Update 'How to Contribute' link and remove duplicate 'Guidelines'  link in README (#143)

* Update 'How to Contribute' link and remove duplicate 'Guidelines' link in README

This PR makes the following changes to the README file to streamline the contribution guidelines and avoid redundancy:

- Updated the 'How to Contribute' link to ensure it directs contributors to the correct resource.
- Removed the 'Guidelines' link as it duplicated the information provided in 'How to Contribute'.

* Update contribution link from markdown to website

- Changed the contribution guide link in the README.md from the markdown file to the corresponding section on the official website.
- This change ensures that the link remains stable and is not impacted by the frequent changes to Markdown files.
1 file changed
tree: 124965f148fed0d10baec667f539efd563b2d80d
  1. .github/
  2. hugegraph-common/
  3. hugegraph-dist/
  4. hugegraph-rpc/
  5. style/
  6. .asf.yaml
  7. .editorconfig
  8. .gitattributes
  9. .gitignore
  10. .licenserc.yaml
  13. NOTICE
  14. pom.xml
  15. README.md


License codecov Maven Central CodeQL hugegraph-commons ci

hugegraph-commons is a common module for HugeGraph and its peripheral components. hugegraph-commons encapsulates locks, configurations, events, iterators, rest and some numeric or collection util classes to simplify the development of HugeGraph and its components.


  • Lock: atomic lock, key lock, lock group and lock manger
  • Config: register and load config option with security check
  • Event: listening and notification, do something asynchronously
  • Iterator: some iterators with extra functions, map, filter, extend, etc.
  • Rest: RESTful client implemented on OkHttp, POST, PUT, GET and DELETE
  • Util: performance analyzer, version checker, numeric and Collection utils, log and exception utils, etc.
  • Rpc: rpc component for inner module communication, currently it's based on Sofa-RPC

You could use import the dependencies in maven like this:


Learn More

The doc page contains more information about hugegraph modules.

And here are links of other repositories:

  1. hugegraph-server (graph's core component - OLTP server)
  2. hugegraph-toolchain (include loader/dashboard/tool/client)
  3. hugegraph-computer (graph processing system - OLAP)
  4. hugegraph-website/doc (include doc & website code)


  • Welcome to contribute to HugeGraph, please see How to Contribute for more information.
  • Note: It's recommended to use GitHub Desktop to greatly simplify the PR and commit process.
  • Thank you to all the people who already contributed to HugeGraph!

contributors graph


Same as HugeGraph, hugegraph-commons are also licensed under Apache 2.0 License.

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