Update main.yml

Updated workflow trigger branch on push
1 file changed
tree: b5dbec302aa9b3a34c584de993bc657b429592c0
  1. .github/
  2. docs/
  3. resdb_driver/
  4. .gitignore
  5. CNAME
  6. license
  7. README.md
  8. requirements.txt
  9. test_driver.py
  10. test_update_metadata.py

ResilientDB SDK

Check Python is up-to-date (3.9+)

$ python3 --version

If your Python version number is too low you may encounter type hinting issues when attempting to run the code

Installing dependencies

$ python3 -m venv venv

$ source venv/bin/activate

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the driver

examples of using the driver can be seen in test_driver

replace the db_root_url with the url of resilient db e.g


  • Setting up linting (using black) through github hooks
  • convert the sdk into a package (for pip install)
  • Potentially have a docker setup which fetched the Resdb image and runs it locally