Upgraded to Ubuntu Core 22, and Snapcraft 8, kept only arm64
2 files changed
tree: bd65b0814af03a70644a7c20e3862864cfad24ce
  1. convert/
  2. html-convert/
  3. jsstub-generator/
  4. licencereviewsite/
  5. nbpackage/
  6. pp3/
  7. proxy-chooser/
  8. snap-packages/
  9. synergy/
  10. translations/
  11. tutorials-convert/
  12. wiki-convert/
  13. wiki-export/
  14. .gitignore
  16. NOTICE
  17. README.md


Mirror of Apache NetBeans Tools.

Repository of tools and other utilties created and used by the Apache NetBeans community.

Currently Available Tools

  • convert: Tool for automatically converting Sun Microsystems and Oracle licenses to Apache.

  • html-convert: Tool that reads tutorials in HTML format from the 3rd Oracle donation and converts these to the AsciiDoc format.

  • licensereviewsite: Tool consisting of a Maven plugin to generate report for crosschecking Jenkins / Confluence for external and licence. (More details.)

  • pp3: Plugin Portal, live at http://netbeans-vm.apache.org/pluginportal/.

  • wiki-export: Tool for extracting WikiText data from wiki.netbeans.org. (More details.)

  • wiki-convert: Tool for converting extracted WikiText data to AsciiDoc, suitable for using with the jBake static generator tool.