[DROOLS-1012] register the ClassLoaderResolver on the ServiceRegistry in kie-ci-osgi Activator

(cherry picked from commit e48ee17304c6af5568fd9a7af567a87f01e29040)
3 files changed
tree: 16fe5d5370d389c466fa5195779d7e29d99f1069
  1. drools-beliefs/
  2. drools-compiler/
  3. drools-core/
  4. drools-decisiontables/
  5. drools-distribution/
  6. drools-examples/
  7. drools-examples-api/
  8. drools-examples-cdi/
  9. drools-jsr94/
  10. drools-persistence-jpa/
  11. drools-pmml/
  12. drools-reteoo/
  13. drools-scorecards/
  14. drools-templates/
  15. drools-verifier/
  16. drools-workbench-models/
  17. kie-ci/
  18. kie-ci-osgi/
  19. kie-maven-plugin/
  20. kie-maven-plugin-example/
  21. knowledge-api-legacy5-adapter/
  22. .gitignore
  23. LICENSE-ASL-2.0.txt
  24. pom.xml
  25. README.md

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