actions/
  2. tests/
  3. tools/
  4. .gitignore
  5. .travis.yml
  7. install.sh
  8. LICENSE.txt
  9. README.md
  10. uninstall.sh

Openwhisk Package Template

License Build Status

This package is a template for Openwhisk Packages, it can be used to build, test and integrate new packages.

├── actions
│   └── hello_world.js
├── feeds
│      └── ...
├── install.sh
├── LICENSE.txt
├── README.md
├── tests
│   ├── credentials.json
│   ├── credentials.json.enc
│   └── src
│      └── TemplateTests.scala
├── tools
│   └── travis
│       └── build.sh
├── TriggerProvider
│      └── ...
└── uninstall.sh

How to install and uninstall this package?

Install the package using ./install.sh $EDGE_HOST $AUTH_KEY $WSK_CLI where :

  • $EDGE_HOST is where openwhisk is deployed
  • $AUTH_KEY is the authentication key
  • $WSK_CLI is the path of Openwhisk command interface binary

This will create a new package called packageTemplate as well as a hello world action.

To uninstall the package, please use ./uninstall.sh $EDGE_HOST $AUTH_KEY $WSK_CLI

##Testing You can test your package using the test cases you provided within tests/src, it is highly recommended to use Scala in writing test cases. To execute the test cases locally ( local deployment of Openwhisk), please copy your test files into openwhisk/tests/src/packages and then by using gradle within Openwhisk gradle :tests:test this will execute all test files of openwhisk, to execute a specific test class you can use gradle :tests:test --tests "packages.CLASS_NAME

credentials: You may need credentials during testing, you can put whatever credentials you need in tests/credentials.json (use tests/template_ceredentials.json as an example). In case of travis deployment for continuous integration, you can encrypt credentials.json file by using travis CLI.

Caution: Do not forget to include tests/credentials.json in .gitignore.

##Package contents | Entity | Type | Parameters | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | /namespace/packageTemplate | package | - | Openwhisk Package Template | | /namespace/packageTemplate/helloWorld | action | details | A simple hello world action |

###Feeds List here Feed actions ...

###Actions ####Hello World This action is a simple hello world, ######Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description| Options | Default | Example | | ------------- | ---- | -------- | ------------ | ------- | ------- |------- | | name | string | no | A name to greet | - | - | “Openwhisk” |

######Usage To use this action, you need to pass the required parameters (refer to the table above)

wsk action invoke /namespace/packageTemplate/helloWorld -p name 'Openwhisk' --blocking


  "message": "Hello, Openwhisk!"


Please refer to CONTRIBUTING.md
