users@infra has no dominion here

jira approvals and rejections must be handled by the project.
if there is a technical issue, {project} can open an infra jirat.
if there is a technical issue, {project} can open an infra jirat.
if there is a technical issue, {project} can open an infra jirat.
if there is a technical issue, {project} can open an infra jira.
1 file changed
tree: 83d16ac7146b41adfa98efac6d4eb77af8d47dae
  1. documentation/
  2. htdocs/
  3. server/
  4. .asf.yaml
  5. .gitignore
  6. pipservice-selfserve-portal.service
  8. requirements.txt
  9. roleaccounts.example.txt

ASF infrastructure self-serve portal platform

This repository houses the code for the ASF self-serve portal. It is constructed as a PipService and houses the static site elements, documentation, and scripts required to perform self-serve actions.

The layout iss:

  • htdocs/: The static site files
  • documentation/: The documentation for the self-serve processes
  • server/: The backend server (quart?) for the self-serve actions