KOGITO-5134: Fix VSCode integration tests editor waiting mechanism (#508)

* KOGITO-5134: Fix VSCode integration tests editor waiting mechanism

Minor refactoring, docs, format, errors

Refactor waitUntilKogitoEditorIsLoaded

Add javadoc, change name.
Extract driver to single variable.

Handle some errors in catch(), fix issues from review

Remove dependency, add notification handling

Wait for webview ready iframe, fix typos

* Fix handling of closing of editors when test fails.

Now the test should finish all others and not fail in the middle.

* Always reset the webdriver to original window

Fixes cases where there was a test failure and the driver was not switched back.
4 files changed
tree: 05908082b7c0c26ea00c7ec7d49b6377e3f3b90a
  1. .github/
  2. docs/
  3. packages/
  4. .gitignore
  5. Jenkinsfile.nightly
  6. lerna.json
  8. package.json
  9. prettier.config.js
  10. README.md
  11. tsconfig.json
  12. tslint.json
  13. unpack-maven-packages.js
  14. update_version_to.js
  15. webpack.common.config.js
  16. yarn.lock


Kogito is the next generation of business automation platform focused on cloud-native development, deployment and execution.

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Quick Links

Homepage: http://kogito.kie.org

Wiki: https://github.com/kiegroup/kogito-tooling/wiki

JIRA: https://issues.jboss.org/projects/KOGITO

jBPM: https://www.jbpm.org/

Drools: https://www.drools.org/

Getting Started

This module contains a number of examples that you can take a look at and try out yourself. Please take a look at the readme of each individual example for more details on how the example works and how to run it yourself (either locally or on Kubernetes):


In Kogito Tooling releases page you will find extensions and released tooling packages.

Build from source

  1. Check out the source:

    git clone git@github.com:kiegroup/kogito-tooling.git

    If you don't have a GitHub account use this command instead:

    git clone https://github.com/kiegroup/kogito-tooling.git
  2. Build with Yarn:

    cd kogito-tooling
    yarn run init
    yarn run build:prod
    # dev
    yarn run build # skips integration tests and production packing
    yarn run build:fast # skips lint and unit tests

    NOTE: It's necessary to have the Git tags fetched when building with build:prod.

    Final artifacts will be on packages/*/dist directories.


NOTE: We recommend using LTS version of Node.js when developing this project. Our CI uses Node 12.16.3 and Yarn 1.19.1.

NOTE: This repo now consumes NPM packages containing the exploded WARs of the BPMN, DMN, and SceSim Editors. For this reason, if you want to use a local build of one of them during development, you can use some environment variables to point to the exploded WAR directories.

  • SceSim: EXTERNAL_RESOURCE_PATH__scesimEditor


$ export EXTERNAL_RESOURCE_PATH__bpmnEditor=/Users/tiago/redhat/kie-wb-common/kie-wb-common-stunner/kie-wb-common-stunner-sets/kie-wb-common-stunner-bpmn/kie-wb-common-stunner-bpmn-kogito-runtime/target/kie-wb-common-stunner-bpmn-kogito-runtime/

$ export EXTERNAL_RESOURCE_PATH__dmnEditor=/Users/tiago/redhat/kie-wb-common/kie-wb-common-dmn/kie-wb-common-dmn-webapp-kogito-runtime/target/kie-wb-common-dmn-webapp-kogito-runtime/

$ yarn run init && yarn run build:prod

This is only necessary for these GWT-based Editors.

VS Code Extension
  1. After you've successfully built the project following the instructions above, open the packages/vscode-extension-pack-kogito-kie-editors folder on VS Code. Use a new VS Code window so that the packages/vscode-extension-pack-kogito-kie-editors folder shows up as root in the VS Code explorer.
  2. From there, you can Run the extension or the integration tests by using the Debug menu/section. You can also use the respective shortcuts (F5 to start debugging, for instance).
  3. NOTE: To run the VS Code extension in development mode, you need webpack and webpack-cli to be globally installed on NPM. Normally you can do that with npm install -g webpack@4.41.2 webpack-cli@3.3.10, but sudo may be required depending on your installation.
  4. Remember! If you make changes to packages other than packages/vscode-extension-pack-kogito-kie-editors, you have to manually rebuild them before relaunching the extension on VS Code.
Chrome Extension
  1. After you've successfully built the project following the instructions above, open the packages/chrome-extension-pack-kogito-kie-editors folder on your favourite IDE. You can import the entire repo as well if you want to make changes to other packages.
  2. Run yarn build:fast on packages/chrome-extension-pack-kogito-kie-editors. This will create a version of the Chrome Extension that fetches the envelope locally.
  3. Open a terminal and run yarn run serve-envelope on packages/chrome-extension-pack-kogito-kie-editors. This will start a webpack-dev-server instance with the editors and their envelope. We use that because we don't pack the Chrome Extension bundle with the editors inside. Instead, we fetch them from GitHub pages.
  4. You also have to enable invalid certificates for resources loaded from localhost in your browser. To do that, go to chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost in your Chrome browser and enable this flag. Alternativelly, you can go to https://localhost:9001 and add an exception.
  5. Open Chrome and go to chrome://extensions. Enable “Developer mode” on the top right corner and click on “Load unpacked”. Choose the packages/chrome-extension-pack-kogito-kie-editors/dist folder.
  6. From now on you can use the development version of the extension. Remember! After each change, you have to rebuild the changed modules and hit the “Refresh” button of the extension card.
Online Editor
  1. After you've successfully built the project following the instructions above, go to packages/online-editor.
  2. Open a terminal and run yarn start. This will start a webpack-dev-server instance with the Online Editor resources.
  3. From now on you can use the development version of the Online Editor by accessing https://localhost:9001.
Desktop and Hub
  1. After you've successfully built the project following the instructions above, go to packages/desktop or packages/hub. They work exactly the same.
  2. To start the application in development mode, you can run yarn start. If you make changes and want to reload the app, run yarn run build:fast && yarn start. This will recompile the module and restart the Electron app. Remember: if you make changes to other modules, you have to build them too!
  3. To build and package the application for production (i.e. generating an executable), you can run yarn run build:prod. This will pack the application for the current OS. If you want to pack the application for a different OS, run yarn run pack:linux, for example. See package.json for more details.
Standalone Editors
  1. After you've successfully built the project following the instructions above, go to packages/kie-editors-standalone.
  2. Open a terminal and run yarn start --config webpack.package-resources.config.js. This will start a webpack-dev-server instance with the Standalone Editors test page.
  3. From now on you can use the development version of the Standalone DMN Editor by accessing https://localhost:9001/resources/dmn and the Standalone BPMN Editor by accessing https://localhost:9001/resources/bpmn.


  • When opening PRs, please make sure to provide a detailed description of the issue along with the JIRA, if there's one.
  • If you are a member of kiegroup and want to test a change you made in our tooling, you can go to our Run FDB issue and make a comment following the format Build: {github-username}/{branch-name}. This will trigger a job that will fetch the forks (1) of {github-username}, merge {branch-name} into master, and build them. In a few seconds you should see a new comment on the same issue, saying that a new build was triggered for you. The GitHub Actions bot will also provide a link so you can follow the build logs and download artifacts, and another link to access an Online Editor instance (2) containing your changes, once it's finished running.
  • Please use Prettier to format the code before submitting a PR.

(1) This process considers the following repositories: droolsjbpm-build-bootstrap, kie-soup, appformer, kie-wb-common, drools-wb and kogito-tooling.

(2) The Online Editor instance will be accessible for 30 days.

Contributing to Kogito

All contributions are welcome! Before you start please read the Developing Drools and jBPM guide.


Here are some of the most notable ones for quick reference: