Use IndexInput#prefetch for postings, skip data and impacts (#13364)

This uses the `IndexInput#prefetch` API for postings. This relies on heuristics, as we don't know ahead of time what data we will need from a postings list:
 - Postings lists are prefetched entirely when they are short (< 16kB).
 - Impacts enums also prefetch the first page of skip data.
 - Postings enums prefetc skip data on the first call to advance().

Positions, offsets and payloads are never prefetched.

Putting the `IndexInput#prefetch` call in `TermsEnum#postings` and `TermsEnum#impacts` works well because `BooleanQuery` will first create postings/impacts enums for all clauses before it starts unioning/intersecting them. This allows the prefetching logic to run in parallel across all clauses of the same query on the same segment.
1 file changed
tree: 2dc1901598fc0eb38347bf306f247c66cdc19164
  1. .github/
  2. buildSrc/
  3. dev-docs/
  4. dev-tools/
  5. gradle/
  6. help/
  7. lucene/
  8. .asf.yaml
  9. .dir-locals.el
  10. .git-blame-ignore-revs
  11. .gitattributes
  12. .gitignore
  13. .hgignore
  14. .lift.toml
  15. build.gradle
  17. gradlew
  18. gradlew.bat
  19. LICENSE.txt
  20. NOTICE.txt
  22. settings.gradle
  23. versions.lock
  24. versions.props

Apache Lucene

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Apache Lucene is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine library written in Java.

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Basic steps:

  1. Install OpenJDK 21.
  2. Clone Lucene's git repository (or download the source distribution).
  3. Run gradle launcher script (gradlew).

We‘ll assume that you know how to get and set up the JDK - if you don’t, then we suggest starting at and learning more about Java, before returning to this README.

See Contributing Guide for details.


Bug fixes, improvements and new features are always welcome! Please review the Contributing to Lucene Guide for information on contributing.

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