OF: standardise indentation
1 file changed
tree: a0068e549d0ba588501074df22f7dc774adf70f0
  1. .github/
  2. asfpy/
  3. test/
  4. .gitignore
  5. MANIFEST.in
  6. pylintrc
  7. README.md
  8. requirements.txt
  9. setup.py

asfpy - ASF Infrastructure Common Library for Python functions

This Python library contains features commonly used at the Apache Software Foundation.

(For asfpy 0.37 and below, look at our old Subversion repository)

Building asfpy package


  • apt install python3.10-venv
  • pip3 install build twine

Bump the version number in setup.py and run: python3 -m build

Publishing a new asfpy package

After building the asfpy package, run the following command, where $version is the new version to publish:

python3 -m twine upload dist/asfpy-$version* (for instance dist/asfpy-0.38*)

The above command will upload the .whl and the .tar.gz (the glob-asterisk is important!)

See this guide for more details on working with PyPi.

Please also create a tag for the release.

for testing

Create an account on https://test.pypi.org/, then add a token with an “all projects” scope. Place that into your .pypirc like so:

  repository = https://test.pypi.org/legacy/
  username = __token__
  password = pypi-tokenstringgoeshere

Then you can test an upload with: python3 -m twine upload -r testpypi dist/asf-py$version*

The package should upload to the test.pypi.org service.