PLANNER-490 4 or more shadow variables might trigger cyclic source dependencies exception when that's not the case: Topological sorting with Kahn's algorithm + unit tests

(cherry picked from commit 9b84bf62541b9d4bb1275691101a389805c32b9e)
11 files changed
tree: 43178be22b776bedea8dcf776a8f8331a7bdb27e
  1. optaplanner-benchmark/
  2. optaplanner-core/
  3. optaplanner-distribution/
  4. optaplanner-docs/
  5. optaplanner-examples/
  6. optaplanner-webexamples/
  7. .gitattributes
  8. .gitignore
  9. LICENSE-ASL-2.0.txt
  10. pom.xml

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