Improved: Convert InvoiceServices.xml from mini-lang to Groovy (OFBIZ-13085)

Convert following services to groovy :
 * createInvoice
 * copyInvoice
 * getInvoice
 * updateInvoice
 * setInvoiceStatus
 * copyInvoiceToTemplate
 * checkInvoiceStatusInProgress
 * createInvoiceItem
 * updateInvoiceItem
 * removeInvoiceItem
 * sendInvoicePerEmail
 * autoGenerateInvoiceFromExistingInvoice
 * cancelInvoice
 * getInvoiceRunningTotal
 * addTaxOnInvoice
 * getInvoicesFilterByAssocType
 * removeInvoiceItemAssocOnCancelInvoice
 * resetOrderItemBillingAndOrderAdjustmentBillingOnCancelInvoice
 * massChangeInvoiceStatus
 * createInvoiceFromOrder
 * isInvoiceInForeignCurrency
 * removePaymentApplication (move to payment package)

These services to entity-auto :
 * createInvoiceRole
 * removeInvoiceRole
 * createInvoiceTerm
 * createInvoiceContent
 * updateInvoiceContent

Introduce new services :
 * checkInvoiceStatusInProgress
 * createInvoiceContentAndUpdateContent
 * updateInvoiceContentAndContent

checkInvoiceStatusInProgress have been added as permission service to autorize or not edit service on invoice.
createInvoiceContentAndUpdateContent and updateInvoiceContentAndContent have be added to manage both entity InvoiceContent and Content, and let createInvoiceContent and updateInvoiceContent as crud service
9 files changed