HBASE-27076. [HBOSS] compile against hadoop 3.3.2+ only. (#34)

Cut out all hadoop 3.2 support from files/build and move the
s3 client binding code back into hadoop-testutils.

The other hadoop profiles and the java test code to query/act
on different versions are retained, so that if a future version
ever needs to be dynamic again, the code is ready.

* removes the hadoop 3.2 profile; retains the 3.3 and default ones
* hadoop.version is set to 3.3.2.
* version checking only handles HadoopVersion = 3.3
* Hadoop33EmbeddedS3ClientFactory is in hadoop-testutils source tree
* the hadoop3-3-testutils and hadoop3-2-testutils modules are gone
* TestUtils.renameToExistingDestinationSupported() is always true; uses
  in assumeTrue() calls cut
* cut hbase-oss/src/test/resources/contract/hadoop-3.2/s3a.xml;
  choice of contract profile is still dynamic.
* travis to only check 3.3 profile
* readme updated

Change-Id: Idc9181537443904004f2e79baefe7a2c0fe67902

Signed-off-by: Andrew Purtell <apurtell@apache.org>
11 files changed