typos about overviewDomainModel docs (#742)

1 file changed
tree: c54115a9487c14150d4e50add41e7fbc4c594260
  1. .github/
  2. blog/
  3. build/
  4. docs/
  5. img/
  6. saga_designer/
  7. schema/
  8. site_config/
  9. src/
  10. utils/
  11. .babelrc
  12. .docsite
  13. .eslintrc
  14. .gitignore
  15. .htaccess
  16. .licenserc.yaml
  17. .nojekyll
  18. 404.html
  19. CNAME
  20. docsite.config.yml
  21. gulpfile.js
  23. package-lock.json
  24. package.json
  25. README.md
  26. redirect.ejs
  27. robots.txt
  28. s.yaml
  29. server
  30. site.txt
  31. sitemap.xml
  32. template.ejs
  33. webpack.config.js

Seata Official Website

CI Status

All website material of https://seata.io


seata.github.io is powered by docsite.please read https://docsite.js.org If your version of docsite is less than 1.3.3, please upgrade to at least 1.3.3,1.3.8 is recommended. Please also make sure your node version is 8.x, versions higher than 8.x is not supported by docsite yet.

Build instruction

  1. Run npm install docsite -g to install the dev tool.
  2. Run npm i in the root directory to install the dependencies.
  3. Run docsite start in the root directory to start a local server, you will see the website in ‘’.
  4. Run docsite build to build source code.
  5. Verify your change locally: python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000, when your python version is 3 use :python3 -m http.server 8000 instead.

If you have higher version of node installed, you may consider nvm to allow different versions of node coexisting on your machine.

  1. Follow the instructions to install nvm
  2. Run nvm install v8.16.0 to install node v8
  3. Run nvm use v8.16.0 to switch the working environment to node v8
  4. Run npm install docsite -g

Make sure npm and docsite are configured in the environmet configuration of os . eg: /etc/profile or .bash_profile of Macos

Then you are all set to run and build the website. Follow the build instruction above for the details.

How To Write Documents

Add a new doc

  1. Add new .md file under docs/en-us or docs/zh-cn. Corresponding to Chinese file and English file , and the Chinese and English file names should be consistent.
  2. Update site_config/docs.js, add a new entry to the blog in either en-us or zh-cn.
  3. Run docsite start locally to verify the blog can be displayed correctly.
  4. Send the pull request contains the .md and doc.js only.

Add a new article for developers

  1. Add new .md file under docs/en-us/developers or docs/zh-cn/developers, the file name should end up with _dev.md. Note that the suffix _dev is necessary.
  2. Update site_config/develop.js, add a new entry in either en-us or zh-cn.
  3. Run docsite start locally to verify the article can be displayed correctly.
  4. Send the pull request contains the *_dev.md and develop.js only.

Add a new blog

  1. Add new .md file under blog/en-us or blog/zh-cn. Corresponding to Chinese file and English file , and the Chinese and English file names should be consistent.
  2. Update site_config/blog.js, add a new entry to the blog in either en-us or zh-cn.
  3. Run docsite start locally to verify the blog can be displayed correctly.
  4. Send the pull request contains the .md and blog.js only.
  5. SEO config is required.

notice : Blog documents will be automatically sorted by time, without menu configuration
Set ‘hidden’ to ‘true’ for documents you don't want to display temporarily`


the type is :

hidden: false
title: title
keywords: keywords1,keywords2
description: some description
author: author name
date: 2018-12-29
