Apache Ambari Metrics is a sub project of Apache Ambari.

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  1. 70d1f6b AMBARI-26020: upgrade Ambari Metrics to python3 (#126) by jialiang · 4 weeks ago master
  2. 37dcdb0 AMBARI-25998: Host uuid is not getting synced to other collectors, causing NPE while accessing metric (#124) by Mohammad Arshad · 7 months ago
  3. a565e2a AMBARI-25995: Resolve mutate related graphs for hbase & ams-hbase (#123) by Sandeep Kumar · 9 months ago
  4. 2c9e5e5 AMBARI-25984: Ambari metrics summary API missing daily aggregator info (#122) by Mohammad Arshad · 9 months ago
  5. 4bf5b28 AMBARI-25963: Metrics metadata sync problem, accessing metrics which got created though other collector throws NPE (#119) by Mohammad Arshad · 10 months ago

Apache Ambari Metrics

Apache Ambari subproject

Build Status license

Ambari Metrics System (“AMS”) is a system for collecting, aggregating, serving and visualizing daemon and system metrics in Ambari-managed clusters.

The original JIRA Epic for Ambari Metrics System can be found here: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AMBARI-5707 First official release of AMS was with Ambari 2.0.0. With metrics repro split, the aim is to be able to release the sub-project with separate cadence than Ambari.

Metrics CollectorThe standalone server that collects metrics, aggregates metrics, serves metrics from the Hadoop service sinks and the Metrics Monitor.
Metrics MonitorInstalled on each host in the cluster to collect system-level metrics and forward to the Metrics Collector.
Metrics Hadoop SinksPlug-ins into the various Hadoop components sinks to send Hadoop metrics to the Metrics Collector.

The Metrics Collector is daemon that receives data from registered publishers (the Monitors and Sinks). The Collector itself is build using Hadoop technologies such as HBase Phoenix and ATS. The Collector can store data on the local filesystem (referred to as “embedded mode”) or use an external HDFS (referred to as “distributed mode”). It is a fully distributed collection and aggregation system starting from 2.7.0

Please refer to the wiki for more detailed info: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AMBARI/Metrics