Contributing to Apache CloudStack Website

Non-technical contributors can refer to the visual guide here:


For adding blog posts, the following template can be copied and renamed in the format as -blog-name, see examples in the blog directory:

Step by Step

  • Fork this repository to your GitHub account: <your_github_user>. To do that, navigate to and click fork in the top right corner of the page.
  • Then, clone your fork to your local workstation: git clone<your_github_user>/cloudstack-www.git
  • Cloning this way will make your GitHub fork the origin remote.
  • cd cloudstack-www
  • Add the official repo as the upstream remote: git remote add upstream

Sync Local with Upstream

git checkout main
git fetch upstream
git pull upstream main

Commit Locally

Once you've made local changes and tested locally if you can, you may commit your changes as follows:

git add .
git commit -am "your commit message"
git push origin main

Create a PR

  • Confirm the changes appear correctly on your GitHub account.
  • Create a Pull Request against main on the repository.

COMMITTER: Validate a PR Locally Note: The following instructions assume the <contributor> made their changes on their main branch.

# validate contributor changes
cd /tmp
git clone<contributor>/cloudstack-www.git
cd cloudstack-www
git checkout main
yarn install
yarn build
# visually validate changes at: http://localhost:[3000|port number]

COMMITTER: Merge & Deploy

Once a PR is merged into main branch using GitHub UI, the changes are made live by a GitHub Actions based automation workflow.