KOGITO-3231 GraalVM 20.2 breaks native image (#738) (#743)

17 files changed
tree: 9f3d9187d268193d2647129e61d5c1cb3eb1bbb3
  1. .github/
  2. .mvn/
  3. addons/
  4. api/
  5. archetypes/
  6. docsimg/
  7. drools/
  8. grafana-api/
  9. history/
  10. integration-tests/
  11. jbpm/
  12. jenkins-tests/
  13. kogito-bom/
  14. kogito-build-parent/
  15. kogito-cloud-services/
  16. kogito-codegen/
  17. kogito-maven-plugin/
  18. kogito-quarkus-extension/
  19. kogito-springboot/
  20. kogito-test-utils/
  21. scripts/
  22. .gitignore
  24. history2.adoc
  25. Jenkinsfile
  26. Jenkinsfile-sonarcloud-daily
  27. Jenkinsfile.deploy
  28. Jenkinsfile.deploy.new
  29. Jenkinsfile.drools
  30. Jenkinsfile.promote
  31. Jenkinsfile.quarkus
  32. Jenkinsfile.release
  34. mvnw
  35. mvnw.cmd
  36. pom.xml
  37. README.md


Kogito is the next generation of business automation platform focused on cloud-native development, deployment and execution.

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  • Maven 3.6.2 or later
  • Java 11 or later (devel package)
  • optional: Docker installation for running integration tests

Getting Started

The Kogito Examples repository module contains a number of examples that you can take a look at and try out yourself. Please take a look at the readme of each individual example for more details on how the example works and how to run it yourself (either locally or on Kubernetes).


The official guides for Kogito can be found at our main website, these include guides for Quarkus and Spring Boot.

If you want to read more about Quarkus:

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