Bump fastjson from 1.2.75 to 1.2.83 in /mp-shadingsphere-druid-seata-tcc (#545)

1 file changed
tree: c532c826ff2f1ac1c559dcacaacbace3308c751c
  1. .github/
  2. api/
  3. doc/
  4. dubbo/
  5. dubbo-multiple-datasource-mybatis-plus/
  6. ha/
  7. mp-shadingsphere-druid-seata-tcc/
  8. multiple-datasource/
  9. multiple-datasource-mybatis-plus/
  10. nacos/
  11. nutzboot-dubbo-fescar/
  12. saga/
  13. seata-samples-jit/
  14. seata-spring-boot-starter-samples/
  15. seata-xa/
  16. spring-cloud-alibaba-samples/
  17. springboot/
  18. springboot-dubbo-seata/
  19. springboot-dubbo-seata-zk/
  20. springboot-mybatis/
  21. springboot-shardingsphere-seata/
  22. springcloud-eureka-feign-mybatis-seata/
  23. springcloud-eureka-seata/
  24. springcloud-jpa-seata/
  25. springcloud-nacos-seata/
  26. springcloud-seata-sharding-jdbc-mybatis-plus-samples/
  27. style/
  28. tcc/
  29. .gitignore
  30. .travis.yml
  32. pom.xml
  33. README.md

Seata Samples

Samples for Seata. This project contains several sub-projects, each of which is an example of integration with other projects.

Build Status license

Friendly note: because the project depends on too much, all Maven modules are commented out by default.

You can modify pom.xml.

Related repository

  • Seata - The Seata core project

