tree: 6650de1bf06d9c7ef9e1d47ab1868fa475feda54 [path history] [tgz]
  1. .github/
  2. .mvn/
  3. alluxio/
  4. angular/
  5. bigquery/
  6. bin/
  7. build-tools/
  8. cassandra/
  9. conf/
  10. dev/
  11. docs/
  12. elasticsearch/
  13. examples/
  14. file/
  15. flink/
  16. flink-cmd/
  17. groovy/
  18. hbase/
  19. helium-dev/
  20. influxdb/
  21. java/
  22. jdbc/
  23. k8s/
  24. kotlin/
  25. licenses/
  26. livy/
  27. markdown/
  28. mongodb/
  29. neo4j/
  30. notebook/
  31. python/
  32. rlang/
  33. scripts/
  34. shell/
  35. spark/
  36. spark-submit/
  37. sparql/
  38. submarine/
  39. testing/
  40. zeppelin-client/
  41. zeppelin-client-examples/
  42. zeppelin-common/
  43. zeppelin-display/
  44. zeppelin-distribution/
  45. zeppelin-examples/
  46. zeppelin-integration/
  47. zeppelin-interpreter/
  48. zeppelin-interpreter-integration/
  49. zeppelin-interpreter-parent/
  50. zeppelin-interpreter-shaded/
  51. zeppelin-jupyter/
  52. zeppelin-jupyter-interpreter/
  53. zeppelin-jupyter-interpreter-shaded/
  54. zeppelin-plugins/
  55. zeppelin-server/
  56. zeppelin-web/
  57. zeppelin-web-angular/
  58. zeppelin-zengine/
  59. .appveyor.yml
  60. .asf.yaml
  61. .gitattributes
  62. .gitignore
  63. Dockerfile
  65. mvnw
  66. mvnw.cmd
  67. NOTICE
  68. pom.xml

Apache Zeppelin

Documentation: User Guide
Mailing Lists: User and Dev mailing list
Continuous Integration: core frontend rat
Contributing: Contribution Guide
Issue Tracker: Jira
License: Apache 2.0

Zeppelin, a web-based notebook that enables interactive data analytics. You can make beautiful data-driven, interactive and collaborative documents with SQL, Scala and more.

Core features:

  • Web based notebook style editor.
  • Built-in Apache Spark support

To know more about Zeppelin, visit our web site

Getting Started

Install binary package

Please go to install to install Apache Zeppelin from binary package.

Build from source

Please check Build from source to build Zeppelin from source.