Apache Airavata Cerebrum

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  1. 0aec9bf Merge pull request #12 from srirampc/main by Dimuthu Wannipurage · 8 weeks ago main
  2. 8b60d02 Merge branch 'apache:main' into main by Sriram P C · 8 weeks ago
  3. aa285d2 Added functionality to compute layer-specific ratios by Sriram P C · 8 weeks ago
  4. d41d5c3 Merge pull request #11 from srirampc/main by Dimuthu Wannipurage · 9 weeks ago
  5. 26ed807 update requirements with scanpy, anndata etc. by Sriram P C · 10 weeks ago

Apache Airavata Cerebrum, an Integrated Neuroscience Computational Framework


Welcome to the Apache Airavata Cerebrum repository for the Integrated Neuroscience Computational Framework. This project aims to revolutionize how we understand and model the human brain by integrating cellular-level brain atlases with advanced computational tools. Our goal is to create a cohesive, open-source framework that allows for the seamless application of existing tools within a streamlined, lightweight environment.


  • Integration of Brain Atlases: Merging publicly available cellular-level brain atlases into a single, accessible platform.
  • Comprehensive Modeling Tools: Incorporating computational tools designed for modeling the entire brain.
  • Open-Source Framework: Developing a user-friendly, open-source environment for neuroscience research.
  • Streamlined Environment: Ensuring a lightweight, efficient framework for both beginners and advanced users.